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I am turning my 360 page into a forum for conservative political thought, and inviting all rational people with patriotic leanings to visit my site and cast their opinion on the issues.

Now that I have blatantly plugged my website, I have a legitimate question:

What are some of the more pressing issues of our time which we should all unite on? Is there a way we can stop bickering and all rush Congress to get some decent legislation passed? Progress is only a few hundred thousand telephone calls and emails away, after all.

Conservatives, what are your core issues that we must work on?

Libs, dems, (if you're listening) what are yours?

Blatant link to my blog:

Still in preliminary stages. All opinions welcome, even you whacko libs can take a few shots at me!

2006-10-08 01:04:18 · 12 answers · asked by askthepizzaguy 4 in Politics & Government Civic Participation


Good question, almost.
I am staunchly conservative, yet I do believe that there are issues that both sides need to come together on. That doesn't mean I am going to start smoking pot and worshipping Stalin. I'm still a conservative.

Most of my abuse towards liberals is tongue-in-cheek. I figure most of them are smart and funny enough to take a joke. I could be wrong though.

Isn't anyone finding the back and forth between the two sides at least mildly amusing?

2006-10-08 01:11:14 · update #1


Um, everyone is biased, proud. If you have an opinion at all, you are biased.

You act as if no one has ever had an opinion before!

2006-10-08 01:12:50 · update #2

excellent answer lost and confused. It's largely overlooked. Kudos.

2006-10-08 01:13:31 · update #3

Jesus proud2b...

You really need to take that stick out of your butt. Every line of your message is seething with hatred, and you accuse me of being the one who refuses to bring people together.

You're exactly like those Muslim extremists overseas who will actually kill someone for drawing an offensive cartoon. What's worse is that you think you can silence my freedom of speech by acting all high and mighty and at the same time being an apologist for bloodthirsty killers.

Welcome to America, bud. I am free to say what I want. And by the way, your liberal buddies on this forum have said a LOT worse than I have about their opposition. Accusing the government of organizing the 9-11 conspiracy, accusing GW Bush of being a mass murderer, accusing Dick Cheney of starting a war for oil and weapons money, accusing Condi of being a "race traitor", whatever that means (I guess it means she is not allowed to disagree with people like you)....

You're the biggest hypocrite of them all.

2006-10-08 16:46:50 · update #4

At least when I insult liberals, I do it tongue in cheek, usually in a funny manner, and I make it explicitly clear that I am doing so for humorous purposes.

Most liberals have a sense of humor, unlike you.

You act as if I have desecrated the grave of your family and raped your children. Let me tell you something about tolerance, my friend. Tolerance is watching the US government fund a piece of artwork depicting the Virgin Mary covered in pornographic pictures and elephant dung, and an exhibit at a museum for a jar of urine with Christ on a cross dunked inside, and this thing is called "art". Tolerance is seeing that exhibit and not beating the hell out of the "artist" for clearly insulting and desecrating the savior over a billion people.

You get offended because I jokingly refer to liberals in less than polite terms just to get their goat, after they have insulted all conservatives, and yet I still attempt to have a dialogue with them.

What have you done for the USA?

2006-10-08 16:52:54 · update #5

You're a blind, ignorant, and hateful person.

You never even gave me a fair shake. You condemned me for even attempting to reach out to the opposition. You condemned me for trying to tolerate people like you. You condemned me for doing something which you are apparently incapable of doing, which is to try and unite people.

You're a sad, empty shell of a person, and you have my pity.

Perhaps one day, when you have grown weary of your seething anger and hatred, and you have finally learned how to take a joke, as MOST of your liberal friends have, perhaps then you can join us in the civilized discussion as to how to unite this country.

Until then, I forgive you.

2006-10-08 16:55:53 · update #6

12 answers

I think this is a stunningly great question. Seriously. There really should be things that transcend partisanship and ideology; and I'm glad you asked.

While there are many issues that may divide us, the one great issue that unites us is "Alternative Energy Sources." In the 1950s, Dr. M. King Hubbert published what has come to be known as the "Hubbert Peak." (Website Given). This peak accurately predicted the US oil production peak in the 70s and according to some estimates, world peaks between 1999 and 2045.

It's in all of our interests to increase research into alternative energies. Whether you are Conservative or Liberal, Democrat or Republican, common sense tells you that petrolium can't last forever, and yet our economies are totally dependent on it.

Unfortunately everything in politics runs on the short term electoral cycle. Politicians of all stripes can only see as far the next election, and thus, problems that may manifest themselves 20 or 30 years in the future have no constituency, and thus no voice. But things don't just happen on their own. We have to plan for this, and the planning must begin now. All of us can agree that we want a future for ourselves and our kids, right? But futures must be carefully researched and thouhgt out -- not allowed to happen ad hoc.

Right now, the Congress (both parties) has its head in the sand, and we need to tell them to pull it out. Pronto.

Thanks again for a timely and intelligent question.


2006-10-08 04:15:01 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I was actually up all night thinking of the one thing that seems to me to be the root cause of ALL of America's problems, the breakdown of the family unit. I was watching news last night and the anchorperson was trying to figure out what had gone wrong in all the latest school homicides, and if "the system" is letting down our youth. Why do we need to blame everything that happens on " the system"? Don't parents have to take any responsibility for their children's actions anymore? Why would it be the government's fault if the parents don't care what the child does( good or bad) and when something horrific happens it seems they are the first one to blame everyone/ everything else, but themselves? Do you know any teachers? Ask them what they think. I know a few teachers and so much responsibility is placed on their shoulders for their kids. One teacher once said to me, the parents don't care about these kids I feel like I'm babysitting more now than teaching. Can something be done about this? Maybe "the system" could put the responsibility back on the parents by tougher penalties when your child breaks the law ( and not for the child)!

2006-10-08 01:25:45 · answer #2 · answered by lkjsigns1 2 · 1 0

Close the border before South America's problems like low wages become our problem.
Close the border before our hospitals become overwhelmed or bankrupt.
Close the border before another criminal, child molester, murderer, terrorist gets in to our country.
Close the border before we need to raise our taxes to pay for all of these additional people.
Close the border so we won't need to increase the size of government to handle these additional people.
Close the border so our children can continue learning in English in school and not be forced to learn in both Spanish and English due to the amount of Spanish speaking kids in the classroom.
Close the border before the Legal Americans vote no longer matters.
Close the border before our prisons fill with foreigners.
Close the border before our Police are protecting more foreigners than citizens.
Close the border before we are ALL called racist for wanting our border closed.
Close the border so our politicans will focus on what American's need and not what the illegal immigrants need.
Close the border so we can handle all of the HB-1 Visa's and all Visa's that help America's companies.
Close the border so the "American Culture" can survive.
Close the border so "The American Dream" can survive.
Close the border because every country on this Earth has a closed border.

2006-10-08 01:36:07 · answer #3 · answered by alancl1 3 · 2 0

Issues to be addressed by conservatives. 1) We need to unite on a plan to properly defend both secularist, and faith based people. I am a Christian, and I am tired of the ACLU attacking every harmless expression of my faith. I do not think that anyone should be forced to worship, but at the same time we can not tolerate groups that would persecute someone because of his or her faith. 2) Intelligent Design in the public school system. This is not an endorsment of anyone one faith, but the simple acknowledgement that Creation is an absolute possibility. Evolution has overstepped it's bounds into supposed fact, and is being taught. And when it portraits the beginning of life on Earth, it is a religion. Enough said.

Maybe we can come together on this. If evolution can be taught, then so can Intelligent Design.

2006-10-08 01:25:32 · answer #4 · answered by Deacon 2 · 2 1

what is this garbage i always hear from conservatives: "its unpatriotic to question our president in wartime."?
that is just ridiculous. america has been perpetually at war since it was founded, so i think that line of thinking is just a way to silence all dissent.
you have to remember that we have freedom of speech, all the time, good times and bad. the sedition act was one law that just went too far in taking away civil liberties, and luckily it is rarely enforced these days.
it is actually very patriotic to question our elected officials, especially during war. remember, we, the people, are the most important of all the checks and balances placed on the government.
dissent is always healthy for america, without it we would live under tyranny.

and one more thing: conservatives do not help their cause when they ask insulting questions like, "are all liberals schizophrenic?" im referring to a line of questions asked on this site last night.

2006-10-08 03:02:48 · answer #5 · answered by slippie 4 · 2 0

I am Conservative on many issues, but, I do not call myself a Republican. Your question brings up the bias, and does nothing to bring people together. We all want the same thing, the issues arise on how to do it. One side thinks the "Rich" owes society their money, the other believes that the "Rich" drive the society with their money. Simple solution is a "flat Tax" society with no deductions and no IRS. that would save our country "Trillions of dollars." Seems simple, but, Lobbyists stop it and no one in Congress has the guts to push it. This is just one example on how both sides want the same thing, balanced budget and grow the economy, but don't have political savvy to do it.

2006-10-08 01:22:35 · answer #6 · answered by meathead 5 · 1 0

Like the blog. School choice is one I would like to see movement on. Education is the key to escaping poverty. I would also like to see more financial aid for college. I think that every teen who's family is below poverty level should get college or trade school paid for for the first two years (associates degree). The current financial aid system is very confusing and you don't know for sure if you can pay for classes until after you have jumped through many hoops and classes are almost ready to start. Sometimes people have to drop out because of lack of money. I don't know a single college graduate who is in poverty. just my 2 cents.

2006-10-08 03:52:23 · answer #7 · answered by cashcobra_99 5 · 2 0

1st the Russian paper provides extra certainty than the long island cases. The Obama czars are making regulations that congress isn't examining. The own loan bail out is becoming a hoax. people who desire the bailout are being refused after months of leaping by using hoops. One individual suggested the make to plenty money a sprint over 30,000 the different suggested he made to little money 20,000. Seniors are being refused additionally, i do no longer blame agencies because of the fact right this moment they might't do something that has ties to government money without the governments permission.

2016-10-02 01:59:58 · answer #8 · answered by oberlander 4 · 0 0

Try the areas from the South, that are poor, the cost of living is zero, because there is so much poverty, and the religious advocates who keep supporting a person who doesn't care about them!

2006-10-08 03:42:31 · answer #9 · answered by manyolito 2 · 1 1

Autism is a growing problem in the US, how does that compare to the rest of the world and will it be a growing problem in our near future?

2006-10-08 01:07:54 · answer #10 · answered by lost&confused 5 · 1 0

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