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What is pure Existence? Do we actually Exist? What is the absolute Perception? Who is the actual Perceiver??
Some Scholars says that.
You have enclosed yourself in time and space, squeezed yourself into the span of a lifetime and the volume of a body and this created the innumerable conflicts of life and death, pleasure and pain, hope and fear. You are pure awareness, bodiless and mindless, spaceless and timeless, beyond 'where' and 'when' and 'how'. Stay on it. Discover realize reality. The false dissolves when it is discovered. All hangs on the idea 'I am'. Examine it very thoroughly. It lies at the root of every trouble. It is a sort of skin that separates you from the reality.
When you look at anything, it is the ultimate you see, but you will imagine that you see a cloud or a tree. Look without imagination, listen without distortion: that is all. Stop attributing names and shapes to the essentially subjective and formless, realize that every mode of perception is subjective, that what is seen or heard, touched or smelt, felt or thought, expected or imagined, is in the mind and not in reality.

2006-10-08 00:37:24 · 16 answers · asked by La_Vish 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

Our consciousness is Truth and Absolute Consciousness is absolute Truth

The Universe is not fake as called by many Mayavadis

Universe is a manifestation of the Absolute Truth...to hide HIS sparks behind veil of matter and find itself again...all is for his bliss

2006-10-08 02:20:39 · answer #1 · answered by ۞Aum۞ 7 · 0 0

Truth, a concept in philosophy that treats both the meaning of the word true and the criteria by which we judge the truth or falsity in spoken and written statements. Philosophers have attempted to answer the question “What is truth?” for thousands of years. The four main theories they have proposed to answer this question are the correspondence, pragmatic, coherence, and deflationary theories of truth.

One of the earliest versions of the correspondence theory was put forward in the 4th century bc by the Greek philosopher Plato, who sought to understand the meaning of knowledge and how it is acquired. Plato wished to distinguish between true belief and false belief. He proposed a theory based on intuitive recognition that true statements correspond to the facts—that is, agree with reality—while false statements do not. In Plato’s example, the sentence “Theaetetus flies” can be true only if the world contains the fact that Theaetetus flies. However, Plato—and much later, 20th-century British philosopher Bertrand Russell—recognized this theory as unsatisfactory because it did not allow for false belief. Both Plato and Russell reasoned that if a belief is false because there is no fact to which it corresponds, it would then be a belief about nothing and so not a belief at all. Each then speculated that the grammar of a sentence could offer a way around this problem. A sentence can be about something (the person Theaetetus), yet false (flying is not true of Theaetetus). But how, they asked, are the parts of a sentence related to reality? One suggestion, proposed by 20th-century philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, is that the parts of a sentence relate to the objects they describe in much the same way that the parts of a picture relate to the objects pictured. Once again, however, false sentences pose a problem: If a false sentence pictures nothing, there can be no meaning in the sentence.

In the late 19th-century American philosopher Charles S. Peirce offered another answer to the question “What is truth?” He asserted that truth is that which experts will agree upon when their investigations are final. Many pragmatists such as Peirce claim that the truth of our ideas must be tested through practice. Some pragmatists have gone so far as to question the usefulness of the idea of truth, arguing that in evaluating our beliefs we should rather pay attention to the consequences that our beliefs may have. However, critics of the pragmatic theory are concerned that we would have no knowledge because we do not know which set of beliefs will ultimately be agreed upon; nor are there sets of beliefs that are useful in every context.

A third theory of truth, the coherence theory, also concerns the meaning of knowledge. Coherence theorists have claimed that a set of beliefs is true if the beliefs are comprehensive—that is, they cover everything—and do not contradict each other.

Other philosophers dismiss the question “What is truth?” with the observation that attaching the claim “it is true that” to a sentence adds no meaning. However, these theorists, who have proposed what are known as deflationary theories of truth, do not dismiss such talk about truth as useless. They agree that there are contexts in which a sentence such as “it is true that the book is blue” can have a different impact than the shorter statement “the book is blue.” More importantly, use of the word true is essential when making a general claim about everything, nothing, or something, as in the statement “most of what he says is true.”

2006-10-11 05:29:39 · answer #2 · answered by HimanshuMehani 3 · 0 0

truth is definitely absolute quantity. like sun exists it is the truth. now the thoughts given with respect to that are relative.
definitely we exists. if sun exists, earth exists, nature exists then we also exists no doubt at all.
have you never realise that someone is guiding you whenever you follow wrong path someone objects you.
have you never realised that something which you said earlier is true now,
have you never realised that you meet with someone for some purpose,
if not not leave the ego or feeling of i definitely you will start realizing that we all exists and also exists for some purpose. the purpose is to upgrade the soul or to develop the intelligence to know the soul and to free it because it is trapped into your body.
you may be feeling that it is all hypothetical . but i will give you the logics behind it why nature is here what is the purpose of the God to run the world. what is our purpose . why people of different kind are found. why there are so many species. etc .....
contact no 09899326860
jitendra kumar

2006-10-09 00:08:14 · answer #3 · answered by KrishanRam(Jitendra k) 3 · 0 0

Truth is what and what is truth ?

As every coin has the other side so does have the truth.

For me the glass of water is half filled and for you it may be half empty.Both are truths. It is your perception as to how you look at it. But it proves that TRUTH IS NOT ABSOLUTE. [ This is only one example ]

If it is understood by all of us it will be easier to live in this world of controvercies, diversities and differences.

People should believe that truth is not absolute for the simple reason [truth] that about any thing there may be more than one truth AND IF YOU BELIEVE YOU ARE RIGHT, I MAY ALSO BE RIGHT FOR HAVING A POINT OF VIEW.

The paraphysical thoughts which you have expressed
are also truth but since you have been given a phisycal form you are expected to relate both beeings.

2006-10-08 04:26:44 · answer #4 · answered by ♪¢αpη' ε∂ïß♪ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 6 · 0 0

you may truly attempt something basically first, like what's certainty or could i know it if I observed it, or is it truly in basic terms a single physique of certainty or are there separate truths approximately many things. basically, a lot of human beings talk approximately certainty in an particularly non secular style without truly know-how what it potential in that experience, questioning that their utilization potential each and every little thing, or know it yet misapply it in different meanings. There are time that certainty is relative, working example once you recount something that befell to you or testify in courtroom, you would be telling the certainty as you already are conscious of it, yet that isn't tournament what truly befell. certainty can be absolute in that the assertion "evolution is a actuality" is real. yet once you're saying that a deity is the certainty, then you quite start to truly lose sight of what certainty potential. Edit: i could say that absolute certainty a pair of concern isn't expressible by an uncomplicated assertion.

2016-10-15 23:22:46 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Good question.
It has been the real question since man began to think.
Religion was the answer, because to be a follower or a faithful, you needn't think. Religions were really successful in keeping man inside four walls.
The answer to your first question is that We Exist.
The proof is that We Exist.
The existence needs some base to stand.
Life and death is part of that.
Pleasure and pain, hope and depression, success and failure, and good and evil are all part of that.
Why it is like this is a matter beyond earthly man's perception.
Once we die, we shall know the ultimate reality.
Part of this enormous universe!!

2006-10-08 23:46:25 · answer #6 · answered by Baby 4 · 0 0

As the scientist say that all forms of matter and energy in this universe can be transformed ,they can neither be created or destroyed(at least there is a consensus on all proofs available till now)
Therfore death is a transformational change.
Therfore nothing is constant, truth is relative.
There are certain chemical changes like burning of paper which transforms paper into ash and the ash cannot be converted to paper again.But certain chemical changes are reversible.
Is life and death a cycle(reincarnation) or is death irreversible no one knows.
In my opinion energy which escapes our body after death can reassimilate itself(reincarnation is possible).

2006-10-08 04:11:20 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Truth is absolute. Philosophy majors need a bit of science education to make sense of this balderdash above. We are limited in time and space because of circumstances. If you wish not to be limited, climb on a rocket headed for outer space and go for a walk in space without a space suit on. From a philosophical standpoint, you would be the same only better because you are freed from the space. From a scientific standpoint, you would cease to exist due to a temperature and pressure dysequilibrium.

2006-10-08 03:56:18 · answer #8 · answered by Buzz s 6 · 0 0

The theory of knowledge.
The man acts: 1) at usual under logic program,
2) sometimes on intuition (unconsciousness).
* * *
Brain of a man approximately consists of sixteen milliards neurons.
All of them form the system that manages human body.
That is why it is of no wonder that with the work of all the
sixteen milliards neutrons of brain, a man cannot catch a single impulse of
Electron, Quantum of light, his God:
(mass of electron is equal 10^-31 kg.,
charge of electron is equal 10^-19 k.)
Quantum of light, Spiritual particle, which has created us, turned out to be under control
of the material existence. However, the spiritual particle aspires to establish its supremacy
over material nature. And the possibilities to reign over material nature are limited.
The expansion of the possibilities of the development of spiritual particle is connected
with the creation of specific (vacuum) conditions. These conditions are reached
as a result of constant religious practice.
To perceive the universe, to perceive the spiritual essence, it is necessary
to the man to take possession of religious practice.
We pray the GOD and we do not realize that HE is inside us.
Each of us carries in him the SPIRITUAL PARTICLE
But we do not realize that HE is inside us.
Behind the habitual forces of nature there is one force hidden - a spiritual one (h - е).
But ITS action is almost completely disguised by the other forces (mechanical, electromagnetic, nuclear,
and chemical and others), therefore it remains unnoticed in an ordinary processes.
But God never operates outside of natural principles.
There are the processes in which He reveals himself.
Therefore, His disclosing is a technical question.
How can we learn it?
For this purpose it is necessary to create the following effects in our computer-brain:
A). Nonlinear effect
B). Superconducting effect
C). Holographic effect
D). Vacuum effect.
Nobody, except for us, can make this technical work.
Only we (by the constant, thin, internal practice) can create conditions for these effects.
This practice has called "a Religious practice".
In this lies an essence of Religion - to establish the communication of a Human being with his Divine origin.
* * *
Our computer-brain works on a dualistic basis.
In a usual daily life all we do is done logically, under an influence of our feelings.
On the other hand, in a religious practice it is vital to learn to perceive and to operate:
1) Without the participation of the sense organs.
2) Without the participation of the logic mental processes.
When these conditions will be created, then the opportunity to operate will be given
We will acquire new forces, new abilities.
Once again.
An electron's mass is 10^-28gr . The size is 10^-13sm.
A charge is 10^-19k .
With these characteristics it is hard for IT to become apparent.
Therefore it is clear, why don't we know IT in an ordinary life.
ITS cognition is achieved by a very hard, thin and laborious work.
This work demands of a person to be obsessed by it.

2006-10-08 04:09:42 · answer #9 · answered by socratus 2 · 0 0

Truth is absolute. Perception is relative. Look at this statement.

"If i say, i am a liar, will you believe it?".

If you believe, i am not a liar. If you don't believe then again i am not a liar.

This is a proof that human language is inadequate to convey the real feelings, emotions and perceptions.

2006-10-08 01:00:30 · answer #10 · answered by liketoaskq 5 · 1 0

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