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He states he is all for the war. How can anyone be so crazy as to believe in a war we can't win. All people with half a brain knows we will not and can not win in Iraq. I'm thinking about knocking some sense into his head. ( Note: He's stationed at a military base in Michigan )

2006-10-07 15:44:10 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

U.S. Casualties in Iraq Rise Sharply
Growing American Role in Staving Off Civil War Leads to Most Wounded Since 2004

Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, October 8, 2006;

The number of U.S troops wounded in Iraq has surged to its highest monthly level in nearly two years as American GIs fight block-by-block in Baghdad to try to check a spiral of sectarian violence that U.S. commanders warn could lead to civil war.

Last month, 776 U.S. troops were wounded in action in Iraq, the highest number since the military assault to retake the insurgent-held city of Fallujah in November 2004, according to Defense Department data. It was the fourth-highest monthly total since the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in March 2003.

Washington Post stories and multimedia reports about Iraq, Afghanistan, the War on Terror and more.

2006-10-07 19:21:50 · update #1

31 answers

Doing so won't change his mindset, it will just move it around a little lol. Marines are brainwashed that way charge it to the game.

2006-10-07 15:52:16 · answer #1 · answered by uthinkso 3 · 1 7

You don't have the guts to get out from behind your computer and slap anyone, much less a Marine. You'd rather sit here, spew your hatred and stay hidden. You couldn't face reality, much less a Marine. I dare you, go ahead, slap him. Have the camera rolling too, because I want to see him scrape you off the bottom of his boots.

Oh, and we have already won the war. We captured Suddam. Now, we're working on rebuilding Iraq and helping the Iraqi people begin a new life. The insurgents are not the Iraqi people. The Iraqi's do want us there and appreciate what we're doing. Of course the military believe in what they're doing. They know what's really happening. They know what the news doesn't tell you. Then again, you don't have half a brain, so you couldn't understand even half of this.

2006-10-07 23:55:11 · answer #2 · answered by HEartstrinGs 6 · 4 1

I always tell this story when I talk to or about Marines. God love them!

The Confederate Marine Corp was like most of the things the Confederates instituted; a copy of the original from the United States. I am certain you are aware of the duties of a modern Marine; they were not much different during the war. Marines were aboard ships to protect them when in port, during battles. They protected Naval stores, piers and shipping points in the various ports and along the rivers. Due to the limited number of ships, much of the Confederate Corp duty was at the ports and rivers. In fact, the only history of the Corp for which I am familiar states, “The part played by Confederate Marines at Charleston has remained obscure in spite of numerous efforts to locate details of their activities”. Throughout and after the war, unless they were from Virginia; officials and officers who served the South complained that the Virginians got the plum assignments and all the glory. It seems this is what happened to the Marine Corp with the other branches getting the credit and glory. You notice that the Marine Corp for either side received little if any recognition for their arduous service. It is a shame but my favorite story about the Corp came at Saylor's Creek when 1/3 of the Army was captured. The contingency of Marines from Drewry Bluff were surrounded in a section of woods and fought on long after the Arny surrendered. A yankee officer rode down to ask why they had not surrendered, in true Marine fashion, they replied, “why, aren’t we winning”? Regardless, God bless you and all our men and women along with the Southern People!

2006-10-07 23:07:32 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

We can win in Iraq, but the way things are going it is doubtful it will happen.

Here is something to think about. This Marine fights with his unit where many others are trying to kill him and his buddies. If a Marine had doubts about the war, then it is likely that his reflexes would be slowed and he might die from his doubt (and others who depend on him). Believing in the war might be an ignorant stance, it might be a self-defense mechanism, and it may be that he has thought out the reasons and he truly believes that the war is just and appropriate.

What gives you the right to physically attack another human being if you believe that war (or maybe just this war) is wrong? If you want to win him to oyur side, then you must use words not violence. Hitting him will shut down any rational thoughts either one might have in such a situation.

2006-10-07 22:54:02 · answer #4 · answered by Your Best Fiend 6 · 1 2

So let me get this straight. He doesn't believe the same way you believe? Good so far? So, you are going to use or try to use violence to change the way he thinks and lives? OK?

I'd say go for it. BUT its a war you can't win.... It goes against everything you say in here. He isn't overseas so he is just talking... about like you are....

Wouldn't that make you just like him? Using force to try and change something you don't agree with. Sounds pretty much like consertive/republican thinking to me......

2006-10-08 01:52:39 · answer #5 · answered by lostokieboy 4 · 0 0

Before you slap him do one thing first get your facts straight. You go to Iraq see what he has seen talk to the people .the real people ,not those made up for the news cast. then look around and tell him he is wrong.
If you are not up for that go ahead and slap him and call him a cowardly ********** at the same time.maybe after he stomps a mudhole in your a-ss you will see the light.

2006-10-07 23:08:10 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

You're not going to want to hear this, but under the right circumstances, this war is winnable.

We've fought insurrections (uneven wars against local populace) before.

This one lasted 13 years.

Warfare is brutal, but the rewards can be considerable as you change the existing balance of power.

However, this doesn't mean I'm a fan of the war. I'm a libertarian, which means while I support the judicious use of force when necessary, I believe we should only do so to protect our own soil.

You should hit him up side of the head anyway, as Marines like that sort of thing.

2006-10-07 23:06:32 · answer #7 · answered by roberticvs 4 · 2 2

You really can't blame him let me explain something to you. When one enlists themselves into the services the first thing they go through is boot camp. Boot camp is designed to get these people ready to give their lives for their country, and they ( the government) do this by breaking them down to build them back up and make them believe they can and will win even if they have to die trying. So you see his beliefs are that which our government has made him believe with all his heart, so slap him no. We should all pray for them.

2006-10-07 22:54:32 · answer #8 · answered by skhoury28nails 3 · 2 1

Do you really think that your gestures will help or solve the problem?????? if so go for it.....

We are trying to spread peace....by being mean, aggressive and showing hatred...you are just proving him that he's right and that you are no better than him..........We don't fight hate by hate but only by compassion, love.....or if the person is way over his head...by despise.......
He's not worth it...Life is a choice.......We all choose...and we should all respect each other....

2006-10-07 22:57:01 · answer #9 · answered by Valerie 2 · 0 1

Im for the war too, you gonna try something with me too? You dont have the balls to pick fights with marines. You dont even have the balls to support your nephew as he ships out this month. You would rather support the throat cutters that you call freedom fighters. You are a sick and sorry excuse for an american.

I hope you do "knock sense" into him. When you are done, the paramedics will have to use buckets to take you away.

2006-10-07 22:54:11 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

Marines are very hard core Hoorah! They love to fight and are damn good at it too! I would thank him before I would hit him upside his head. Honestly, unless he is a two star general his opinion doesn't mean much anyways!

2006-10-07 23:41:45 · answer #11 · answered by Kelly 2 · 3 0

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