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Our youth is out of control. It used to be that either you went to college or you went in the military. Now it's either college or the gangs. Get them off the streets! Every person aged 16 through 21 should either be in school or in the military. This would fix the country.

2006-10-07 15:55:22 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

29 answers

Yes...some sort of civil service for all. Not necessarily a military application. Even for disabled Americans, everyone can help and it would be beneficial to all.

2006-10-07 16:01:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

NO, NO, and NO.

This would NOT fix the country. We have enough problem cases in the ranks without a massive influx of retards and Category IV types downrange where those in the line would have to deal with them. Oh sure, it's easy; you don't want them hanging round in the malls or chugging 40's by the corner, so you want to put them in a uniform and give them weapons. BAD IDEA.

Whatever the education system and parenting can't fix, no service - whether it be the Marines or the Army - can fix it with the "softer, gentler" rules instituted in training today. No rough handling, no cursing, the use of stress cards. It is definitely not like what it used to be, is what everyone with more than ten years in says.

Those who are problem kids and then turned around are either VOLUNTEERS who want to get off the streets, or those given a choice between prison or the service who still VOLUNTEER. You want the draft again? You're going to see a whole lot more fratricide, blue-on-blue, servicemembers robbing banks, servicemembers going AWOL, servicemembers brutalizing local nationals overseas. We had enough of that garbage in Vietnam - that's why the draft was abolished in the 70s.

If we resort to a draft just to fix a problem that belongs rightfully to schools and parents, then I'm leaving military service. The military is NOT a babysitting service. The military is NOT a dumping ground for those people you think are unsightly because their drawers are showing above their pants. Conscription should be a LAST RESORT. National service only works for certain European nations because they have ordered societies where schools actually work and they don't have to deal with an epidemic of unwed mothers and a divorce rate that's the highest in the developed world. If the problem is the youth, fix the parents and the schools that produce this youth.

If you don't want out-of-control kids to be your problem, don't make it the problem of that Commissioned Officer or that NCO who has to deal with him or her because your community couldn't sort itself out. You don't want to pay for that kid to be in jail at taxpayer expense? Wait til that kid gets into the service and it ends up costing more than 4-5 times as much to keep him there per year, depending on the job, and watch either the national debt grow or your taxes break your piggy bank on your lap.

The country is already in debt. Expanding the military is NOT the answer to a social problem. The military already has ENOUGH of a problem dealing with white supremacists and various minority gangs in the ranks. You want to take these problem cases in even GREATER numbers, and give them military training, give them responsibility for the lives of others? YOU'RE ALL OUT OF YOUR MIND if you think that's going to WORK. TRY AGAIN.

2006-10-08 00:02:26 · answer #2 · answered by Nat 5 · 3 0

Perhaps the real question is driven by what there is for our youth to "do".
The war on teen pregnancy leads to more pregnancy.
The war on drugs leaves children orphaned with parents in prison.
The war on Islam leaves parents with no heirs.
The war on poverty raises youth to feel entitled to benefits.

What is the draft to accomplish? If you mean service to the country, than yes, perhaps. I think that a year or two working in civil service - building infrastructure, helping the sick, aiding the elderly, patrolling our border would help our country immensely.

If you mean drafting more people to kill our ill-equipped enemies overseas, probably not. I think we're pretty safe from the combined Navy and Air force of Iraq and Afghanistan.

I don't mean to sound contentious other than your topic is quite controversial. I hope I have seeded some thought and provided a new perspective.

Good Luck - Mike

2006-10-07 23:03:43 · answer #3 · answered by michaelbellman 3 · 2 1

Your idea sounds good on paper, but I don't think that would work out these days. I'm in the Navy, and I know people that joined the military by their own free will, and they're bitching about it. They signed on the dotted line and they regret it. So if they actually drafted people into the military, I believe there would be a huge backlash. Picture protesting mobs with torches and stuff. Besides, there's enough thieves in the military; we don't need to put prospective gang members in the mix and teach them how to shoot.

2006-10-07 23:13:43 · answer #4 · answered by mikey062804 3 · 3 1

The draft should be reinstated, maybe not as heavily as is used to, but should be brought back.

Times have changed it's no longer communism we're fighting but terrorism, dangerous regimes, and not to metion the number of peace keeping duties America has. We can't continue protect ourselves and the world with the enlistment rate as it is.

If people are so hardcore about America being free and you can make your own decisions about joining the military. Then don't they owe something to America for all it's given them? If you don't want to protect what was given to you and just roll over and let terrorism and dictatorships take over the world then why even call yourself an American?

2006-10-07 23:10:51 · answer #5 · answered by A helper 1 · 1 1

Well there are some kids that would not be appropriate but I see your point. Other countries require military service. I think it would do a lot of good for the majority and point some of them toward a career. I don't think the wealthy powerbrokers should be allowed to keep their kids out of the draft. There shouldn't be any fortunate sons or daughters. If a person objects to service, there is plenty on U.S. soil for them to do.

2006-10-07 23:02:47 · answer #6 · answered by whrldpz 7 · 1 1

I agree. It sure would improve things. I think that after graduation of high school, you either enter college or mandatory military duty. No options, other than those. That way everyone is on a level playing field. It would also improve the Patriotism of our youth, if they served in the military. Something they lack in today's society.

2006-10-07 23:00:17 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I don't know if I agree with the draft, but I do think there should be a requirement of some sort of government service made of all able persons sometime around that age group.

2006-10-07 22:59:20 · answer #8 · answered by leclairro 3 · 3 0

No it wouldn't. You really want to give a 16 year old a gun and send them to Iraq? Not only would mental health issues go threw the roof, but so would suicide rates. No one should be forced into the military unless there is a country invading us. Which, like it or not, there isn't! America evaded Iraq, they didn't evade us! My husband is in the military, so don't think I am anti-military.... but let me tell you something, he's in Iraq now with guys who WANTED to sign the contract, not forced. I feel much better knowing that!

2006-10-07 23:44:05 · answer #9 · answered by Kelly 2 · 3 1

Have you ever heard of fraging?

Some less than enthusiastic people that were sent to Viet Nam (drafted) discovered a way to avoid following orders that put them in danger. They realized that killing their superiors was easier than killing all of the enemies that were trying to kill them.

The volunteer army lowers the incidence of this barbaric but understandable practice.

All the same grub and all the same pay
and the war will be over in less than a day.
-All Quiet on the Western Front

2006-10-07 23:04:59 · answer #10 · answered by imnogeniusbutt 4 · 2 1

Blame the parents... Or more likely.. blame MTV and crap like that... Most people can see that MTV is just a show, to others it their idol...

and Dont bring them into the corps, I dont want gang members protecting my rights... I'm sorry.. I leave it up to the professionals and the dedicated members of the US armed forces

+ I rather them being in gangs then going AWOL

2006-10-08 00:44:02 · answer #11 · answered by Shadowfox 4 · 2 1

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