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I'm an atheist, and I would like to know, why do you believe in God? You can list all reasons why you do. Thank you!

2006-10-07 16:23:21 · 30 answers · asked by Nowhere Man 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

30 answers

There are no reasons. The key is Faith in him. I like many others were brought up in church. I had the chance to stop believing in him and did for a short period in my life. I then had a child and had horrible complications I should have died. All of the doctors told my family there was no hope. My mother didn't believe this her being a religious woman began to pray louder. The staff came out and told her "shut up your daughter is going to die anyway so stop bothering the other patients." My mom didn't stop and for some reason after 12 days of being unresponsive on a ventalator I woke up. Think about it. Would you turn your back on the God who brought you back from death. There is only one explination for me answering your question and that is God is real and I am not dead!

2006-10-07 16:43:53 · answer #1 · answered by BumbleBee 4 · 0 0

I've given this subject alot of thought. I believe in evolution. I believe in the scientific process. I can follow scientific theory for the creation of the universe right up to the point where it starts. Then science falls flat on its face. I've found no description of why the big bang occurred other than it did.

Another point that I have a problem with is the creation of life. Evolution explains how single cell beings eventually became what walks the earth today. It does not explain how the "primordial soup" birthed life. What was inanimate now is alive.

For these things I believe a power greater than what can be explained by our science is needed. I don't necessarily agree with the leading relgions definition of "God" or his intentions but I do believe something like "God" had to present for our universe to get started.

2006-10-07 23:59:56 · answer #2 · answered by Cain 3 · 0 0

I don't believe the Universe is a fluke or a cosmic accident. I think there is purpose and reason behind the creation of the Universe and had to have an intelligent all powerful creator.
Everything in nature is perfect and a miracle. Man hasn't created anything. He only uses materials created by a supernatural power. Long after man is gone, the Universe will carry on without him for whatever reasons God had creating it in the first place.
We're only one tiny part of that plan whatever it is. God is bigger than any of our religions can even fathom.

2006-10-07 23:41:53 · answer #3 · answered by sister_godzilla 6 · 0 0

Why? good question.

Because I can feel him. I can sense his presence. I can see his movements in things. I can watch and with time, understand why. Of course I don't know that I understand until I try to explain it to some one else.

I've had too many things go my way to say that I have " good luck ". These thing tend to help out other people as well. It also puts me in a position to help some one else, and in turn help myself.

To run the numbers on the odds of all the things that happen in my life working not, you think I could tell you the lottery numbers. But no, every one takes the same chance with that. no divine intervention there.

I've learn that in this day and age, everyone has their own language. and it's not always vocal. I've heard Wiccan speak about Communing with Nature. I don't understand it, but it does imply a language of some sort. Me, I watch the world. talk to people on the forums and kinda put it all together to form a snapshot of God's work, and why he has done some thing over there yet.

To say that I understand God? lol Only the stuff I'm ready for. best wishes.

2006-10-07 23:31:22 · answer #4 · answered by Odindmar 5 · 0 1

I can never remember a time in my life that I didn't believe in God, I always knew he is there (I did not grow up in a "christian home either" or any other religous type of home for that matter) But I always believed in God when I was young I went to a bible school and heard about Jesus..believed in him felt sorry for him , but I did not follow him until I was 34 years old when he changed my life in a mighty way, I was at a loss for life I had no will to live and I was just "going through the motions" everyday, I had lived an "ungodly" life my whole teenage through until I was 34 I was a mess and I stayed high just to keep my mind off the pain and emptiness I had inside..Then I was transformed and saw the light..kind of like the Aerosmith song "Amasing"(in a blink of an eye you finally see the light) I was having this horrible battle I did not even know I was in (in my head) it was a spirual battle basically I felt like killing myself because I was feeling the effects of my sin which was murder..I felt condemned for the abortion I had when I was 18..you would think all of those years would have kept me from feeling it but no it was there in my face. Anyway Jesus gave me a peace I could have never received without him because he paid the price required for my sin, and to him I will give Glory everyday. And to the God who loves me, even when I was so filthy, I will always love, and I will serve him every day of my life until he calls me home. He is real and he does love us, even though self-righteous people would like to keep us from him, by judging others, but that is not really what it about to be a Christian, we are not to judge anyone but to bring HOPE to those who are lost...So my reason I always have know he was there and he opened my eyes and showed me a part of him that is special to me. He is awesome

2006-10-08 00:31:09 · answer #5 · answered by candi_k7 5 · 0 0

If you live in the United States - it's more than likely you have heard about the Gospel message. Have you understood? If so, what would keep you from submitting to Jesus and accepting the free gift of grace that He offers?

Do you believe Jesus (at the least) was a historical figure?
There is proof

Do you believe the Bible is the word of God? Do you know there are historical, archeological and scientific FACTS in this book? Do you know that this is the ONLY book that has 100% prophetic prophesies fulfilled? (Prophets who gave out even one wrong prophecy were stoned in the past...can we say that about todays "prophets"?)
There are no contradictions - it is perfect (KJV only).
There is proof

Since Jesus was here. Since the Bible is reliable. Then all that Jesus said in the Bible is Truth.

John 14:5-7 (King James Version)
5Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?
6Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
7If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.


No other religious leader claimed to be God - that's major! Why would Jesus do that?
No other religious system offers grace - you always have to work to earn your way.

If you believe that it's by living a good life, by doing nice things, doing more good than bad or at least not being as evil as Hitler that gets you into heaven...YOU ARE BEING LIED TO!

If you have told even ONE lie (irrespective of it's color) you are a liar.
If you have stolen anything (irrespective of it's value) you are a theif.
If you have looked with lust you have commited adultery in your heart (married or not).
If you have hated anyone you have commited murder in your heart.
If you have used the Lord's name in vain ever, you have commited a VERY serious sin called blasphemy.

That's only 5 of the 10 Commandments.

How would you do if God judged you by that standard? Innocent or Guilty?

By this standard, are you deserving of heaven or hell?

Do you care?
Do you understand why you need the Saviour?

Let's say a man is brought guilty before a judge (here on earth).
He is definately guilty - he did the crimes, he knows it, the judge knows it and justice must be served (otherwise the judge would be corrupt).

Like this judge...it is God's goodness that demands punishment come to the "Law"breakers.
If you are depending on the goodness of God to save you on judgment day, be sure you understand His definition of good.

So, the guilty man is sentenced to death unless he can pay the $10,000,000,000,000 fine he incurred. He can't pay and is headed for prison and then death.

Suddenly, someone steps in and says he will pay that fine. He will give everything he has to save that unworthy criminal.

How should the criminal respond to such an offer???

That is what Jesus offers all of us. How do you respond?

Scoff at him?
Mock Him?
Spit at Him?
Choose not to believe Him and walk into the death penalty?
Think that you have a better way to escape - and that you will - somehow - you hope?

Think about it.

What hangs you up? Your eternal destiny depends on these things. There is NOTHING more important than finding out His Truth.

2006-10-07 23:29:53 · answer #6 · answered by Angel06 2 · 0 1

For by God,through Him was all things made. for without God, there was nothing made that was made. I believe in God the Father Almighty, the maker of heaven and earth,and in His only Son Jesus Christ who was conceived by the Holy Spiriy, born of virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried. He descended into hell and on the third day He rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven. and sitted on the right hand of the Father God Almighty, fromthere He will come again to judge both the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting.

2006-10-07 23:40:51 · answer #7 · answered by dtmc542006 3 · 0 0

1. God keeps me safe at night
2. God made u
3. God loves u
4.God helps u make it in 2 heaven
5.God knows all ur problems and helps u with them
6God is there when no one else is
7. God knows ur heart
8. God saves u
9. God makes u feel better
10. God is there pertacing u day and night
11.God will left u up when ur down
12. God is King
of all Kings
13. God is why u r here 2 day
14. God is why u r breathing
15. God cares bout u
16.God is why u made it 2 the age u did
17. God is the 1 and only God
18. God is the1 who makes ur prayers come true
19. God has ur future planed out
20.God wants u in haven
21. God will walk with u
22.God made the people who made the roof over ur head
23. God helps u with everything
24. God gave u ur job
25. God makes miracles happen
26. God blesses ur days

2006-10-07 23:41:15 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

All these stuff in the world; you , the nature, the sky, could you believe that they were come in existance without a great power help? I'm pretty sure that when you are in danger the first person you ask help its God. Imagine the universe, can you thank they were there without the allmighty mathematician? Just think about it.

2006-10-07 23:30:19 · answer #9 · answered by Inestral 3 · 0 1

I believe in Him because I felt His presence when I was a child. I grew up in a home where people weren't very nice to one another, and I was really confused. My Mom and Dad seemed to hate each other, the siblings fought, it was like...why is it like this? I remember being so terribly sad. That's when I first felt the presence that I later came to know as God.

Fast forward about thirty five years; someone brought me to a bible teaching church and I started studying the bible. I recognized the one whose presence it was, it was Jesus Christ.

So that, in a very small nutshell, is why I believe, because He made Himself known to me.

2006-10-08 01:03:26 · answer #10 · answered by Esther 7 · 0 0

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