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Rolling Stone 3.9.06 The reporter went undercover,& pretended to be interested in membership. She reported Scientologist believe 75,000 yrs ago an evil galactic warlord named Xenu, controlled 76 planets in this corner of the galaxy, each of which was severely populated. To solve the problem X rounded up 13.5 trillion beings n flew them to Earth were they were dumped into volcanoes around the globe n vaporized them with bombs. This scattered their radioactive souls, or thetans (living thrillions of years, n born again n again). They believe their radioactiv souls or thetans, were caught in electronic traps set up around the atmosphere and "implanted" with a number of false ideas- including concepts of YHWH or any other organized religion. They believe that these entities attached themselves to human beings n with "editing" (box w/ needle) your brain wich acts as the spirit can be captured. Father of Lies they r all AntiChrist, Can anyone see why YAH'SHA'YAIN/Jesus is Savior?

2006-10-07 16:46:40 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

This is what Scientologists ACTUALLY believe:

Xenu was an alien ruler of the "Galactic Confederacy" who, 75 million years ago, brought billions of people to Earth in spacecrafts resembling Douglas DC-8 airliners, stacked them around volcanoes and blew them up with hydrogen bombs. Their souls then clustered together and stuck to the bodies of the living. The alien souls continue to do this today, causing a variety of physical ill-effects in modern-day humans. L. Ron Hubbard (a science-fiction writer and the creator of Scientology) called these clustered spirits "Body Thetans," and the advanced levels in Scientology place considerable emphasis on isolating them and neutralizing their ill effects.

To rid ourselves of "Body Thetans" and also “engrams” (past negative experiences stored in our unconscious mind) so that we can become “clear”, we have to go through "auditing" with a member of the “church” who uses an "e-meter" to measure our “reactive mind”...... and we have to pay lots and lots and lots of money for “auditing” and to take courses on Scientology to advance to higher “levels” in the “church”. The “church” has also taken a very hostile stance towards psychiatry and psychiatric drugs irrespective of the fact that some people require medication to remain adequately functional in everyday life and has been known to withhold prescription pharmaceuticals from member (with deadly results).

Scientology is undeniably a cult.

Every cult can be defined as a group having all of the following five characteristics:

1. It uses psychological coercion to recruit, indoctrinate and retain its members
2. It forms an elitist totalitarian society.
3. Its founder leader is self-appointed, dogmatic, messianic, not accountable and has charisma.
4. It believes 'the end justifies the means' in order to solicit funds & recruit people.
5. Its wealth does not benefit its members or society.

Are Cults Harmful?

To remain within the strict mental and social confines of a cult for even a short time can have the following disastrous effects:

Loss of choice and free will. Diminished intellectual ability, vocabulary and sense of humor. Reduced use of irony, abstractions and metaphors. Reduced capacity to form flexible and intimate relationships. Poor judgment. Physical deterioration. Malnutrition. Hallucinations, panic, dissociation, guilt, identity diffusion and paranoia. Neurotic, psychotic or suicidal tendencies.

2006-10-10 13:47:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

ooooooookaayyyy. This faith is a good as any. It's no more ridiculous that believing that some guy dieing over 2,000 years ago is your free trip into heaven ( Christianity ) No more ridiculous than to things in space will come together, just because they are there ( Gravity ).

Is it possible that we are the spiritual sludge left over from a galactic dumping site? Well look around. War, famine, Terrorism, and so forth. We have to make law and establish government just to keep us from killing each other. We have to have taxes because we are too shallow to accept the fact that firefighters and police officers can't work for free. With that in mind, it doesn't seem so crazy, does it?

It's a faith like any other. I know where my faith will put me. I follow my faith because I love my heavenly father and am grateful for all that he's done for me. Considering that I'm not one of his best children, and has show me more tolerance than I've shown others, I'm....comfortable here. God bless.

2006-10-07 16:59:27 · answer #2 · answered by Odindmar 5 · 1 0

Never know, maybe there is a little truth in it. Humans don't have all knowledge. But I do believe in God, the ultimate incomprhensible orginator of Creation. But I don't jeer at others because you never know who is right, I just look for the truth axiously and fearfully before I die and find that I am wrong or a bad person or had no idea about anything or something....

I just looked it up and it is a religion that instead of faith requires study to prove truth. that's all. I keep noticing that people are ignorant about other people's belief because when I study it, most of time the people who made the comment are wrong and ill-informed.

2006-10-07 16:55:08 · answer #3 · answered by Muse 4 · 0 0

L. Ron Hubbard told friends before he created Scientology that religion was the best business to be in. In fact it is if you are greedy and lack morals like some televangelists Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, Peter Popoff, and many more.

To understand how people can actually believe these things it's a step by step process. The most susceptible people lack familial support, stability, or have psychological problems. They don't put out the L.Ron Hubbard alien mythology immediately. They welcome these people and befriend them. They give them psychological tests and tell them that they understand their problems and that Scientology can solve them.
Once they are regulars and have converted they lay down bits of the story as they go up in Operating Theta levels. Only high up people are supposed to know all the 'alien secrets.' They aren't going to turn their backs on this group of people that have befriended them and have become part of their lives, so they play along til they believe everything they are told.

The same thing happens with other religions, most often people are born into it. Like Christianity and Islam.

In the end it's what you do with your religious beliefs. You can help yourself, you can help others, and you can improve the world we live in. When religion prevents you from doing those three things it loses it's benefit.

No matter what religion you are you must treat others as you would want to be treated in the same condition they are. You must help make the world you want to live in. By working together humans are capable of great things. Religious differences have caused wars and the inability to work together. To be able to make the best decisions you must be logical, open minded, observant, and a seeker of knowledge.

If you want to see for yourself how intelligent people can be pulled into something like Scientology, got to a Multi-level Marketing seminar like World Financial Group or Amway. They can get people to think they are going to make money and all they talk about is recruiting, and don't even talk about the selling part until later on. I checked out WFG just to see what it was about. They had me interested since all the people were friendly and intelligent. They said that they helped middle class families by helping them manage their finances. I thought that sounded great. When I finally got down to the basis for making money, it was all about selling life insurance and recruiting people to do the same. It was all strutctured to get everyone to recruit and have those recruit, and then hope that some people can actually get someone to sign up for life insurance.
That was my experience in people causing a false perception (of making a lot of money while hiding the core of flooding the market with a ton of insurance salesmen and eliminating overhead).

2006-10-07 17:29:39 · answer #4 · answered by XR 2 · 0 0

You must have read this from some comic book. I have my doubts if Jesus returns he would like any organized religions. Less is more. Maybe the real Antichrist is the unforgiving environment.

2006-10-07 17:15:58 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I heard that those people who prepare scientology have faith in some very unusual matters. I as at as quickly as as heard that L. Ron Hubbard as at as quickly as as quirked that in case you want to get wealthy speedy, initiate a cult.

2016-12-26 12:26:56 · answer #6 · answered by santolucito 3 · 0 0

First I want to clarify that the story of Xeno is just a fable and no Scientologist believe it to be true. In fact most Scientologist I have meet haven't even heard the story. I did read that rolling stone story and no one in Scientology told him anything about Xenu or any other crazy stories like that. http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/story/9363363/inside_scientology
Scientology isn't a faith system but a series of proceses that a person uses to find his own truth.Scientology is much like Buddhism but instead of meditation they use auditing with the same goal and faster results. Here are some of the principles.

1. What is true for you is what you your self observe to be true.
This is a common believe with Buddhism in the Kalama Sutta, the Buddha teaches the danger in fashioning one's beliefs merely on the following grounds: on hearsay, on tradition, because many others say it is so, on the authority of ancient scriptures, on the word of a supernatural being, or out of trust in one's teachers, elders, or priests. Instead one maintains an open mind and thoroughly investigates one's own experience of life.

2. Man is his spirit not his mind or his body. This is a common believe with many religions.

3. The spirit creates his own mind. Please do not confuse the mind with the brain that is a physical thing. The mind is composed of mental image pictures as explained in Dianetics. These pictures serve the spirit to give him knowlege and experiance. These pictures are composed of energy. The energy in the picture can affect the spirit. You can feel better by remembering something that you like or angry by remembering something else. These emotions are actually energy waves emanated by the picture. You can actually feel pain by remembering a pain memory. Sometimes this pictures are acompanied by ideas or considerations. Lets suposed that you father beat you mom up in front of you. Your father was the dominating figure so you might conclude that you have to act like your father in some situacions. This is what we call in Scientology an aberation (a conclusion that is impose to you by a mental picture). This picture is what we call a engram; A pain memory that affects your judgement and free will.

4. A spirit is capable of considerations and ideas and this ideas are solely based on uglyness and beautyfullness. The spirit reject ugly things and intends on making everything beautyfull. Do you like your car, you house, your job, your friends? Are you friends nice with you? Can you improve things in your life? All these are ideas based on uglyness and beautyfullness. This is why the spirits rejects the ugly memories and by rejecting the ugly memories (not confronting them) he is unknowingly affected by them.

5. You can discharge the energy in this pictures true communication. This is Auditing, the Auditor directs your attention to this pictures regardless of how ugly they are and you confront the picture and discharge the energy of the picture true the communication line. Is like if you have battery, in order to discharge the battery you need to discharged against something. If you try to discharge it against your self is just going to chock you.

Scientology is a very interesting religion that takes years of study to master. I just mentioned a few fundamentals. Scientology is so advance and so different that people can't understand it. People think that they know everything there is to know about life. And when they see Scientology they jump to conclusions when in reality they don't have a clue what are they talking about. The reality is that man attacks what he can't understand. That's why Scientology gets so much bad press. Scientologist see all these bad press with pity. They understand that people are acting out of ignorance and using their reactive mind. Is like watching a bunch of cows in a stampede going towards a Cliff. They are going in that direction because the cow in front is going that way, What they don't know is that the cow in front is blind. Scientologist are the few blessed ones that can see the truth and get out of the stampede.

2006-10-07 22:41:14 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Scientologist believe in the same things as Christians, they just have different details. For example both believe that a powerfull being many years ago is responsible for our existence.

2006-10-07 16:52:13 · answer #8 · answered by jedi1josh 5 · 1 1

Don't understand the question. Quite a fascinating story. Would be a good theme for a sci-fi movie, but nothing serious.

2006-10-07 16:50:06 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I understood the first two lines... then I all I understood after that was a little like this, "blah blah blah blah", but my answer is simply this, I don't think about Scientology at all as it's a total waste of my grey matter.

2006-10-07 16:49:21 · answer #10 · answered by moejaymom 3 · 1 1

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