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qht should I htink when I feel there is a presence, ,,,,, you know, you're sittting alone, and you start to get goose bumps, and feel the hair on the back of your neck stand up,and you know someone is there, if even for a second....

2006-10-07 22:10:05 · 14 answers · asked by Traynor 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

the best thing that ever happened to me in my life started out that way... in short... when you are coming into the Light, the enemy will try whatever he can to pull you back out. if you don't believe whole-heartedly in Christ the Messiah, you don't present a threat to the devil. but once you start to believe, like i said, he will send someone to attack you. in my case, he sent the spirit of fear, the demon of fear. satan is a liar and the father of lies, and he does not want you to know the truth. but you can push through it... and if you keep believing, without a doubt, you will do that.
here's what happened to me in the past week...

there has always been kind of a creepy feeling in my house. like someone is watching me, and i've seen shadows moving in the corner of my eye, things like that, and it made me kind of scared. i'm not proud of that, but it's true.
so one day, a friend of mine who is involved with the ministry came by and told me about what happened to him. he called it a spiritual attack. and even though i didn't believe what he was saying was true, i knew he wasn't lying either. does that make sense? you can't fake goosebumps, put it that way.
but i did believe in the possibility of it, because of the weird stuff i have experienced in this house.
so after that, things started getting worse. i started seeing shadows more and more often, and other things started happening too. sometimes the chair or the couch or my bed would feel like something was kinda pushing on it. you know, kinda shaking a little bit, like someone was bumping into it. and the fear grew and grew, until one morning something woke me up. the bed. i told myself, "man, you've seen the exorcist one too many times", but i was still scared. so i started praying, but it didin't help (because my faith wasn't strong enough). and the shadows started making themselves seen. and i got more and more scared. about thirty minutes later, i had calmed myself down enough to try to get back to sleep. i work nights, and this was at about six in the morning, not in total darkness.
anyway, i had calmed down and had closed my eyes for a split second when it happened. it wasn't a dream. i wasn't even close to being asleep. you know how when you're laying flat on your back you get that view of your full body, arms and legs? i closed my eyes for maybe a second and i could still see my body and i saw this shadow on top of me. but not your run of the mill shadow. it was three dimensonal and solid, but opaque, like really really dense black smoke, but contained in the shape of a man. and i felt the weight of this thing on my chest. i FELT it. physically. so i sprang up out of bed, pretty much scared sh*tless. chilled to the bone. it gives me goosebumps just to remember it.
see, my faith has always been kinda weak. one day i believe in God, next day i don't, the day after that i don't know either way. that's how i was, and i really think most people are that way.
but i thought, maybe there is some truth in what mike (my friend) was telling me the other night. but at the same time, i wanted to rule it out. i told myself it was my imagination, and that my bed was shaking because i was shaking due to my very very mild form of hypoglycemia. but that wasn't it. i was about 75% sure that God was real, and that this was the enemy, trying to scare me away from the Light. (i have been trying to strengthen my faith, and had been for some months)
i told mike about it, and he told me what i knew he would.
this was on a thursday morning.
a few days went by, and the shaking chair and couch and bed continued, but more intensely now. next thursday (2 days ago) it started happening again. i was laying there, bed shaking, i'm trying to sleep, and the fear is growing inside of me. it's about 7:30 this time. i said, out loud, out of sheer frustration and anger, thinking to myself that i'm going nuts, "why don't you just let me sleep? that's all i want!" and i started praying again, but again it wouldn't go away. but i managed to calm down again enough to try to get some sleep. so i closed my eyes, and there it was, but it was different this time. i didn't see anything, but the second i closed my eyes i got this fear again. it was so bad this time that i literally jumped out of my bed and screamed at the top of my lungs. i immediately called my friend mike. i couldn't even talk straight. i asked him what to do, and he told me to just lay on my couch with some lights on and some music going, pray for a while, try to get some sleep, and if it gets any worse, call him. so i did.
that night, i called my cousin and asked him if i could crash at his house, thinking my house is too crazy to sleep in. his roommate was out of town, so he said i could sleep in his room if i wanted. so i tried that. and you guessed it, it happened again. about six o'clock again. i laid there, thinking, i'm safe now, i'm out of that f***ed up house. but i kept thinknig about it, and the fear was there, just a little bit. but i calmed myself down enough to close my eyes, and sure as sh*t, as soon as i closed my eyes, there's this blinding fear, and quite a little bit of pain in my head. but this time i stayed calm, got out of that bedroom, and went to call mike. he didn't answer, so i said, "man, now what?"
so i put a movie in the dvd player... unbreakable... ever seen it? pretty good flick. anyway, there's this part where one of the characters says to another character, "if you make the decision now to be scared, you will never turn back, for the rest of your life". it was funny how much that applied to me. i thought "that's it. i just have to face it". so i was laying there on the couch, still kinda shook up, about an hour after this had happened.
i knew that this had only been happening when i closed my eyes, so i started saying the Lord's Prayer, and half way through it, i closed my eyes. the fear was there, and it was just as strong as it had been earlier, but i kept whispering the Lord's Prayer, over and over again, and after 4 or 5 times, the fear started lifting. so i kept saying it, over and over again, and after maybe 10 more times if that, i started feeling the exact opposite of that. i swear, man, this is as real as the keyboard i'm typing on. the exact opposite of that fear, and by that i mean i couldn't stop smiling, and it was making me so happy that tears were coming to my eyes. i never understood that before, you know? i've seen women do that at weddings, but i'm not a woman. i've never felt such joy. i don't even know what a jig is but i got up and started dancing one. i felt victorious. i won. i had been touched by God, and i've heard my lutheran pastor recite the benediction probably 100 times but i've never felt God's peace until friday morning.
i'm at that part of the story now and i can't stop smiling again.
for the past two days there has been no fear because i remember that feeling, and i get a little bit of that feeling every time i think about that. my chair, my couch, my bed, they haven't shook like that since then, but until then they had been every night when i came home. and it's because i've finally TRULY accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior, and i don't believe, i KNOW that he will let no harm come my way. not from the enemy. and i finally KNOW that i am saved.
and it's crazy, the timing of your question, it's crazy that this JUST happened, but i have to take this opportunity to do what is right and tell others about my experience in an attempt to bring others closer to the Light. Thank you for this opportunity and God bless you. to anyone who reads this, don't believe, KNOW for a fact, that God is real. know that. without a doubt. because you have to.
you can bet your life i'm going to church in another five hours and it's going to be a whole new experience for me when i do. i helped out everyone who reads this, i truly do. God's peace be with you all.

2006-10-08 00:07:28 · answer #1 · answered by That Guy Drew 6 · 1 0

You should think of running away of course. But, think about it . you could be sensing proof of an after life. So if it happens too often , you should start thinking of registering data. Have a more serious approach . Some people have a special sensitivity for this sinister experiences, and you could be one of them. Hell ! next time someones asks: what is it ? It could be you
giving an answer. Wouldn't that be something?

2006-10-07 22:36:02 · answer #2 · answered by Loser Millionaire 3 · 0 1

Yeah it is been a mutually as on the grounds which you have been here. I play gittar and sing, and that i do it for many diverse motives. I found out a thank you to play so i ought to get laid, yet then I enjoyed the sound it made so I even did it (very like intercourse) while i became thoroughly on my own. it is a great thank you to blow off steam and relieve rigidity, too. as quickly as I write song and lyrics, i'm in simple terms attempting to create something significant (even frivolous meanings are nevertheless meanings) and not too blatantly ripped off, so i assume it is an artwork form or a minimum of an attempt at one. I hate listening to something I wrote although. as quickly as I jam with my band (we are frequently retired as a band) or with acquaintances, I do it in simple terms by way of fact it is relaxing and extreme. a terrific jam to a musician is almost a terrific meal to a gourmand or a tough-won victory to a jock, by way of fact it is extremely pleasing. yet as quickly as I play stay, it is genuine lower back to getting laid. even although i'm married and don't try this, even although i'm too previous and unpleasant to do it if i became single, I nevertheless play like that. I throw strikes and get into the enjoying in simple terms like I did in my overdue childrens and Nineteen Twenties, by way of fact getting laid has little to do with song yet each and every thing to do with rock and roll. BQ: My finger hurts. I injured it at artwork. BQ2: it is therapeutic genuine and that i'm predicted to make an entire restoration. this is exceptionally happy, in spite of if it nevertheless hurts.

2016-11-27 00:23:13 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

You apparently are sensitive to the reality that surrounds and indwells and is all life. "It" is the "other side" of life, that which we turned away from, to form this physical "reality". In that sense, it is home. We are asleep, and have but to ask to be awakened, and we will see that all is well.

Do not be afraid, but know you are eternally safe.

2006-10-08 04:12:22 · answer #4 · answered by Sky in the Grass 5 · 0 0

The Devil
Satan get the gone in the name of GOD
repeat that and God will clear your room for you

2006-10-07 22:15:01 · answer #5 · answered by snuggels102 6 · 1 0

some evidence says it is deceased loved ones come back to keep there eye on you and say hi, it's a nice thoght i guess, some also say spirit guides which i have encountered so have a beleif in them, doubt it would be god or satin.. as they dont exist.

2006-10-07 22:17:11 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Suppposedly a ghost went by. I'm not sure if there is a physiological basis but chills are not that uncommon.

2006-10-07 22:12:21 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I very well could be a spirit. sometimes i feel that or sometimes its a warm tingle. i beleive that its a spirit, or an angel, or my spirit guied. im just glad that im open enough to feel it. isnt it kind of cool???

2006-10-07 22:18:59 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Sounds like your spirit guide.

2006-10-07 22:14:10 · answer #9 · answered by NoLabel 11 4 · 0 1

Thank God that you are able to feel his presence.

2006-10-07 22:13:51 · answer #10 · answered by Angel Girl 7 · 0 1

That's me. I'm sneaking up behind you.

2006-10-07 22:11:12 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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