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died at the age 56 and he was a minister.. why could that happen to him???? so here it is.... $$ Can God make a rock bigger and heavier than he is? And if he can, how so? Is he really real?

2006-10-07 17:31:43 · 21 answers · asked by Princess Kellie 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

Anything God can make, God can lift.

Surely your friend knows that not everyone is going to live to 90? We never know when our final breath will be. That is why the bible says today is the day of salvation. Most importantly, I trust your friend's father was a born again Christian? Living a long life is not as important as knowing where you will go if and when that moment comes when you leave this planet. I'm sorry he lost his father....but why would someone say God doesn't exist because someone died? That makes no sense to me.

2006-10-07 17:36:21 · answer #1 · answered by Esther 7 · 2 0

Asking if God can make a rock bigger and heavier than he is .... is like asking .. have you quit beating your wife?? Either way you answer it is a trap. As for the minister that passed on.... Apparently he had accomplished what God had for him to do and the Lord brought him home. You make it sound like going to be with the Lord you have dedicated your life to serving is a bad thing by saying how could this happen to him..... he is more alive now with the Lord than he ever was here on this earth.
I will be keeping his son and you in prayer that you come to know the joy of the Lord that his father served.
God bless and teach you both :)

2006-10-08 00:50:18 · answer #2 · answered by PreacherTim63(SFECU) 5 · 1 0

The energy that created the rock....cannot be compared by weight to the rock itself.

The Minister died at the age of 56.....better than dying at 23 or 14 years of age.....if you are saying that the death was unreasonably too soon in the minister's life.

Yes a Higher Power is real....how you choose to define it...is up to each person.

2006-10-08 00:41:46 · answer #3 · answered by ? 5 · 1 0

We all have free will to accept God or not. Our entire lives are filled with choices. God didn't cause the minister's death. People sometimes die an untimely death for the lessons their family members need to learn. That includes the suffering and death of children. If his father's death triggered a choice to reject God, the son needs to ask himself why his father dedicated his life to God's ministry. What did his father believe and understand that the son doesn't that led his father to believe so much in God that he wanted to be a minister? The son also needs to ask himself what greater lesson he can learn. Whether to believe in the existence of God is a big one. After all, think of the consequences if there is a God and he chooses not to believe. What is the opposite of God? Emptiness. The absence of God. Satan.

I read a story a few years ago about a man who looked out his office window and saw a drunken alcoholic in the street. Every day he saw the same alcoholic, and sometimes when he went out to the street he saw the alcoholic and gave him money to buy food. The alcoholic used the money to buy alcohol. The man then decided to buy food instead so he would know the alcoholic would at least eat something. The man continued to watch the alcoholic out his office window and he felt pity and compassion for the alcoholic. Ultimately the alcoholic died in the street. The man in the office was so moved by the plight of the alcoholic that he chose to donate money and time to help other alcoholics.

The story went on to say that a very highly advanced soul had chosen to be born into the body of someone who would become an alcoholic so he could make an impression on the man in the office who could then make a free will choice to react with compassion and help other alcoholics, or not.

The lesson is poignant and to the point. We have the free will to choose. This earth is all about polarity - opposites that can attract or repel such as in magnetism. Up, down. Push, pull. In, out. God, Satan. It is said that human souls choose to come here because it is an accelerated learning ground for learning lessons that will help us strive for greater perfection until we achieve oneness with God once again.

In whatever way the minister died, your friend has free will to choose whether he can use the event of the early death in a way to help others' suffering, or not. God is not made in man's image, and is not limited to the size of a rock. God is literally an energy that is in all things living on this planet, including permeating the planet itself. To deny God, is to deny the God within each of us. To embrace the absence of God is to embrace the opposite of God - Satan.

2006-10-08 01:08:50 · answer #4 · answered by LadyLgl 3 · 1 0

I'm sorry for your friends loss, but when God takes a life at an age like 56 there's a good reason. Maybe you're friend needs to look at the good things that have happened since then. If he still can't understand, then he sould think about the bad things that could have happened but didn't. God isn't a human, so you can't use human terms like weight to describe him.

2006-10-08 00:39:30 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Death is a nornmal part of life. Even though your friend was hurt by the death of his dad, I don't see what possible connection there is between that natural and normal event, and the existence of God??

The answer to your question is "no". If there was a rock He couldn't lift, then he would not be all powerful, and therefore He would not be God. So, what you are really asking is whether God could create a situation in which He would not be God. Nope. He couldn't. Because it is His nature to be God, and God cannot do anything that violates His divine nature.

2006-10-08 01:03:43 · answer #6 · answered by PaulCyp 7 · 2 0

It is said whe we lose a loved one wether or not they Know Jesus or not. But to say there is no god is because of the circumtances of losing a loves one, is silly and a good ploy by satan to convince one that if God was real? then this or that would not have happened. We all to often want God to be our servant, and by that I mean we want, want and want. God is not the candyman or santa he is God , the God Head, God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Hallelujah! Jesus lives! hallelujah! Praise Him! Just because bad things happen, doesn't mean we should turn our back on God, We are to serve and worship Him!
And God can do anything that he so chooses. Also you see a lot of people argueing that god doesn't exist, and trying so very hard to have him removed from government building and the like. If he wasn't real there wouldn't be such a fuss to get rid of someone so great, who doesn't exist.

2006-10-08 00:44:38 · answer #7 · answered by fsh3i1 3 · 2 0

God is not a "he" or a person at all. God is the energy that animates the bodies all living beings.

If we can accept God in this form, then we can imagine it as a force, like the wind. The wind bears no personal intent, it just is.

Death is not so terrible and scary as it may seem. It's a natural part of life, the successful conclusion to our time here. When we die, we simply go back to spirit. Your friends father hasn't abandoned him, he is probably still watching, as spirit. If your friend listens, really listens, he may be able to hear him.


2006-10-08 00:53:56 · answer #8 · answered by gwennethmorgan 2 · 2 0

It is natural to feel sad when our relatives (family),died. Everybody in this planet earth will die one day.If his father was a minister,your friend must to have knowledge about God and what the Bible say about death.His father according of the Bible, is at the heaven now.You,your friend,I and all humans beings in this planet,will die one day.But we hope one day,we will go at the heaven to live for the eternity with God.God,Jesus and the Holy Spirit are not religion,they are real powers at the universe.Tell your friend that his father is okay and happy on the other side;and he want your friend live happy,in peace,knowing that his dad is okay at the heaven.

2006-10-08 02:32:40 · answer #9 · answered by cobrasnake 6 · 1 0

This is known as a pseudo-question. It’s like asking, “Can God win an arm wrestling match against Himself?” or, “If God beat Himself up, who would win?” or, “Can God’s power defeat His own power?”

The question is nonsense because it treats God as if He were two instead of one. The phrase “stronger than” can only be used when two subjects are in view, for example, Bill is stronger than Bob, my left arm is stronger than my right arm, etc. Since God is only one, and since He has no parts, it makes no sense to ask if He is stronger than Himself. That’s why this is a pseudo-question. It proves nothing about any deficiency in God because the question itself is incoherent.

This pits one aspect of God’s ability against another--in this case, His creative ability against His ability to lift. The goal is to show that there are some things God can’t do, thus undermining the Christian concept of an omnipotent Creator. This illustration, however, miscasts the biblical notion of omnipotence, and is therefore guilty of the straw man fallacy.

Omnipotence doesn’t mean that God can do anything. The concept of omnipotence has to do with power, not ability per se. In fact, there are many things God can’t do. He can’t make square circles. He can’t create a morally free creature who couldn’t choose evil. He can’t instantly create a sixty-year-old man (not one that looks sixty, but one that is sixty). None of these, though, have to do with power. Instead, they are logically contradictory, and therefore contrary to God’s rational nature. The “Can God make a rock so big He can’t lift it?” challenge is no threat to Christian theism

2006-10-08 00:59:10 · answer #10 · answered by williamzo 5 · 1 0

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