What were the questions that were pulled?
I don't think everything can be explained and I don't think there is a creator. And why does this "explosion of gas" have to have a creator or a beginning? email me if you have an explanation for me. I guess I am an anomaly as far as atheists go because I am not what you described.
2006-10-07 21:21:43
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
THere is no proof for the existance of any God.
Just saying, "We don't know WHAT caused the big bang/evolution/black hole/rainbow so it MUST be god." is not good enough. At one point we didn't know what caused lightening, so we had Zeus throwing it about. THAT has been disproven, and time and time again the unknown, attributed to "god" has been pushed back by SCIENCE.
Atheists just think that there are simpler, more reasonable explainations to events than "there is this omnipotent, invisible being that does it all, except stop wars, rape and deformed fetuses."
2006-10-08 04:32:10
answer #2
answered by Mac Momma 5
Yes, we're real. The idea of God, Jesus, angels, Satan, etc, just does'nt make any real sense on why we and everything else exists. Religion in my opinion is just one way of blocking us from finding the real truth by giving hope to the majority of people who are weak-minded, unfulfilled, or fearful of their limitations as a human living in this world. I'm sorry, but I personally refuse to live a lie.
2006-10-08 04:35:32
answer #3
answered by Daemon 4
I have a sweet sense of humor, but am agnostic when it comes to God. That usually helps. God Freaks are such dorks. I mean seriously, only people that are Bible Thumpers are social outcasts that have no sense of humor. I guess no one likes to joke about God but us agnostics. Agnostics do everyting Christians want to do, but are afraid to ask.
2006-10-08 04:28:51
answer #4
answered by NightTrainWooWoo 4
it probably wasn't the atheist that pulled the question but the Christians may have, they seem to be scared of the truth. And in reference to the comment above me who created god
2006-10-08 04:22:59
answer #5
answered by Guitarpix 4
Hello!! :o) As a Christian - I feel it's important that EVERYONE have their say. [And I don't just mean Christians] For I know that my 'right' to say what I want to say is completely dependent upon someone else's 'right' to say what they want to say. That said... keep in mind that only Yahoo has the power to delete questions. And as most of us know [especially those of us who have ever 'owned' a Yahoo Group] Yahoo is 'trigger happy' when it comes to responding to complaints. This is not to say that I think 'anything goes'. It's inappropriate of ANYONE to abuse their 'right' to speak by attacking people. Bashing what someone believes is one thing. Bashing the person who has that belief - is something else. Craig!! :o)
2006-10-08 05:11:04
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Athiest think that they have an answer to everything through science. They think that the worl just happened through a huge explosion because of gases in the universe. OK! Athiest always want to argue who created this and who created that, well then that means there is a creator they are just confused. If Athiests believe that there was just an explosion because of gas, then where did the gas come from. You see you can't explain anything because my God is the creator of all things even SCIENCE!
EXACTLY!!! You say that I can't prove the existence of God, well I don't need to because I know that he lives. And you know what, Science hasn't really proven anything either. Don't be so naive, really think about what "science" has proven. It hasn't proven anything at all.
2006-10-08 04:22:27
answer #7
answered by I smile because of them ♥ 5
You may be right there. My friends who don't believe anything are very strange about it. To me it doesn't matter if you believe or not. After all we all go to the same place after we die unless we are ready to ascend like Jesus,and Budda did. Well according to some Arthur's Christians do go to a higher plane than the rest.
2006-10-08 04:26:57
answer #8
answered by Tedi 5
Atheists rule!! Real or imagined, but that's a debate fore the philosophy section.
2006-10-08 04:31:24
answer #9
answered by lokimadhouse 4
its the christians that not have a sense of humor
2006-10-08 06:38:26
answer #10
answered by andrew w 7