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I graduated in 2003, and still dont know what to do with my life. In high school, I was a loser. Not by choice, by mistakes I made my Freshman year. And by my looks, and financial situation. I was also very private. Plus a lot of the kids at my school were very cruel. I was invisible, or at least it seemed. I still have the agression in me. I wish I could make things right, and destroy my inner demons from which I've carried with me. I mean I look at myself now, and realize I am in the same situation I was in high school. Nothing has hardly changed except im older. What the hell am I doing sitting here? I should be out somewhere with friends... Do i even have any true friends? What do I have that is so good? **** it whatever

2006-10-07 15:56:36 · 18 answers · asked by EMUmonster 2 in Education & Reference Other - Education

18 answers

Twenty years later I look back on HS as the bad old days and I was neither popular nor unpopular, just kind of mainstream. I can tell you this: Make a decision right now that you're going to do something that propels you out of your self-imposed rut and you're going to do it tomorrow. I don't care if it's taking up exercise or pottery, if it's going to college or getting a job or changing jobs, if it's booking a flight to Ireland or switching which store you grocery shop at. Get up and get out. That is the goal for tomorrow. If you spend alot of time going to bars, stop that. If you spend alot of time watching TV, stop that. If you spend alot of time on the internet, stop that. Life is not a dress rehearsal. You are on stage right this second and EVERY second counts. You've p i s s e d away 3 yrs. of stage time because you had no clue what to do with yourself and you've let your apathy and unspent aggression be the ruling forces in your life. One question. How's that working out for you? If you think, and I suspect it's probably so, that you have some emotional issues over it and could possibly be depressed, go see a doc, see if he can put you on antidepressants and thennnnn, go work out the issues with someone trained to knock them outta here. I look back at how small and meaningless my high school years were. I was filled with feelings of dissatisfaction for quite some time after I got out of HS but, dude, the world has so much to offer someone who is willing to go out and get a piece of it. You can't turn back time and make the kids in HS like you or love you or even just be kind to you. Those days are GONE. What you can do is like yourself enough to move on to a different phase of your life where you are in control of your destiny and you can choose to put yourself in the path of people who interest you. Cuz it's not all about who is interested in YOU, it's about who YOU'RE interested in.

The way I see it, you've got one and only one choice to make. Stay where you are, doing what you do, letting yourself down more and more by the day or ......get EXCITED by life. It's so much more than you've let it be so far. Go on now, brother. You've got alot of stuff to be doing.

2006-10-07 16:07:51 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Wow... I know exactly how you feel. That's so weird, just today I was feeling the same as you.

I didn't enjoy high school either... they always said "it's the best time of your life"... referring to high school years, but I never enjoyed it much... and felt like "best" was still to come. I still feel that way...

I've realized that we have to take responsibility for our happiness. Don't like something in your life? Try to change it. The difficult thing is knowing how to. I take it you're probably shy... Make friends... get to know people at work... join a club of something that you enjoy and socialize more. Need a career? Do some soul searching and find out what you really enjoy doing... if you can't think of anything that you really enjoy or are good at.. think of something that you *can* do. Sometimes the most important thing is just having a goal... the goal doesn't matter so much... but just having it gives you something to look forward to and something to work towards.

It helps too if you find someone special to share your life with... a girlfriend or best friend.... but if you haven't met the right person yet, don't worry... it's surely coming. I believe that if we do the right thing, and if we help ourselves, and are patient, then in the end everything will work itself out.

Things will work out for you and one day you will be fulfilled and happy.. be sure of that. It just might take you a little longer.... Find out what you want in life, make goals... and work torwards them. Oh, and forget the past... don't regret it, don't even look back. What's done is done. Just think about the future and what you want. Some people have a really great start in life and end up miserable, and others start off badly and end up great. Work towards being the latter.

2006-10-07 23:10:45 · answer #2 · answered by spanish kitty 3 · 0 0

You've been getting a lot of good advice here. Chalk me up as another "high school loser" who has made good with the rest of her life. And as others have been saying, it's all about making up your mind not to let the insecurities of your high school years define you and getting out and creating a life for yourself. Trust me...not too many years after high school, the high school "losers" and the "popular crowd" become indistinguishable and suddenly they're all just "people". So if you keep wallowing in the same attitudes you had in high school, you're missing a golden opportunity to start having some fun. But YOU have to do it. If you just sit around and think "I was a loser in high school and I still am", you will become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Now get out there and create your life ! You'll be really pissed at yourself later for all the time you wasted if you don't.

2006-10-08 22:14:52 · answer #3 · answered by Schleppy 5 · 0 0

i hated everyday of highschool. i've been out 8 years(oh my god) but sometimes i can still feel the pain people caused me as if it were yesterday. be happy you are done. you can be yourself now and not have to worry about being judged as much. going away to college made a huge difference for me, the best time of my life actually. i feel like going away to school is a good idea because not many people know who they are when they are 18, so college is like a holding cell until you finally figure it out. I suggest you move away. get a job somewhere and start new. mostly everyone you went to highschool with are losers anyway. but life is really about the journey not the destination. it will probably take me my whole life to figure out who i am and why i'm here, but maybe that's the point.

2006-10-07 23:05:56 · answer #4 · answered by imperfectly 4 · 0 0

I have the exact same feelings....except i've always planned to sort of re-invent myself after highschool. See, i've made bad decisions too. In Junior High i was grounded ALOT so i couldn't go out and that has adversly affected my social life. I mean i'm not a loser in school. I do HAVE friends. My financial situation is also a factor too. I go to a rich *** school......and i'm not that rich....so i've never felt good about inviting friends over. All I can say I guess is try to be more outgoing.....ask a girl out on a date. What's the worse she can do? Say no?

2006-10-07 23:00:55 · answer #5 · answered by WILSON 3 · 0 0

Like Shakespeare said, "This, too, shall pass." My freshman year I had no friends at all. I joined track in the second semester and was the second fastest kid in the school as a FRESHMAN. I got a ton of friends and started going out with an old one, who happened to be not very popular. All my friends would criticize me that I shouldn't be dating an unpopular girl and they would all call her ugly. I never let this bother me and continued dating her. I became popular and my girlfriend started becoming jealous, so every attractive girl I was friends with, I would push her away. I fell in love with my girlfriend and wanted to do whatever I could to make her happy so I isolated myself from my friends. We continued dating and went out for three years. She broke up with me last week. She told me she had so much going on-with school and her job and everything she was involved in, she didn't have enough time with me. I now sit here heartbroken. All my true friends, I have made the mistake of pushing away. The only girl I have ever cared about has left me. I quit track because it was too time consuming and I didn't have enough time for her. And in the end, what do I get? She leaves me. Hang in there man, I'm going through some tough times but I know I'll be ok. I'm sitting at home on a Saturday night too, and I'm sure plenty of people are in the same situation as we are. Just try being happy, if you want to cry and feel great pain, do it. That sounds queer but for the first week with out her I would cry and cry, and I'm finally beginning to stop and grow up. I know I'll never get over her but I need to be happy. You have some things that are difficult, but just stay focused man and I swear you'll be alright. Have faith and never let anything keep you from smiling. If you do not believe in God, have faith in yourself. I wish you all of the luck in the world and I hope you get through this phase as quickly as possible. I'll pray for you man, just hang in there.

2006-10-07 23:05:50 · answer #6 · answered by bob t 1 · 0 0

A kick in the butt .That's what you need .You are probably not even in your mid 20´s. And yea what the hell are you doing just sitting there. Hit the gym, make them want that body baby. Don´t worry about friends . Friends suck, they look at your sister. You just need a few buddies to hit town until you find that special someone. You got youth, You got freedom and a brain. Grab those demons by their balls. Move Grinder move !!

2006-10-07 23:40:39 · answer #7 · answered by Loser Millionaire 3 · 0 0

Wow. I see and I know how you feel. I'm currently in high school, and I was a loser in Junior high, and you know what? It was cause of how I was. I was annoying, I never shut up, I didn't really dress very nice. I was a mess. Now I've cleaned myself up and I think about what people like in another person. When I meet someone, I don't look nervous I give a gentle sweet smile and say hi. I dress nice, not in the trend but nice enough for people to say, "Hey she dress cute" or "Hey she dress nice". Think about that. And maybe clean your life up your life get a job. Better yourself. Don't make it your life to be what other people want you to be, but enough for people to like you. It helps a lot to be organized. I'm super organized and I feel that I don't feel so suffocated. Maybe clean your living space. Better yourself, k? Hope you take my advice!!!!
♥GaBy SaLiNaS♥

2006-10-07 23:10:08 · answer #8 · answered by dotbrie 4 · 0 0

I was laughed at and made fun of in Jr. High and High School

I am now 46 years old and look wonderful! I am very successful and happy with my life! I laugh (to myself) at the Class Reunions.

The "Big Shots" at the time are so fat, ugly and unsuccessful.

They still act like they own the world but My World laughs at them!!

2006-10-07 23:06:01 · answer #9 · answered by LN has3 zjc 4 · 0 0

I went through the same thing, except I graduated in 1982. Things will get better, it did for me. I am happily married with a good career. Time heals all, keep your chin up...

2006-10-07 23:00:27 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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