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So there is this one girl that i like....more like love.....ive liked her more than any other girl in my life. She means the world to me.

So me and this girl are really good friends...and we were supposed to hang out his weekend, and she couldnt because she was grounded....i was devastated bcuz i anticipated seeing her for two weeks now....i desperately pleaded her to convince her parents to let her come over for awhile.....

later today i heard from a close friend of mine that she and her friend were hanging out and drinking.....first of all i was sad that she wouldnt hang out with me but her friend instead....second of all, one of the reasons i like this girl so much was because, she didnt drink or do anything illegal to have fun, she was her own person.....now i am let down and disappointed that she did that.....i am not sure what i can do now except give up...and die.

please talk to me b4 i make my decision.

2006-10-07 19:12:45 · 52 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

52 answers

This girl isn't worth taking your life!!!!!!!!! Plus, killing yourself is the coward's way out of things. You only hurt the people who care about you. This won't afect her. Mu advice, break it off now, and find a girl worthy of your time. This one isn't!

2006-10-07 19:16:18 · answer #1 · answered by Social_D 4 · 1 0

Dude! Don't you think that killing yourself is a little rash? Over a girl? Are that easily hooked? Only thing killing yourself is going to accomplish is subtracting one less person in this world. Snap out of it at once! Look, I can sympathize with you. I have had my heart broken many times before. Rejection is a part of life. Deal with it.

There will be other days and more ladies to chase. The only time one should be devastated by rejection is when the last woman on earth turns you down. Then you know 100% that there will never be anyone for you.

If you really want to get back at her, live a happier life than she does. Chase other women. Before you know it, you will wonder what in the hell you ever seen in this chick?

2006-10-07 19:26:05 · answer #2 · answered by davester1970 7 · 0 0

Young man (I hope you do not take offense to me calling you that), do not let the actions of another person and what he or she does with their life determine what you do with yours. Everyone makes mistakes, including your friend. The disappointment will not last forever, and if you are a true friend, which it sounds like you are, you will continue to be that true friend you have been and be there for her. When and/or if you get a chance to sit down and talk to her, don't be accusing, or even show your disappointment, but listen to her side of the story, because what you heard may not even be true. I'm sure you can understand how people can put their own spin on things and show other people in a negative light.

Believe me when I tell you, taking your life because you are disappointed in your friend does not help either her OR you, because if you did, there would be a lot you would lose out on, for example, the possibility of this girl becoming your soulmate, your wife and the mother of your children. Besides, it would be selfish for you to do that, because it would show that you are not being considerate of her, but only thinking about how you feel and what you are going through because of the disappointment. You have plenty to live for, and I believe you are loved, not only by your family, but by this girl as well. Don't lose out on a possibility of that love growing into something fantastic.

Need to talk or contact me, email me at alexandermc416@yahoo.com, or visit my ministry website at http://brokenshacklesministries.20fr.com.

2006-10-07 19:23:31 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You can give up and start over. That is what I did about 50 times.
Women are fickle. Go look that up at m-w.com or some other dictionary site.

Of all the guys I still see from my HS only one of them married the girl he dated in high school. She made him buy her a Fiero ( a bad Pontiac sports car) and then screwed him over by sleeping with someone she worked with at McDonalds.

Now she is a trashy woman and he is a partner at a law firm

So feel depressed for a few days, and then get on with it. There are plenty of girls out there for all of us. Heck even I found a normal one and I was writing gwbasic code on an Apple II+ in 1983.

Sit outside and look at the stars, that is how many women there are in the universe and they all can't be idiots.

If you still feel like whacking yourself tell someone because that is really a waste, you are smart enough to write something on a computer screen so you have 2/3 of the morons in the country beat.

2006-10-07 19:21:22 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Don't kill yourself. I'm sure you've heard this 100times, and you'll hear it 100more, in time you will feel better. Right now seems like the end of the world, but it isn't. Find someone to talk to about how you feel. Don't end it, it isn't worth it. I wanted to kill myself when I was 15. I'm 32 now, and I'm so glad I didn't go through with it. I've had some of the best times of my life from 25-32. You have to understand that teen years are very hard, for almost everyone. It's normal to have ups and downs, life sucks sometimes, but the time of your life may be coming, you don't want to miss that, do you? Don't kill yourself, that is one HUGE mistake that you can't take back.

2006-10-07 19:21:09 · answer #5 · answered by Kerry 7 · 0 0

OKay, trust me, this is NOT something worth dying over. There are a ton of girls out there that you can find to hang out with. I don't drink or do illegal things either, so see? She's not the only one. You just have to continue looking, and stopping putting your whole life on hold for one person. If she's interested in the future, let her come to you, and if not, oh well, there are plenty of other nice girls out there that would be more than willing to make time for you. Trust me, when you get older, you will learn that this is NOT a tragedy.

2006-10-07 19:17:16 · answer #6 · answered by LibraT 4 · 2 0

stop right now. don't do it. don't you dare even think about doing it. you'll feel really stupid if you kill yourself and then there's nothing after this life. being alive and dealing with obstacles and assorted bullshit is much better than just ceasing to exist...

just keep telling yourself that tomorrow is a new day. it might be crap, might be good, but it's new, and you're moving on, and its a chance for something to change. and that's what counts. stay alive if only to find out what happens tomorrow.

and remember there is always a way out, there is always someone who can help. so just don't ever give up - especially over something like this.
my best friend of four years basically told me she hated my guts and had for a while, never wanted to see me again, told me i was worthless and stupid and only a problem to her and all that- only two months ago. i was so close to doing it, but im so glad i didnt. slowly, i'm getting back up.

just keep fighting, cos there's hella lot of good with the bad in this world.
it's your choice of course, but just wait a week, then decide.
i'll wish on stars for you, man. feel better. <3

2006-10-07 19:19:00 · answer #7 · answered by mica 3 · 0 0

Dude!, listen, that would be the worst choice to make. Seriously!, don't even think about hurting yourself in any way possible!. It's not worth it. I mean, i know that it can hurt, but there is so much more to life than this one girl. i know it may sound tough, but you can't just go and want to go and die everytime you get disappointed. YOU are better than this for just liking a girl that you thought had some morals. it's ok, and you should be in a way glad to find out that she is like this now rather than once you were in a farther and closer relationship with her. PLEASE, you gotta think this through, and look at this in a calm and rational way. I'm telling you that it's not worth your life. best of luck to you.

2006-10-07 19:20:08 · answer #8 · answered by pr337 1 · 1 0

Yes, I've had this happen, to some degree, when someone you really like does stuff that you think would never do and that's one of the reasons why you liked them so much. It hurts, like being stabbed and feeling like your gonna throw up and your really cold and you wanna cry. Sorry, yeah and being ditched, but not both at once. Maybe what happened really isn't true, try not to think about that, give it a week and find out if its true and if she wants to hang out with you still. I wouldn't give up so quickly even though it really sucks. If you do find out its true, I want to say "move on," but i don't think you will be able to force yourself to do that. Find support from people who truly care about you. But don't think of her as what you have heard today. Give it some time and see how things turn out. Have hope.

2006-10-07 19:25:36 · answer #9 · answered by Like Glue 3 · 0 0

I felt the same way about a girl that meant the world to me a long time ago. It was hard for a while, but things got better. And a few years ago I finally met a girl that was perfect for me, and wouldn't do things like the girl you mentioned. We're getting married next June.

You're better than her, man. Come on, you can get through this.

2006-10-07 19:19:20 · answer #10 · answered by stevejensen 4 · 1 0

dude calm down its not the end of the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! welcome to teenagedom and by the way i am also a teenager who is a huge nerd who doesn't get many girlfriends and i get rejected a lot and i have had a few of the same storyies as u but i am still here writing this aren't I? girls aren't the world u don't hav eto worry bout it til later in life like if your a 40 year old virgin or smthng like that so think long and hard before u give up on lifeand don't quit its weak and if u kill your self you are nothing but weak.

2006-10-07 19:19:27 · answer #11 · answered by zacpac11 2 · 1 0

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