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I have two very large female dogs who have started to fight so badly they have to be kept completly apart.The situation is now so bad one of them is going to have to go if if a answer is,nt found soon ,any answers greatly appreciated

2006-10-08 01:45:17 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

14 answers

Although neutering male dogs can sometimes help prevent fighting, spaying females seldom has the same effect. Your problem is far from hopeless, though, and giving up one of the dogs doesn't have to be an option.

Dogs fight for many reasons and the most common, especially between dogs of the same sex, is a dispute over their status in the family "pack". Dogs were designed by nature to run in packs with a clearly defined order of authority from the top dog on down. As long as everyone knows his or her place and follows orders, life is usually peaceful.

With most dog packs, it's easy to see who's boss and how the rest of the dogs fit within the order. Watch your dogs interact - which one takes the best toy, goes out the door first, gets to eat first and takes the best sleeping place? This is the "alpha" dog, the leader of the canine pack. The alpha dog achieves his (or her) rank by being smarter, stronger or sometimes just more domineering than the rest. Some dogs are born leaders, others fall into the alpha role because no one else wants the job. Most dogs don't mind holding a subordinate position and seldom challenge the alpha dog's authority.

Trouble starts when a lower ranking dog tries to move up the pack ladder or "forgets" his place. This can be a young dog entering his adolescent (teenaged) stage or a subordinate pack member that senses the alpha dog is getting older, weaker or losing his authority.

The alpha makes and enforces the rules. Alpha dogs enforce their authority by the use of stern eye contact, growling, dominant body postures and if that fails, biting and fighting. If you watch your dogs closely, you'll see examples of this eye contact and posture in their daily activities.

Your dog's "pack" includes his human family as well as the other dogs in the household. You are alpha in this pack. You have the right to make the rules and it's up to you to enforce them. Hopefully, your dogs recognize your alpha status and you've reinforced it through training and discipline. As alpha, you have every right to make and enforce this rule: "There shall be no fighting!"

It's always easier and safer to prevent a fight than to try to stop one that's already in progress. Very few fights start without reason even if that reason is only clear to the dogs. If you pay close attention to your dogs, you'll be able to see the beginnings of an argument - a dirty look, a low growl, a shove - and be able to nip it in the bud. When you see one of your dogs "talking trash" to the other, correct her in a firm, deep, sinister voice: "That's enough!" or "Leave it!". If you enter the scene late and don't know who started it, scold them both.

If you catch them while they're still thinking about arguing, you'll be that much more effective. If your dogs are a little more serious and aren't responding to your verbal corrections, you can leave short leads on them so you can give them leash corrections. Don't be afraid to sound tough; you want them to understand that this behavior will not be allowed - period. Make it clear that if they want to fight, they're going to have to fight with you first!

If your dogs are fighting when you're not home, it's safest to keep them separated at those times. Most fights, though, occur in the presence of the owner and are a result of competition over attention, food, toys and of course, pack status. You can help prevent these disagreements by recognizing the highest ranking dog in your pack and favoring it with your attention. This is the dog you should pet first, feed first and let out the door first. Giving alpha dog privileges to a lower ranking dog, even if it might be your personal favorite, confuses the others and can lead to fighting. All the dogs will be more secure and comfortable with each other when they're clear on where they stand within the pack.

There are some dogs that just aren't going to get along no matter what. Some breeds are less sociable than others and some are known for fighting. In these cases, a permanent separation may be the best answer. This doesn't mean you have to get rid of one of the dogs. Those of us who keep multiple dogs including ones that don't get along are familiar with a system we jokingly call "musical dogs". One dog spends part of the day with the family while the other dog is crated, outside in the yard or in another part of the house. Partway through the day (or at any interval you want), you switch them. It's not as cozy as having all the dogs together but can be a very workable solution.

Obedience training for all dogs in the pack is highly recommended. If your dogs have already been through a class and understand commands, practice with them on a daily basis. A long "down" is great for cooling the heels of a rambunctious younger dog. Another good drill is to put all your dogs on a "sit/stay", then call each one to you individually for attention or a treat - the alpha dog first, of course!

i have just searched for some help reguarding your problem and i found this, it could be very helpful to you, well i hope so

2006-10-08 02:12:02 · answer #1 · answered by ♥fluffykins_69♥ 5 · 1 0

Unfortunately a b!tch fight is far more of a problem than a dog fight. Sometimes two females will work it out, but often they don't and separation becomes the logical option.
Where the real problem lies is in a dog (males) fight the moment one says "enough" the other will stop the aggression. This is not true in a b!tch fight, often one will keep going until the other can't get up off the ground. So ALWAYS be very careful around two females that are fighting, because it can become possible that you will become the one that can't get up off the ground.

2006-10-08 02:39:40 · answer #2 · answered by tom l 6 · 1 0

I had the same problem with 2 large females who were raised together. They got along fine then one night one of them attacked the other one out of the blue it sent my husband to the hospital and both dogs to the ER. We kept them separated but unfortunately one managed to get out the door and attack the other again and back to the vet we went. We were successful at keeping them apart after that however every time one saw the other through the fence while the other was on the leash they tried to go through the 7 ft fence. It got to be a really scary thing to live with because the next time it happen they were gonna kill each other or worse yet hurt someone else. And after $5000.00 in vet bills it wasn't worth the risk or the stress to them or us anymore so we ended up giving one to a friend and both the Lady's calmed down alot and are much happier now. I wish you all the luck.

2006-10-08 02:14:59 · answer #3 · answered by wolfds650 2 · 2 0

Get them both neutered. It will stop all the nasty hormones that are roaming around their bodies making them vicious.

Also, when they fight, dont stop the air supply to one of them like someone suggested, try lifting the attacking dogs back legs off the floor slightly. The dog will loose her sences and stop attacking

2006-10-08 03:06:09 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I really sympathise with you, I have been in your position,
its awful to watch and you feel helpless.. However, if they
are in a fight, you have to try to stop the air suppy to one
or both, not easy and often painfull, in my experience a
bucket of water does not work !! The only answer is
to have them spayed, if they already are...then you have
no alternative but to get rid of one....I am so sorry, I hope
you resolve this

2006-10-08 02:44:01 · answer #5 · answered by landgirl60 4 · 1 0

Are they sterilized? Is one in heat? How old are they? What breed are they? Are they related? A lot of things can come into account when keeping two females.

How you have reared and trained them, any of the above, it is not a straight out answer.

You need to edit with more info for a more resonable response.

2006-10-08 02:16:40 · answer #6 · answered by lucas 5 · 0 1

unfortunately when its two females you will never be able to trust them together as they hold grudges for ever and will attack each other every time one comes into season or is pregnant or any little thing that upsets one of them..the only solution is to re home one and tell the new owners why...so it doesn't happen again...

2006-10-08 02:11:35 · answer #7 · answered by madison 3 · 0 0

I had the same problem, I would throw a glass of cold water on them when they started to fight.a garden hose works fine. The water will not hurt your dogs good luck ,
.This worked for me.

2006-10-08 02:18:23 · answer #8 · answered by GODIVA G 1 · 2 0

you'll have to rehome one as females will fight to kill so you won't be able to place them together again with out it breaking into a full blown fight to the end!

2006-10-08 23:57:53 · answer #9 · answered by tulazuta 1 · 0 0

Hit them both with a shovel,and say no more fighting,thats when they have woken up of course

2006-10-08 03:44:13 · answer #10 · answered by taxed till i die,and then some. 7 · 0 2

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