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When people say "the concious brain" they meant the cortex above the "reptile body". The "thinking brain" means more so the frontal cortex.

Actually it's not clear if it is "emotions" BUT the reptile body is the "sub-concious" and instinct. (I guess the animal feelings , all , ya?)(We , the animal is our reptile body.)

Reptile body is very un-popular term ,, I cannot find it on the net ,, the name is given because if you freeze dry(or enbalm)(or put it in some industrial drying oil ,, maybe WD 40?) the brain ,, u can shake and pull the top half off ,, leaving a structure that looks eriely like the brain u cut from a reptile. Same curves. (or folds?)

(Yes , our brain is a reptile brain. We should "feel" like any animal.)(I don't know really.)

,, Most of the emotional hormones are released from here ,, the lower brain. But , usually as a respond to hormonal messages from organs. So where the emotion starts , you can choose which u like.

BUT , the agression centre(kill centre) is the hypothalamus AND somewhere around there is the dopermine , pleasure centre. These 2 are stronger than sex drive and hunger (food drive). (Proven in animal tests.)

This whole thing is the size of a soy-bean under the entire brain. (Also under the reptile body.)(This bean-size thing is usually "off". But can control the entire brain.)(This fellow is dangerous.)(No warning.)

We have 5 senses ,, 4 connects to the cortical (on top) EXCEPT smell , which connects to the lower brain Thereby before u got chance to think about smell ,, your animal brain already has decided to like or hate it. (The cognition is very fast / recognition is very fast. No thinking/just simply knowing.)

Hen-pecked husbands may be "addicted" to his wife's smells (via very specific pheromones // components in "her" smell that act like hormone to his brain) (Its like the KEY to what "she" owns)(That's why the killer - instinct in the man ,, ,, no problem ,, she owns him.)

,, like unique bar-code security PIN number ,,

,, very powerful ,, for example muscle-relaxant. That another lady other than his partner cannot switch on the muscle-relaxant. He cannot rest until he go home. (Many men have women outside , but go home still ,, and continue for years , years.)(people can't sleep in a strange bed??)(den phycology)

A person has no choice OR decision in smells. He cannot think in smell terms ,, he can only "feel" it.(without knowing how to measure accurately).(Anything comming from below controls the person.)(Anything comming from top u think , filter and sieve ,, re-pack then send down ,, ,, ? discipline ? Ya.)(except smell)

,, If the person cannot swich off 24/7 ,, it could be the lower side of the upper brain (campus general area) "remembering something" he/she cannot reconcile with current , todays situation. Smell when visiting new place once , , can kick start the campus area to "remember" something the upper cortical has forgotten. But , the memory now supplied by the lower brain is nightmarish (and very , very bad)(an animal's memory of the same experience.)(you can't recognise the experience because the copy the cortical/campus makes in memory is not the copy the reptile made.)(Dreams that have no sense comes from this memory.)

,, anxiety.

,, So far ,this is only the science and textbook.

In real world we need to identify if it is predisposed (hormonal/genetic as is condition) which is usually not.

Before we start we remove all red/orange curtains , red walls , red tint glasses in the car , eye-glasses from the persons life. The effect of afternoon Sunlight comming thru red curtain is particularly bad. (Red is only good for sanguine persons ,, refer Druidic temperaments.)(They deal with correcting the humours.)(If you want the equal of the Traditional Chinese Medicine in the English culture ,, read the Druidic texts.)(Where they cure the humours.)(Using West hemisphere resources.)

I would start to look at what he eats. Usually these people are habit eaters ,, always the same thing. (Each system have their own analysis // and folklore.) (I cannot help u there) ,, but

Stop coffee creamers (they are made from emulsified oils ,, designer molecules?) Stop artificial sweetener.

Try eating everything , (don't eat healthy ,, eat everything)(broaden the food base)(bombard the system with all types of food molecules)plus the things he hates for a meal. REDUCE THE MEAL QUANTUM.(reduce 20%)(30% if u can bear it) Up his oil intake (margerine , butter or olive oils)(or ghee)(oil is a comfort food ,, trick the body to relax)(don't use specific oils Omega , DHA , AHA // or any fancy healthfood ,, use crude oil)

Eat everything ,, eat less.

If he's on vitamins ,, cut it off. If he's on minerals , cut it off.

If he's not on vitamins , put him on multi-vites (better oil-based ,, those in soft-shells at half product dosage // better every other day.)(that means only a quarter on the label)

If he's not on minerals , I prefer "sport-salts" or "fitness complete salts"(20 or 30 elements ,, 15 also will do) that goes usually in the water. (generally electrolytics + minerals)(plenty minerals without osmotic control is not very good.)(avoid selenium products here)

This will show that if there's a deficiency. (nutrient deficiency) __ (a.)

(food deficiency is a molecule deficiency // where the body cannot cut or join to make this food item.) __ (b.)

if (b.) (this could be predispose ?genetic. This individual cannot make whatever while we all can. )(If this is the case , any American doctor will do.)

If you think you get results , and now know what to eat ,, likely u are wrong. U only know it is (a.) and (b.) and I also cannot tell (a.) from (b.)

because what u see happening is the change in "topography" , shape of food
which allows the body go move metabolically. NOT NECESSARY THE DEFICIENT WHATEVER IS IN WHAT YOU ARE NEWLY FEEDING HIM. The body can be taking an evasive move to compensate the missing thing , using something new. But , still does not have what is deficient.

(The body will get jammed up somewhere else ,, ? what a year later)

If you reach here , take your data , talk to a dietician. If he(the dietician) recommends a shrink , go see one to work on the campus area of the brain.

ALSO important to tell (better written record) the dietician what he used to eat , how much , how often. Because a lot of poisoning(read ellergies) gets into our food chain. (allergies localised to organs , chest , small intestine are hard to feel.)

,, If he's fat it's tricky because a few industrial molecules (usually in birds) become poisonous there. (If his skin is oily it's good because he can move oils (themselves oils and plastics).

But , the body fat is still poison loaded ,, and to detox this guy is much more tricky.

,, Let's hope it is just a simple selenium intorerance.

There is another source of problem. (How old is this guy?) If he's above 40 ,, the food molecules in our early life are recorded in our bone marrow.

The purpose is to programme how we handle food molecules ,, but about this time it begins to be a bit crashy ,, maybe cranky ,, because we substitute mothers milk. (But , we don't expect our mothers to suckle us for the full 2-years for our species ..! OMG ! Life is terrible) anyway ..

If it is the last problem ,, then the medicine is cheap , and common. Most cases a little immune supressant will do. Used commonly in a lot of other problems asthma , bla , bla.

The cure is cheap and easy.

2006-10-08 21:38:48 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

This site might help.


For over emotional - i'm guessing the reasons could be a combination of either hormones or a chemical imbalance in the brain

2006-10-08 02:15:02 · answer #2 · answered by Luken 5 · 0 0

not sure but most modern americans don't have that part no matter what it is...

2006-10-08 02:08:25 · answer #3 · answered by ancientcityentertainment 2 · 0 0

hormones always do

2006-10-08 02:11:01 · answer #4 · answered by back2skewl 5 · 0 0

hormones-- no dooubt about it!

2006-10-08 02:05:16 · answer #5 · answered by Deidre~&~Joshua 2 · 0 0

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