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Would you treat someone differently if you found out they were on medication for depression and anxiety, but had been trying to keep it hidden?

Some people I work with have recently found out that I'm on antidepressants and that I have a problem with self harm. I had wanted to keep this hidden from everyone. I've been off work for the past 3 weeks, since people found out, and I'm due to start back tomorrow and I'm worried that they will treat me differently and think badly of me.

2006-10-08 01:33:04 · 35 answers · asked by Jen 5 in Health Other - Health

35 answers

About 10 years ago, stats showed that more than 30 million people were taking anti-depressants. Many were smiling and walking around on Prozac. Today it's acceptable because of life's pressure of paying bills and raising a family. If you are overly concerned about people knowing, I think you might look into taking different medication. Obviously the one you're taking is not to effective. Consult your doctor and tell he doctor how you are feeling. A change in medication might be in order.

2006-10-08 01:45:04 · answer #1 · answered by mac 7 · 0 0

I was on Ritalin and Prozac when I was working or applying for a job. I did not tell employers. I did not volunteer information to colleagues. But I did truthfully answer any direct questions. Many did know, and it didn't make a blind bit of difference.

I also went off for a few weeks (not to anywhere, just away from pressure), and felt quite scared about returning. Handle it with a laugh, take a few jokes, but make sure everyone realises that you take it seriously.

Neither of my medications was to control violent behaviour, even if that violence is only inward. I think you should explain only when asked directly, and challenge anyones strange behaviour as if this did not exist. If it is not an issue for you, it will be less of an issue for everyone else.
You may have more difficulty, some people view self-harm as strange and dangerous. Most of us know however, that while it must be taken seriously in every case, it is more common and less creepy than portrayed in the media.

2006-10-08 01:53:46 · answer #2 · answered by Simon D 5 · 1 0

I was on Anti-depressants for depression and self harm as well.
I kept it hidden because i didn't want to be treated like i was crazy when really i just needed help, but it did come out and everyone new what had been going on and i found that yes i was treated differently but in a good way, people where very understanding and i think at the same time they felt bad that they didn't realise what i had been going through
I think you'll finds that your co-workers will be very understanding

hope that eases your mind a little
you'll be fine

2006-10-08 01:41:03 · answer #3 · answered by mea 2 · 1 0

It is amazing how they found out. With workers like that, you don't need enemies. They are probably going to treat you like you are some kind of nut case. It is none of their business but they will make it their business now only because they can. The only thing you can do now is tell them you were only joking, & leave it at that. Give them & inch & they will take a mile.
Don't ever volunteer any information that you don't want to come back & haunt you. When you go back, just tell them that you took some Benedryl & had a bad allergic reaction to it so they had to do some tests, as Benedryl causes heart problems in some individuals, my husband took it & slept for 3 days, making him feel awful, another lady at work took some & was off for a week, as it gave her heart palpa tations,end of story. Get off the drugs. Drugs will only mask the problem, not cure it. Get the book, Kevin Trudeau, "THINGS THEY don't want you to know" available at Amazon.com, or ebay, or some vitamin stores. [not GNC]
The doctors are fodder for the pharmeticual industry. If you don't get this book, your a fool.

2006-10-08 01:45:03 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think that by the time you read this you may have returned to work already, but I hope this helps anyway. I myself have recently returned to work after a long period of time off and I am also on antidepressants. I too was worried about peoples reactions to me as I felt that it was my fault that I was ill. However I had a meeting with my manager before I returned to work who told me that I could start back part time and build myself back up to my normal hours. I told him that I was worried about people wanting to come up to me and ask me questions as well and asked him to step in and come up with an excuse for me ie; have you done that report I asked you for, thereby giving me an excuse to stop talking. Another tip that my doctor told me was to turn the question around so that you are focusing on them instead. So if they ask how you are now, you could maybe have a practised answer such as much better thank you, and by the way where did you get that necklace? An easy change of subject. I am sure after a brief curiosity things will soon pass and my return to work wasn't as painful as I thought it would be. I also tried to tell myself that people weren't being nosey but that they were concerned. Good luck, I wish you well.

2006-10-09 00:46:16 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i think most people will be OK with it the same thing happened to me but saying that i think the reason i lost my job is because my boss found out that I'm a manic depressant and was going through a bad patch at the time and he said he'll have to let me go i can come bk when i have sorted my self out .... ha obviously he has no past experience with depression i have been signed off by my doc now for nearly a year i

back 2 u
tell them the basics they don't need to no ur business it personal i don't think they will think badly off u they may start handling u with kid gloves though which can be upsetting but just hold ur head up and get on with it they will soon wise up and see past that side of u

2006-10-08 01:49:20 · answer #6 · answered by carleighnaghten 2 · 0 0

they should treat you the same way as they did before they found out...some people are so ignorant...my sister has a mental illness, she does have episodes when she forgets to take her meds and her behaviour changes, but once this happens people tend to take a step back from her she has also self harmed, and we got her the best help we could, she too hid this from us for a long time which was really shocking for us when we found out, but we were all there for her and got her the help she needed, her so called friends deserted her, they thought she was a NUTTER...she is far from being that, she had something happen to her when she was 9 and did not tell anyone until a few years ago, this escalated which lead her to harm herself, people should educate themselves about those with mental problems and not prejudice....stay positive girl.....your not on your own....go back to work and try to stay focused on just that,

2006-10-08 01:47:05 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, if you are really worried about it, just announce it to everyone. That way, you wont feel like you have anything to hide. There is nothing wrong with being on Antidepressants, and if anyone gives you trouble, it's called harassment, and you boss is obligated to take care of it. They wont treat you differently or think badly of you. They might feel worried and tell you if you need help you can talk to them about it, but I'm sure if your boss knows about it, he/she has already briefed everyone to be sensitive in that area. But stop thinking that way, because most likely it's going to be more your imagination than anything. Good luck to you.

2006-10-08 01:41:39 · answer #8 · answered by Richard A 2 · 1 0

I wouldnt worry Badger.

The vast majority of people nowadays either have had problems with depression or know someone who has.

The thing with anxiety is you tend to worry about things that when you feel better you wouldnt give a second thought about.

So I say go to your work and just go about your normal routine,I doubt anyone would say anything bad to you,but some people may want to see if they can do anything for you.They are only trying to be nice so just take it in your stride.

Good luck

2006-10-08 01:40:57 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If you feel you can then be open about it as people will probably ask why you were off and ask if you are feeling better. Speak with your boss about how people are feeling and make sure that you make an appointment to speak with occupational health as well. Don't feel the need to rush back to work as you may push yourself back into the spiral of depression.

I went through something very similar recently and went back too soon and found too much pressure and people were staring at me like I had two heads but I got over it by showing them that I was good at my job :)

2006-10-08 01:38:06 · answer #10 · answered by Jez 5 · 1 0

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