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My son is 17 and has a 6 month old daughter, Charlotte. When he was 16 he got his girlfriend pregnant and she origionally wanted an abortion but my son talked her out of it becuase he did not want to lost his baby. He told her that he would take care of the baby when she was born, and that if she didnt want to be in there daughters life that was her problem, but he was not going to be like that.

When Charlotte was born her mother signed over all her parental rights and my son is her only gaurdian.

Recently my sons ex girlfriend, has been harassing my son and telling everyone at school that he stole her daughter, that he's brainwashing her and will lie to her about her mother when his daughter gets older.

She is in most of my sons classes, and her harassment is a huge distraction and he's very hurt by her comments. He tried to get himself moved into different classes but the school seems not to care much.

I dont know what to do, I feel like theres somthing I should be doing

2006-10-07 19:02:04 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

all I want is whats best for my son and to support him.

He is an amazing father and everyone he knows and loves knows that he is.

2006-10-07 19:02:38 · update #1

Sorry I saw a few typo's in there.

2006-10-07 19:03:18 · update #2

32 answers

Sounds to me like you have a mature son, he stood up and took care of his responsibility. If she signed over her rights, that's her own fault. You should think about getting a personal protection order. it's kinda like a restraining order but it means she can't be around him or the baby, can't talk to them or even call. Hope that helps. Keep your head up. Big hug to your son for standing up and being a man! Not many guys would have done what he did. You should be so proud

2006-10-07 19:06:44 · answer #1 · answered by hwall 4 · 0 0

well look here. He is grown enough for facing problems. He should not run from these situation . The problem will never end by changing classes or even changing school. He has to learn how to face these kind of problems. He has to face it at least for his child. She's growing up by watching all these things.

Now what he has to do is to maintain Patience and concentrate on his class work as close as possible. Creat a good reputation by not giving any respond to the comments either from his ex-girlfriend or other students. If he responce's and keep changing the classed the roamers from his girlfriend will change into true stories for others. so be patient first its very important. Try to be good with her. smile always with her. let her think that he is thinking about her. be good as much as possible. like this way she will reduce the torturing. only friedship can solve the problem. if he can, by any mean, regain the friendship with her he will be succeeded. So try this one and you just sit and watch how easy the life is.

Thanking you

2006-10-07 19:53:54 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

First ask him what he wants to do. I know being at the house may be a big distraction to home school, but see if that is something he may want or transfer to another school. Also if the principal won't transfer him to other classes and she is such a distraction causing grade depreciation, then you could tell the principal that an attorney would be glad to handle the situation. In other words, that due to lack of interest in your child's welfare you could charge them( the school) with neglect. Also mention that the news (name the local channel #) would be glad to get this story. the other thing you could do is contact your school board. They are quick to handle situations before they go to the news!!!
There is always the school main offices that handle the pay checks and remember you can always call the police to take harassment reports. Then get a restraining order. Protect your son, he deserves it!!!

2006-10-07 19:24:02 · answer #3 · answered by really???? 3 · 0 0

First, I want to say, I wish there were more men out there like your son. Kuddos to him for wanting to be there for his Daughter.
Second, I think it is great that you support his decision. Kuddos to you for being there for him.
Third, OMG, this little girl needs to be put in her place. I know it sounds kind of childish when I say this, but your son needs to do a turn about here...she is going around saying he is doing this, that & the other...maybe your son needs to tell everyone the truth. Once everyone finds out that SHE walked away from the baby, she will shut up.
I know that is not the best way, but has he thought of an alternative school?....I dont know where you are from, but where I am, we have schools that are made for unwed teen Parents. They have daycare facilities on property as well. They go to school at normal hrs & earn their High School Diplomas. Just like a normal High School. We had one built, since at one point, the drop out rate, was becoming alarming in our town, they did the school so that the teens can take care of their kids & still get an education...it has been wonderful.
I know he probably WANTS to get his education & be something for him & his Daughter, but maybe moving schools is going to be the answer...if they wont change his classes or get involved. I dont think this girl is going to stop, unless she is put in her place.

Good Luck & congrats on having such a responsible son.

2006-10-07 19:20:42 · answer #4 · answered by mysticfairy74 5 · 1 0

I can understand why he is bothered about what other kids at school think about what the mother is saying, he is still very young and subject to peer group pressure. You are already supporting him above and beyond the call of duty because he could not be all that he is without you. Maybe she did not want the pregnancy because her parents would not do all that for her and she could not do it alone. Maybe she does not want to try to have a relationship with her daughter, because putting up with you and him would be way too much stress. Maybe she is telling tales at school because she is trying to save face under peer group pressure too! I would have to hear both sides of the story, but for now the main focus should be on the child and the rest should not matter.

2006-10-07 19:20:30 · answer #5 · answered by ptt_pntr 3 · 1 0

how awesome for your son, stepping up the way he did! i do have to give her some credit though for at least respecting his wishes and not having an abortion.
perhaps he can make a photo copy of her signature that surrendured her rights. there won't be much she could say after he showed that to everybody. not that he should do this but knowing myself~i'd be having that thing xerox copied and wallpapering the halls with it.
you could try a restraining order...she would then have to be removed from his classes. i would def go and talk to his school counselor and let them know you will be taking action of some sort if something isn't done, that you refuse to have your son harrassed. they can't keep her from talking about him, but at least she won't be in his classes distracting him. does his school have a liason officer?
i guess a last ditch idea might be to change schools? but i'm sure being 17 he's in his senior year, and that would really suck.
just continue being supportive of him, hopefully his real friends are too.
good luck, i hope it all works out!

2006-10-07 19:17:50 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

God bless him for stepping up to the plate at such a young age. If he can't ignore her you may have to find an alternate school. I know it's not fair as he did the right thing but his education is important. It's odvious that this girl is concerned about what people think of her. You could even try home schooling for a semester to see if that is possible. You should have a meeting with the principle, she may be disrupting others also. There should be a standard code of behavior for all students.

2006-10-09 14:05:32 · answer #7 · answered by bramblerock 5 · 0 0

fist thing, you should be pround of your son because most boys that age put there head in the sand and hide from the fact.

and second off all did the mother went to the doc about the abortion and if she did and this goes to court you can get he lawyer to ask for all that information.

also now days if the child has been in your son care for most of the time like you have said , court will not give the mother the child for her to keep only a vist and your son will have a lot to say about it since he know what best for he child

as for you all i can say is just be there for him, people can get very mean when it came to family problems and all you can do is hang in there till its all over

2006-10-07 19:13:25 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your son sounds like more of a man than most twice his age, good work mom. Now it's time for you to step back. Point him in the right direction, give him guidance and always be there for him when he stumbles but he sounds like he has his 2 feet beneath him. Let him make own his decisions, he will feel more empowered for doing that. As for the 16/17 year old crap, don't let yourself get sucked down into that, you are way past that trust me. Congrads to a young man that has a head on his shoulders.

2006-10-07 19:17:46 · answer #9 · answered by patti duke 7 · 1 0

It sounds like you are a very supportive parent and grandparent. Have you considered him changing schools or moving to another city in the area? Your son has enough distractions, he doesn't need the added one of the baby's mother. Also, have you spoken to the girl's parents? Are they reasonable people? Maybe they could help.

2006-10-08 05:36:34 · answer #10 · answered by Laura 5 · 0 0

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