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If the world was destroyed by a flood why do we have intact ice caps? Ice floats in water. If the earth were covered in water the ice would have been carried off and crumbled and/or melted. These ice sheets show hundreds of thousands of yearly layers so they can`t have grown back. I know there will be answers along the lines of 'only a local area was flooded' but if god knew this to be the case, why get Noah to put two of each animal on the ark? The animals would have survived in areas not affected by the flood.

How did Noah build a boat made of wood, about the same size as the titanic? Gen 6:14,15 No wooden boat has ever even approached this size and found to be practical, in fact the closesed mankind has ever come to this size in a wooden vessel was the USS Wyoming in 1859, it was about half the size of the ark and still re-enforced with iron straps, it took on so much water due to buckling it had to hug the coast and be consantly pumped, how was the ark able to weather a storm?

2006-10-08 03:02:46 · 14 answers · asked by LenV 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

To 'vicsikix', I have had a read of your web referance, I would like to know several things, First provide for me the names of 10 qualified geologists, not asscociated with christian organisations like ICR (to aviod bias) who seriously believe a literal global flood occured at any time in history. Second explian how it is possible that a single old man could construct such a vessel when thousands of able bodied, well equiped, young workers would take two years to build a steel ship of similar size, and third how can a wooden vessel of the size of the ark have the structural integrity to withstand a storm and not disintergrate? (remember the USS Wyoming?)

2006-10-08 03:24:14 · update #1

To ALL, please READ the question and answer it PROPERLY. Please no claims like the salt on the pyrimids thing, without a scource.

2006-10-08 03:28:52 · update #2

To 'Thomasnotdoubting' I do search for truth, otherwise I would not have asked the question. Maybe instead of trying to fit evidence to a predetermined 'truth' you could make a finding based on evidence, it works suprisingly well, it`s called the scientific method.

2006-10-08 03:35:21 · update #3

14 answers

I love watching deluded morons trying to justify and rationalize impossible myths and fantasies. At the same time, though, it is appalling to realize just how pathetically stupid and gullible the average American actually is. This is really no different than watching people try to convince someone that Harry Potter books are actually 'true'. Well... on second thought, its a little different, I guess... at least the Harry Potter books are interesting and entertaining.

2006-10-08 03:42:48 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

There are actually some excellent points so far. Like the fact that in areas where there were/are ice caps, it would have snowed, not rained.
That Noah was able to build a "boat" that could withstand the waters is not surprising. Consider the fact that many buildings that were built even before Christ are still standing. They have withstood earthquakes, wars (like the Porta Nigra in Trier, Germany. It was built around 132 AD, and is still standing today.), and many other natural and unnatural disasters.
Our current architects are unable to manufacture buildings that could stand up so well to the test of time. Think about it: A brick mansion built in the 18th century can catch on fire, and still survive it. A house built 30 years ago would burn to the ground. Why do you think that is?
Noah did have help building the ark from his sons. AND it took him a long time to build it. Once, it took hundreds of years to build something, for example the castles built before the 15th century. Now, our buildings go up in a matter of a couple years, or a few months. Yet another reason why ancient architecture is superior: It took TIME to build things, so they made sure it was done right!
The entire world WAS flooded. People all over the world know this to be true. Nearly every single ancient civilization has similar stories. How did Noah gather the animals? Well, that is a mystery. I wasn't there, I don't know. All we can do is speculate. I imagine the collection took months.
Of course, since then there has been micro-evolution (within species), so I'm sure that there weren't as many species of certain animals at the time. Besides, he didn't have to gather ADULT pairs, did he? It would actually be smarter to gather young pairs instead. They're smaller, and would be easier to tame.
The fossil record actually supports the theory of a flood. There have been studies among scientists, and one of the things they've never understood is how certain species seemed to exist for eons, and then all were suddenly wiped out around the same time.
What I take this to mean is that Noah did NOT collect two of every single specimen. There were some that were not conducive to the future who were left behind. Survival of the fittest?
I would post sources, but I believe these are things that are in nearly ALL architecture journals, as well as science textbooks. This is common knowledge.
I don't know about the salt deposits found at the pyramids, but I do know that in archaeological and geological digs, they have found evidence in many different countries that there was, at one time, a worldwide flood.
Also, keep in mind the theory that at one point, all countries were connected. They may have been, and drifted apart later. It's possible that either the flood and/or earthquakes caused this.

2006-10-08 03:51:45 · answer #2 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 0 1

Im being a christian for a moment. here is my christian answer
Well the book of Enoch says that the angels made the ark. So that fixes that one up. Whats next. The ice caps is the water that flooded the earth. With the earth covered in water who knows what effects that had on the earth, scientist cannot understand time Past the flood like looking past the so called 'Big Bang'Noah needed the animals so as to repopulate the earth. To everything else, God can perform miracles when He has to. Stop taking it out of context. Keep your eyese fixed on Jesus and all will be answered

well I think christians will agree I done pretty good there.

2006-10-08 03:11:51 · answer #3 · answered by CJunk 4 · 1 2

There is a record of a flood in the Middle East a few thousand years ago. Some people also speculated the Flood is caused by the melting of ice from the last ice age.

I, for one, never took the story very seriously.

2006-10-08 03:08:45 · answer #4 · answered by Forward 6 · 0 1

There were no christians at the time of the flood, they didn't show up until about 2000 years ago.

2016-03-18 06:30:45 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is a good chance it was a localized flood, maybe just covering lower Europe and upper Africa.
As far as the Ark goes people built things better back then, that's why things from then still exist today.
I don't know how he would have gotten so many animals.

Archaeologist found salt deposits in the great pyramid that proved the world did flood.

2006-10-08 03:11:05 · answer #6 · answered by Sean 7 · 1 2

Consider how God exercised foreknowledge in the days of Noah. Because of the widespread badness that had filled the earth, God determined to bring an end to disobedient humankind. He set a time when he would do this, 120 years into the future. (Genesis 6:3) In setting that specific period, God took into consideration more than the destruction of the wicked, something that he could do at any time. God's timetable also provided for the preservation of the righteous. (Compare Genesis 5:29.) In his wisdom, God foreknew when to assign the work that would lead to that end. He gave sufficiently detailed information to Noah. Noah was to build an ark “for the saving of his household,” and the wicked were to be destroyed by a global deluge.—Hebrews 11:7; Genesis 6:13, 14, 18, 19.
Consider this assignment from Noah’s viewpoint. Because Noah was a man of God, he knew that God could destroy the wicked. Before that would happen, however, there was work to be done—a work that required faith. The construction of the ark would be a colossal project. God had specified its dimensions. The ark would be longer than some modern-day sports fields and as high as a five-story building. (Genesis 6:15) The builders would be inexperienced and few. They would not have the sophisticated tools and equipment available today. Moreover, since he did not have God’s ability to foreknow the future, Noah had no way of knowing what situations would develop over the years that might either help or hinder the building project. Noah likely pondered many questions. How would the building materials be accumulated? How would he gather the animals? What food would be needed and how much? When, exactly, would the foretold Deluge occur?
Then there were the social conditions. Wickedness abounded. The mighty Nephilim—the hybrid offspring of wicked angels and women—filled the earth with violence. (Genesis 6:1-4, 13) Furthermore, ark building would not be a project that could be carried out in secret. People would wonder what Noah was doing, and he would tell them. (2 Peter 2:5) Could they be expected to approve? Hardly
Not only was Noah to proclaim a similarly unpopular message but he was also to build an ark. As that ark was being constructed, it would serve as a powerful reminder of Noah’s faithfulness in the face of all the wicked people living around him.
Noah knew that the project had the backing and blessing of Almighty God. Had not God himself assigned the work? God had assured Noah that he and his family would enter a completed ark and be preserved alive through the global Flood. God even underscored the certainty of that with a solemn agreement. (Genesis 6:18, 19) Likely, Noah recognized that God both anticipated and evaluated all that was involved before making the assignment. Moreover, Noah knew that God had the power to step in to help him when needed. So Noah’s faith moved him to action.
As the years passed and the ark took shape, Noah’s faith was fortified. Construction and logistic problems were resolved. Trials were overcome. No opposition could halt the work. Noah’s family experienced God’s support and protection. As Noah pressed on, ‘the tested quality of his faith worked out endurance.’ (James 1:2-4) Eventually, the ark was completed, the Flood came, and Noah and his family survived. Noah experienced the fulfillment of God’s promises. Noah’s faith was rewarded.
If God created our awesome universe and all things in it, could he not have provided assistance to Noah, to insure that his purpose would be fulfilled? We must have faith, as Noah did and this Scripture helps to remind us of God's power-- Matthew 19:26: "But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible."

2006-10-08 03:51:44 · answer #7 · answered by Micah 6 · 1 1

Before the flood the world was one constant temperature, about 72 - 78 deg. so there could not have been an ice cap. In one season multiple 'lines' can be laid down.
We as a race have lost more knowledge then we have gained in the last 100 years. Noah was a master carpenter, our master carpenters of today are but rank armatures in comparison. His ability and knowledge came from God. Remember it was 'pitched' outside and inside, that helps to keep the water out. Also, tight jointing, and he used whole trees, not planks.

2006-10-08 03:16:00 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

There was a world flood. Just take a look at the folklore and myths of other regions across the globe. Even the Mayans and Inca's traditions talk of the flood.

2006-10-08 03:24:06 · answer #9 · answered by nubins 2 · 1 2

Untill the flood that destroyed the world, there was never rain before that, It was only dew that came from the ground.

2006-10-08 03:14:20 · answer #10 · answered by theladylooking 4 · 0 2

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