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Look, I am not an idiot or someone who has nothibg going for them. I just beleive that we should all help out if we are ever available. i just got a great promotion to being a general manager of a business at the age or 26. But, I still want to fight for my country, is that wrong? I beleive that I would not be given this great oppurtunity in the first place had people not fought. Ok, that is enough propaganda, I am a normal dude, i work hard, i play hard, should i give it all up and go fight?

thank you in advance for all real answers

2006-10-07 19:14:51 · 17 answers · asked by Sullygolf 2 in Politics & Government Military

17 answers

Let me tell you right now, if you can't stand bs, don't join. If you can, than you have to make the choice, and nobody can make it for you. No, it is most certaintly not wrong, and don't let ANY of the ******* in here tell you otherwise. However, you seem to have a very good job right now, so you have a tough decision. I'll tell you right now, the fact that you are even considering this in your current position shows a lot about yourself. You are patriotic no matter what you do, and I wish you luck with this choice. Think it over very well, though. And the max age just got bumped to about 42, if I'm not mistaken. At any rate, you're good age wise. You sound like a smart person, and don't let anyone belittle you over this decision.

2006-10-07 19:42:22 · answer #1 · answered by letitcountry 4 · 0 0

If you decide go..the maximum age for the Army is 42.

A suggestion....ignore everyone'sanswer that couldn't even give you the right age limit. They know nothing about the military and believe everything they see on TV.

I recently returned from 18 months is Iraq working with the marines soldiers in Baghdad, Taji, Tikrit, Kirkuk, Mosel and a few Special Forces bases that have classified locations. I was there as a civilian contractor with the DoD and before that I was an Army Officer.

As for the clowns that chastise you for your willingness to serve....they arrogant a**holes who couldn't even find Iraq on a map. Paladin had the wrong age and he couldn't join anyway based on his response...his IQ is well known to be 50...legally retarded. Rense got the age right but clearly hasn't a clue about the Army and how the pat system works in Iraq. What is this "take extra cash, going to cost you" and get medicalinsurance...medical care is free and the military hospitals and clinics are as good as those found in the states.And then homie12 and his version of THE TRUTH. Hey homie12, have you been to Iraq...or even out of San Francisco? He trys to sound all knowing and starts by calling you an idiot...and he is some illiterate that he even mis-spelled that and several other words.

And noncompa.., hell, he didn't even andwer your question...he just questioned you ability to make a decision.And finally, sosueme53...and her claim that if the war was about freedom she would be on the front line. What a joke..again clearly has no concept of why we are there and not to mention she wouldn't be allowed on the front lines. Besides she would start to cry the moment she was ordered to do something that she didn'tlike...such as...remove your fingernail polish or take that raggity *** ring out of your nose.

If you do join, remember that your training and the guys you will be fighting with will keep you alive and get you back home safe. What ever you decide...good luck.

2006-10-08 01:11:09 · answer #2 · answered by iraq51 7 · 1 0

They just raised the age to 42. I would highly suggest going to the local recuiters office and look into taking the ASFAB to see where they would want to place you. Number one rule is when they send you to MEPS, if you do not likee what is offered, go home, wait a month, and go back. it'll be completely different officers the next time you go! Just so you know the physical requirements it's:

Males 22-26 (40-75) Push Ups (50-80) Sit Ups (16:36-13:00) Run 2 miles

My husband is in the Army, currently deployed, and honestly it's not the easiest job in the world. But it is very rewarding and he loves it. There is a lot of pros and cons.

Some pros:
Free medical for you & your family
Free dental for you and decent rates for your family
Tax Free Shopping (you save more than you think)
Saver housing and better schools (if you choose to live on post. I don't lock my doors)
Your paycheck is never late and you never have to count hours... it will always be there on the 1st & 15th!
Extra entitlements (money) when you do deploy
Decent signing bonus
BAH & BAS: Money for Food & Housing (unless you live in the barracks or on post, they take your BAH... you still get BAS)
You get to travel. My husband has been to:
Kentucky, Missouri, South Carolina, Iraq, Ireland, Germany (briefly), Maine, and we're moving to Germany in a few months. We'll see all of Europe while we're there!

Obviously deployments, you'll see either Iraq or Afghanistan guaranteed!
Long hours sometimes
Long days in general between PT and End of Day

If you have some college behind you it's even better. I don't know about going officier, they're just paper pushers, but a 2 year degree will make you enter as a E-4, promotable within 6 months to a year. If you do delayed entry do your forms so you can also gain rank!

And the best part, after 4 years, if it's really not for you... it looks really good on a resume!

Good Luck and I hope this helps!

2006-10-07 21:38:54 · answer #3 · answered by Kelly 2 · 2 0

Obviously you have some very strong feelings about serving your country, especially when you consider your recent promotion and what sounds like a fantastic job, yet you still want to fight for your country. There are some naysayers here, but the reality is, many good folks like yourself have such strong convictions and truly want to serve. My husband is just like you, were in not for a slight problem with his hearing, he would've enlisted right after 911.

My dad served in the army and went to Vietnam, uncle and two cousins are in the army, the one cousin is currently in Iraq. They have no regrets and cherish the comradarie and brotherhood-- it's a bond unlike any other. And as others have mentioned, there are some great benefits and you'll see so much of the world, though initially you'll see Iraq and Afghanistan and lots of it.

Please think long and hard about it, it's a very serious decision to be making, espeically during war time. The current situation in both Iraq and Afghanistan look pretty grim. Discuss it with your family-- it's very hard on moms and wives when their sons and husbands are so far away facing such dangers. Honestly, I don't know how they do it, they're all just so strong.

2006-10-08 01:06:56 · answer #4 · answered by olliebee 3 · 1 0

The max went up to 42. This is a good place to ask if you want every ones opinion. But thankfully there are a few military people that are bored and read some of these. First and most importantly, this is your decision to make. Listen to the pro's and con's. But the best people to hear it from are the Soldiers and Marines on the ground here, and the families at home. We fight for our country, for our Commander In Chief, for our Star-Spangled Banner. It isn't for everyone, but it is rewarding. Looking to the soldier next to you knowing he/she would lay down their life for you and you them. We are brothers on arms. I am not putting out propaganda either, but the military is only comprised of less than 1% of the U.S.'s population. Whichever choice you make, thank you for thinking about it.----And I'm sorry to do this, but President Bush is the Commander In Chief, and he can only get to that position one way. And he did it twice. Don't look at what decisions the president is making and accuse the military of being murderers without just cause. I am here for the soldiers to my right and my left, and to all of my family and ancestors that have been here, at war.

2006-10-08 03:20:14 · answer #5 · answered by Fishy 2 · 0 0

If you want to join just make sure it's what you want to do. It may seem like a good idea now, but once your over there your view may change. I apploude you for wanting for fight for this great nation. Do not let these libs tell you this war is Bush's war. We are over there for a reason (no not oil).......
Since you didn't say what branch...here are all the ages...
Active Army - 42
Army Reserves - 42
Active Air Force - 27
Air Force Reserve - 34
Active Navy - 34
Naval Reserves - 39
Active Marines - 28
Marine Corps Reserve - 29
Active and Reserve Coast Guard - 27

2006-10-07 22:58:14 · answer #6 · answered by Duhh 2 · 1 0

You know I'm not sure about the age but I just wanted to tell you if you want to fight for our country Go for it! My hubby is in the Army and is currently in Iraq (will be home in about 2 weeks though!) Don't let anyone tell you how to run your life. Yes, joining and branch and possibly going to Iraq is a risk, but you could go and come home and know you did what you wanted to do. Anyone that joins the military is a brave person and the people that don't just seem to scared to do it! Hope this helps and it lets you know what I think.

2006-10-07 23:28:13 · answer #7 · answered by Ashley 2 · 1 1

Hon, you are a dear but really do you want to sacrifice maybe a leg or arm or maybe your mental health so Bush and his buds can get richer? I guarantee you that is what this war is about, not freedom , cause if it was freedom we were fighting for I would be on the front lines making sure my grand kids get to grow up in our so called free country. Check out what is going on before you get that feeling of pride, ask someone in your town who has come back from there, before you decide to do this thing, it will be very eye opening, oh and don't go to your local recruiter to find a vet try the vets hospital or maybe someone from your high school. You will get more honesty there.

2006-10-07 19:55:43 · answer #8 · answered by sosueme534 3 · 0 2

Maximum age for the Army was raised to 40 .

2006-10-07 21:01:18 · answer #9 · answered by vbplr_12 3 · 0 0

I believe that would be 38 years of age. Hey if you feel strongly about the occupation of Iraq, Go for it. I hope you are single, though, Iraq is a pretty toxic place right now. Take some extra cash though, it's going to cost you. Don't forget Medical in case you make it back. You'll need some supplemental insurance if you return also. I salute you sir, go for it!

2006-10-07 19:17:52 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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