If you look at the statistics, it already has. If you walk through the streets of Los Angeles you will have people say straight to your face that this is not California, it is "Mexifornia." They have a lot more in common with rats, the diseases they have brought with them, the famine, the amount they take from our country and put back into theirs. It is robbery, quiet and sneaky and well-thought out, and it is being ignored and even SUPPORTED in our own government.
2006-10-07 17:12:47
answer #1
answered by getmycountryback 2
So the answer is no we are not going to turn into a new part of mexico and no the illegal pop wil not grow.
Read on..
Your numbers are off a little bit. However the pop of the USA is 10% Mex (around 35 million), and over 1/3 are illegal (about 13 million). Total pop of the USA is close to 300 million people.
So that means if 13 million illegal workers times 5 dollars per hour would be 65 million dollars per hour illegals are making here or about 650 million dollars for a 10 hour work day. This money is not taxed and a good 1/3 goes back to Mexico. We need to keep our money and stop supporting mexico.
We could use it to help build a wall and put gards sholder to sholder all the way down it. Which looks like what we are trying to do.
2006-10-08 00:14:47
answer #2
answered by Don K 5
Hispanic does not equal illegal, you know. Other things to consider are that first, the illegal immigrants that are coming into our nation are not doing as much economic damage as people keep claiming. In fact, they may be helping us out a bit. Europe's really struggling right now because their population is in decline. With a rising elderly population that needs to be supported by fewer youngins, they're having some real difficulties. The US's population has a small growth rate, due in large part to immigration. The illegals may not be paying income tax (though they pay sales tax, just like everyone else), but their kids sure will. It helps.
Secondly, it is easy for scandal- and failure- riddled politicians to pick out hot button issues and make a big deal of them to distract Americans from what's really going on. Illegal immigration is a problem, I will certainly grant you that, but it is not as big of a problem as the Iraq war, or the economy, or gas prices, or the environment, or any number of other issues. Illegals are not ruining our country, so, frankly, they can wait. We've got other issues to work on before we get to the second tier stuff, so don't let politicians distract you from that. This issue is important, but it's being trotted out like just another gay marriage or flag burning amendment.
Finally, in order to get more illegal immigrants than citizens, then the entire population of Mexico would have to first more than triple, and then come running across the border. By sheer numbers, your question is ridiculous.
2006-10-08 00:32:45
answer #3
answered by random6x7 6
We already are becoming another Mexico. Our school are becoming crap because most of the students don't appreciate the value of an education and their parents don't speak English so they can't help with homework. The classrooms are so crowded, and those students have no respect for anything.
Neighborhoods without a homeowner's association are being filled up with immigrants who don't understand that 25 people can't live in a 3 bedroom house. They don't get that neon pink is not an appropriate house color and it will bring down the value of the neighborhood.
I pass billboards in Spanish every day, and in some neighborhoods, stores carry very few magazines in English.
Yep, we're in Mexico. Goodbye, quality of life. Hello, selling chicklets on the corner.
2006-10-08 03:22:34
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Well i know there will probably be a lot more hispanics (not all immigrants come from mexico) in the USA( but I dont think we're gonna take over the world or anything so you have nothing to worry about. Its not bad thing tho cause whos gonna do all the hard construction work while everyone else sits in their nice offices and drives their nice cars??? hmm?
2006-10-08 00:08:56
answer #5
answered by fiendgirl138 1
California is a preview of what the rest of the United States will look like in a few years from now unless we put an end to this illegal alien problem.
Even if they "got their 'stolen' land back" they'd spread their presence throughout the rest of the country.
2006-10-08 00:17:40
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
No. Illegal Immigration is nothing more than a security problem, no economic or "cultural" problems involved. If you think the opposite, then you need to stop watching CNN.
2006-10-08 00:29:39
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
It takes one rat to know another rat starting with your mother: )
2006-10-08 06:30:06
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
If you hate Mexican's so much, why do you live in Mexico? Your very strange....I bet you have a brothel in Mexico, pathetic!
2006-10-08 00:40:49
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
WHY NOT? Part of Mexico became the USA.
2006-10-08 00:22:10
answer #10
answered by leetledivineone 3