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Theres always that one Christian who says "you don't know what you are talking about".

So, why not. What about the fact that most of us are ex christians.

Tell you what, what if we found a group of ex christian ministers or priests or something like that, a group who had their divinity degrees, and they were to point out the same problems with the Bible,

would it still garner the attack "you don't know what you are talking about".

See, I notice Christians are quick to attack the perceived threat, but I wonder why there isn't a defense of the God/Bible whatever thing they believe.

I would contend that Atheism, the presumption of Atheism, would be able to survive the attack "you don't know what you are talking about" any day of the week, anywhere, anytime.

2006-10-07 17:27:27 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

Ah, people just love to say "you're stupid". Ad homs are the most popular of logical fallacies.

There are a lot of secular, non-believer theology scholars out there. People just don't like to think that folks can be experts if they don't buy into it.

2006-10-11 13:10:36 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Jim, possibly those of us, possibly me, or someone else, made the statement you quote, and left it at that... If we did it is not because we don't know the answers to your questions, or what to say in our defense, it is because Christians are told in the Bible by Jesus not to defend the attacks. He told us there would always be people who would attack us for our beliefs. Long drawn out statements with us telling you we feel you are wrong, and you telling us the same, does not serve any purpose except to cause more anger and resentment toward each other. Jesus stated that we should go on about our business in doing good for others and spending our time more wisely, knowing that nothing we say could make a difference if someone continuously turns a deaf ear to what we say.

I really feel we should just try to get along just as you stated in an earlier question and others have stated at different times. We could call a truce 'so to speak' but I'm unsure it would work. During the week days it gets worse in R & S, and ends up to be nastiness and cursing going on and it is inexcusable. The battle is constant and the questions, from some in peticular, get worse by the minute.

I had to leave for a while earlier and did not get to answer or see the ending to the question you asked earlier about whether we could all get along? How did that turn out?

2006-10-07 17:53:31 · answer #2 · answered by son-shine 4 · 1 0

I even have yet to be offered with any data that God does exist. unlike Bigfoot the place there are a minimum of a few (surprisingly suspect) lines of knowledge, yet no data in any respect. Wild Biblical claims approximately previous activities have been shown to be wildly misguided, and somewhat some others are downright impossible with out invoking magic as an evidence. i hit upon the case for God not extra persuasive than the arguements in desire of Mormonism, Scientology, Astrology, psychic phenomenoa, etc. Atheists look on the Bible and factor out the fallicies of large judgment and reasoning in it, the contradictions and the cruelties. We remark that "If the god defined in the Bible is genuine, then this is what it/the international/biology/technology may be like." There at the instant are not any extra ailments cured by making use of prayer than there are by making use of organic stable fortune and well-being. I hear all styles of thoughts approximately how "faith healers" scientific care all styles of non-seen issues, yet I even have in no way heard of every person regrowing a misplaced limb. Thge finished historic previous of religion has been fraught with pious frauds, disinformation, and propaganda approximately how terrible and evil the different faiths of the international are. provide me a logcial reason with data to have faith in God, and that i in all possibility will. only pointing around and asserting "you're right here" isn't sufficient.

2016-10-19 00:21:12 · answer #3 · answered by turrill 4 · 0 0

"you don't know what you are talking about" :)

Seriously, that is a cop out answer. Anyone who truly wants to have a discussion and talk about truth would not cop out of the conversation like that.

I respect what other philosophies and religions have to say. To tell you the truth before I accepted Jesus Christ I followed many of the ideas of Buddhism, Taoism and others. I believe the only way to find the truth is to find it together but through the Bible. Open discussions between real truth seekers are the only way to resolve the questions we all have.

Even if I do not know the answer to some question I have no problem saying I don't know. But I will research it and find the answer in the Bible and we can discuss it further. I have not run into to question that the Bible does not address in one way or another.

2006-10-07 17:42:59 · answer #4 · answered by nubins 2 · 3 0

The Bible of The True Christian Faith is not intended for non-believers. there is nothing in The Bible for atheists... They are blind to The Truth... and it is God who has done the blinding. If they can not understand... tough nuggies....

There is no such thing as and Ex christian... when one becomes of The True Christian Faith there is no going back to the old ways of the world... period... There are a lot of people in various ministry positions who are not infact, Christians...there is no "divinity degree" that can make any one a Christian...The Word of God has nothing to do with any "degree" or man indoctrination...There are a whole lot more who think they are Christians than there are those who Truly are... and there are far more deliberate impostors than even many of The Faith will admit to...you see a lot of those on television spouting on about their "degrees"...

one need not even know how to read or write in any language to be of The One True Church of which Jesus The Christ is The head... it is much harder for most mortal men to become of The True Christian Faith than it is to get any "degree" in theology... but the most worldly ignorant native in any jungle can be, and many are, far more understanding of what it is to be of The True Christian Faith than many of the so-called degree toters on TV.

personally...a flying finger for the arrogant egotizm of the Atheist eliteizm... when it come to God they do not know what they are talking about.... so they sure as () know nothing of The Faith and The Truth of The Salvation Message. And they shure as () are not qualified to expound up on any of God's Word.... you attack with ingnorance and are answered with The Truth.... but keep attacking...maybe one day some of The Truth will break through your shell and strike your heart and you will finaly come to life... for as of now you are dead to God...

2006-10-07 17:45:28 · answer #5 · answered by IdahoMike 5 · 1 0

What do you want a Christian to say? Do you want them to throw their hands up and say, "oh ok, thanks for enlightening me!" Well, you know they're not going to say that. What would you gain out of that anyway? A new buddy?
I laugh, because you seem like you're trying to "evangelize" folks into joining your "belief system," or lack there of.
I'm a Christian, and I understand that the Bible can be read and understood by some as a literary book, and that is all.
Why does it matter to you who wins the debate - the Christians versus the Atheists? They'll feel sorry for your soul, and you'll feel sorry for them. They'll waste time praying for your soul, and you'll just waste.

I also find it funny that most of your 2260+ questions on here are questions asking about religion, including this one:

"Is it my God given right to bear arms, and to own slaves too?
Is it my God given right to own slaves? "

I get it now, you're an imbecile!

2006-10-07 17:47:00 · answer #6 · answered by nellie_3000 3 · 2 0

Hmmmm.....an excellent question. Some people find it easier to defend something that they cannot fully explain with insults or denial of the obvious. There are ex christian ministers (as I'm sure you know)...who have chosen other paths and will never return to Christianity.

Some of the Christians that are argumentative with the Atheists today....will become the Atheists of tomorrow.

2006-10-07 18:04:16 · answer #7 · answered by ? 5 · 0 1

In the debate that you describe, there is no survival or extinction. They are ideological differences that must either be overcome (conversion) or accepted. Sometimes, we must agree to disagree.

While I find that expression is usually a cop out for someone who is either ignorant of what he truly believes or is lazy, when it comes to dogma, or its antithesis, there is no bridge other than conversion. Lacking that, you either agree or not. There is no middle ground.

2006-10-07 17:35:41 · answer #8 · answered by normobrian 6 · 0 0

"Atheism, the presumption of Atheism, would be able to survive the attack "you don't know what you are talking about" any day of the week, anywhere, anytime."

Just how would one attack an empty hollow philosophy as Atheism? Attacking Atheism is like tackling a scarecrow...nothing inside of it.

2006-10-07 17:31:54 · answer #9 · answered by missourim43 6 · 4 2


2006-10-07 17:34:34 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

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