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Spiritual, Literal, or Both?

2006-10-07 18:26:51 · 13 answers · asked by ? 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Hebrews 10:16

"This is the Covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will write My law into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them".

2006-10-07 18:27:01 · update #1

Well wouldn't of the SSN, ID, Money also of been the Mark of the Beast too?

or is it heart, soul and mind and how we feel about Jesus Christ that decideds if it a Mark of God or the Mark of the Beast?

2006-10-07 18:28:23 · update #2

Just something to think about, I am not going to say either way

2006-10-07 18:29:26 · update #3

We would already be guilty if it a number on a card or money Right or NOT

2006-10-07 18:29:55 · update #4

13 answers

Revelation 13:

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Notice a few things.

The mark will be IN the hand or forehead. This means it is not our SSN or a credit card, smart card or tattoo. I believe the SSN and smart cards could be paving the way to the mark but they are not the mark. It has to be IN the hand or forehead

If we do not have the mark, we will not be able to buy or sell anything. I believe this shows it will be computer related. Even now, if it was needed, the moment you scanned your credit card in any machine to make a purchase, your location would be known within seconds...All it would take to keep you from using it is one click on a terminal in the credit card issuers office.

With the mark of the beast, all of this will be interconnected

This chip is ALREADY here and is being used for medical reasons now. It will not be long before it will be used for other things including the location of prisoners, children and the elderly.

I can think of several reasons that will be used to enforce this chip on everyone.

All of those who receive this chip will be doomed as it is worship to the beast. I firmly believe it will have to be accepted and will not be able to be forced as in holding you down to insert it.

Most Bible scholars believe that those who have trusted Christ for salvation will not be here at that time but for any that do trust Christ we are told that God will never leave us or forsake us.

The absolute safest way to prevent falling for this mark is to know you have eternal life now...check the link below.

2006-10-07 18:50:15 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

You need to determine whether Revelation is literal, or figurative. If it's literal, then the mark of the beast is literally a mark exactly like what Revelation says. It isn't valid to say "oh well, the concept of a mark is literal, but the physical mark itself is figurative". The idea that SSNs, or bar codes, or money, or credit cards, or rfid chips are "the mark" makes no sense at all even from a hermanuetical perspective (nor from a rational perspective).

If you accept that Revelation is figurative, then you can dispense with the cartoonish end times fantasy people like Tim LeHay have invented, and simply recognize that Revelation is a history of events happening in the first century, encoded in symbolic language.

2006-10-08 01:56:10 · answer #2 · answered by lenny 7 · 1 0

The mark of the beast will be something either in the forehead or hand that must be used for buying or selling and, without which, no one will be able to do either. The way things are going, it looks like it may very well be a microchip. That's my guess anyway.

2006-10-08 01:55:22 · answer #3 · answered by Esther 7 · 1 0

The symbol "6" was the symbol used in acient hebrew writting to indicate the letter "W" used today - so their 666 actually is our WWW or world wide web ---- Whetever, true of not, the mark of the beast is just a sign of the time near the end -- Maybe

2006-10-08 01:48:57 · answer #4 · answered by crapemyrtleguy 2 · 1 0

Hum interesting . lets see . the mark of the beast is 666= 18=9 the number of God . a full circle it seems
The beast could mean the lowest basest part of mankind that needs to raise its soul power up to that of God. Trial and tribulation as the driving force?
lets run it up the flag pole and see what happens.

2006-10-08 01:45:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

At this time I don't know anyone named Mark except Mark Foley. Could it mean Mark of the Beast Foley? Hmmmmmmm. Yes, IMing people and biomarking to get on the internet. Interesting.

2006-10-08 01:34:26 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The mark of the beast will placed on either the forhead or the hand! It has nothing to do with money, ssn, or ids!

2006-10-08 01:32:47 · answer #7 · answered by Bulla 2 · 1 1

The Mark of the Beast is when an individual does the work of the Beast......awww..you know what?,,no sense in even attempting to futher explain. Way over the heads of bottle milk christains.

2006-10-08 01:28:39 · answer #8 · answered by Royal Racer Hell=Grave © 7 · 0 1

I believe it is taking the mark of the beast in your forehead or the back of the hand. Which is i believe a bar code.

2006-10-08 01:53:19 · answer #9 · answered by wisdom 4 · 1 0

could be both cuz the beast power will want a mark on the skin of the worshippers...i want to be dead first before this happens to the world but the two witnesses will come First..

2006-10-08 01:29:40 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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