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I am currently over weight and I honestly want to change my weight adn improve my diet. Actually, my diet is not bad yet i am not very active. So what are som things I can do around the house. Also my son is turning a year and I now feel as though I am starting to gain some more time to myself. So please help me I will truly appreciate it.

2006-10-07 16:48:45 · 14 answers · asked by Ms. Chrisitn 1 in Health Diet & Fitness

14 answers

On Yahoo!Answers I find certain questions being asked repeatedly which is simply a reflection of new people participating. A couple of common question amounts to "How do I lose weight," or more specifically, "How do I lose abdominal fat?" I have gotten very positive responses from my answers when I paused to reply (and now beginning to get "It works!" emails that are very gratifying. I like helping people)... so have recently decided to put a good solid answer on my Yahoo!360 Blog (September 10) that I can point people to. These are my thoughts as a physician and athlete.

Don't target losing more than about 2 lbs per week. If you try to lose faster, your body will go into "starvation mode" and get very stingy about burning calories while at the same time very efficient about storing any calories that you do provide. And it will make you feel awful.

There is no site specific way of losing fat... the old myth about working your abs to burn belly fat isn't true. To get rid of love handles, you need to lose overall fat. That happens with exercise and watching your diet. More on that below.

The most effective way to lose fat is aerobic exercise in the "moderate" fat-burning range, ideally first thing in the morning before you eat. When you wake your body is ready to burn fat and your levels of growth hormone are highest at that time. Later in the day it can take up to 30 minutes just to put your body into a fat-burning mode.

Another overlooked way to burn fat is by lifting weights. Skeletal muscle has very high caloric needs... almost twice that of adipose (fat) tissue. Put on a little muscle and you will burn calories all day even at rest. Be aware that skeletal muscle weighs more, so with this approach you may see your weight increasing while your body fat is melting away. Not realizing this often stresses folks who think they should be losing weight as a measure of fitness. Forget the scale, look in the mirror and you will be happy.

To lose a pound of fat, you need to eliminate about 3500 calories. You can do this by burning more with exercise or by modifying your diet to reduce intake. If you do a Google search on say, "swimming calories" you will quickly find a website with tables of calories burned for a given exercise. You can use such lists to estimate how many calories you are burning up with your routine.

For diet, keep a diary for a couple of weeks counting calories, grams of protein, and grams of fat intake. It is easy with online sources of nutritional information (type the name of the food and calories into the Google search engine) and packaging labels. That will let you quickly figure out where the fat is coming from in your diet.

Fat gives you 9 calories per gram. So take the number of grams of fat, multiply by 9, then calculate what percentage the fat calories are of your total daily calories. Restricting the calories from fat to about 20% of your total intake is ideal for a maintenance diet... that isn't overly restrictive. Of note, you need some fat in your diet. For instance, the body uses fat to produce hormones. Once you have a picture of how to modify your diet, you can drop the diary and just go back to it occasionally if you are wanting to tweek things further.

There is a subset of questions that goes further and asks about "How to get a six-pack?" The answer is the same. Six-packs are 20% abdominal exercise and 80% diet. There is one caveat... abdominal muscles will form in the position that you work them, so be certain to pull them tightly toward your spine while doing crunches, etc. Also, during most lifting, the "core is active" which means that you should be stabilizing with contracted abs then too. Fail to do this and the abs will form, but bulging outward and the result is not attractive.

If you are trying to build muscle as a way to lose fat, then you may need to increase total calories and specifically your protein intake. I target about 0.8 g of protein per pound of body weight each day when actively building. That is far more protein than most people need in their diets.


2006-10-07 18:21:53 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I gained a lot of weight after I had my son, who is now a year and a half. I still haven't managed to lose ALL of it, and I got fed up, so I started walking. I walk a mile a day and started eating better, and so far I've lost over 10 pounds in 2 weeks. I'm sure the weight loss will begin to slow down eventually, but I'm pleased with my progress so far. Walking is great exercise! Why not take your son out for a stroll?

2006-10-07 16:55:17 · answer #2 · answered by Megan 4 · 0 0

To lose weight, you need to reduce the calorie intake by some amount. It is important to develop a healthy diet , so that body receives sufficient nutrients even as you try to lose weight. Check the calorie count of the food you eat. A diet without sufficient nutrients like vitamins and minerals will only increase your appetite when you are trying to lose weight. Since most people combine a diet with an exercise plan to lose weight , additional nutrients are required for the growth of muscles to increase the metabolic rate. Small changes in your diet can help you lose a lot of weight. For long term fat loss, the exercise program should consist of a combination of weight training and aerobic exercises. More information on exercises and diet to loose weight is available at http://tinyurl.com/jax5h

2006-10-08 00:51:19 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Put the baby in the stroller and start walking. I don't know where you live, but I am not that far from a park, about a 15 minute walk. My son is 16 months old, and I started doing this a few months ago. I get my exercise and he gets to play on the swings for a bit before we walk home.

Another thing I started doing (not very good at it, so I do it when it is only me and the baby) is sit ups. I sit him on the couch, place my feet under the couch and try doing sit ups, every time I come up, I make funny faces or silly sounds at my son, so he enjoys it and doesn't mind sitting there for me. I try my best to get through 20 of these.

2006-10-07 17:00:32 · answer #4 · answered by nanners040477 4 · 0 0

Try the chicken and water diet. I did it once just shed a few pounds and I lost 22 pounds in 3 weeks. Basically all your eat is white portions of non-breaded chicken 4 times and day and drink a full glass of water with it including 4 glasses of water through out the day. Then I did cardio 1 hour every day and boy did I lose and lean up. I wouldn't recommend doing this for a long period of time but if you want to shed a few quick pounds pretty quick its a good way to go. And oh yeah, take a multi vitamin every day because only eating chicken, well you will not be getting all the vital nutrients you need. If you stick to it believe me it will work!

2006-10-07 17:00:04 · answer #5 · answered by Simmy 3 · 0 0

Walk, dance around the house & with your son. Move, move, move is the key word. Also, my daughter is going to Weight Watchers & man has it helped her. She had weighed 250 & in 6mths she weighs 185 . Shes went down from a 20 to an 8-10. She eats but she watches what she eats and she excercise at home and walks. Good Luck cause its very easy to put it on but harder to take it off.

2006-10-07 17:09:40 · answer #6 · answered by smiley 4 · 0 0

I know what worked for me and I won't B.S. you, it's hard. I've managed to lose 63lbs in about 4 months by eating only fruit, chicken, fish, and veggies.The excercise is some sort of cardio 3-4 times a weeks for 1 hr and if I have time a 1 hr weight lifting session.

If you can manage it, I'd do that....

2006-10-07 17:09:14 · answer #7 · answered by mysticpeacocks 1 · 0 0

Diets do not work. 99% of people gain the weight back. Here is how it works. No one teaches the animal what to eat and what not to eat. He knows instinctively what to eat. Humans also have the same instinct. The way it works is just eat whatever tastes good and that will be healthy for you and non-fattening. That is why a baby tastes everything. So again whatever tastes good, is good for you. This is why you will spit out spoiled milk.

But wait!!! Man has the technology to create rat poison. It tastes like healthy food (good taste) but kills the rat. So man has done that to you. Note- any food unaltered by man (uncooked) that tastes good, is good for you. So if you are stranded in the woods, that is how you know what to eat (cooking changes that). So man has created fake fruit. It tastes like fruit that exists in nature but it is terrrible for health, addictive and fattening called sweets.

So it is natural to like real sweets called fruit, like a baby does, but they have fooled you just like the rat. But they do not want to kill you. They want you to become obese so you will buy lots of their foods. This is called GOOD BUSINESS. Remember the above (not on site) and see site below to re-learn how to eat so you can be thin and fit for life.


2006-10-07 17:16:31 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

High protein, lean protein and cut the carbs. No more than 30 perday. Women need at least 65 g protein aday and men need 80g per day.Works for me. Plus protein supplements are a good idea and help to feel full longer

2006-10-07 17:02:28 · answer #9 · answered by kwsrg 1 · 0 0

walk walk walk....and dont eat chips and pastries and ice cream. eat more veggies and meat.
But if you arent much of an excersior, walking is easy and you set the pace. Get a neighbor to go with you or push your son in the storller. Wear ankle weights and hills are really good for the backside.

2006-10-07 16:54:18 · answer #10 · answered by njank99 4 · 0 0

Actually try water fasting. Detox your body to get rid of all the toxins from junk food. After the water fasting, this will give you a chance to start a new eating habit. For more information, click on the link. Good luck!


2006-10-07 17:13:15 · answer #11 · answered by GucciGirl 1 · 0 0

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