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i believe that GOD , JESUS & HOLY SPIRIT..are 3 seperate beings.
jesus is not god, etc.
jesus is gods son.
i also believe that when we so die , that we go to be near the lord,
but yet we sleep. sleep in jesus. we will be resurected as it says in revelations.we will live here on the new earth. jesus will rule.
i believe that GOD gave jesus authority to heal, forgive sins, etc , we are to praise him and god doesnt mind if we have jesus equal with him as he was sent by GOD and is his son.
well actually when i pray, i put GOD the father first.
but i ask forgiveness of sins in jesus:s name.
who believes as i do?
and what if GOD has a wife?
god has a son. why not a wife?
he is god!!! he can do as he wishes. it wouldnt be sinful.
GOD made eve for adam. he made them to recreate (have kids) .
maybe he created us like him , which he did, .
there is alot we dont know.
also i believe earth to be billions of yrs old. our bible possibly a recreation account. well let me know !

2006-10-07 15:40:53 · 15 answers · asked by grasshopper 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

I think you need to study the bible more.

2006-10-07 15:44:31 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

It's kind of like three god heads but one God. Sort of like a team--let's say the Chicago Bears. There are several individual players on the field at the same time but they are all still the Chicago Bears. Your body has MANY parts but there is still only ONE you. God is sort of like that. God= Father, Son, Holy Spirit. One God, Three persons/parts. God is not a physical being and has no need for a wife. God is not male or female. God is more than the human mind can comprehend. God has a Son (Jesus) so He could come in human form to forgive sins. Forgivness was won through sacrifice. Someone, something, perfect, sinless had to atone for sin. Sacrificing (killing) that perfect, sinless PERSON was the only way it could be done. Since God CAN NOT die, Jesus, coming in HUMAN form could and DID, die. You might look at it like this--If you get a piece of clothing dirty you need to make it clean again. If you just wish and hope it will become clean again, nothing will happen. But if you wash it, soap, water, etc. the clothing will become clean again. You had to put that dirty piece of clothing into something that was not dirty, the OPPOSITE of dirty (soap water, etc.) to make it clean. Our sin is like that dirty clothing. Jesus is like the washing that makes it clean. This may be a poor example but it is about the most simple way I can think of to put it. God made humans starting with Adam and Eve. We are HUMAN, meaning like Adam and Eve, and not exactly like God. There are many theories as to the age of the world/earth. Read the Bible. In Genesis we are told that LIGHT was created on the first day of creation BUT, the sUn was not created till the third day of creation. There was light but not a sun yet. So how long were those first two days? 24 hours? 100 hours? 1,000.000.000 days? 10,000.000 years?? Who knows? I think that had God wanted, God could have created things in seven seconds! You are right, there is a lot we don't know. In our finite minds, we wouldn't be able to understand it anyway. Plus, does it really matter? Things/the world. are as they are. Nothing is going to change it. So, does it really matter how old the ground your standing on is?

2006-10-07 23:53:07 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

wow, have much to learn.
I would say you are a Jehovah's Witness.

God uses metaphors. He does not need a wife. Neither did the Christ, Jesus. These are terms that are used to explain relationships to us. We "are like" the bride of Christ.

Christ is the SON of God...like men have sons...part of them...but separate from them.

God uses analogies to help use understand something that we can not understand.

Jesus is God, come to earth in human form. That is what some of us believe, others do not. Jesus is Divine. Some believe that, some do not.

2006-10-07 22:43:43 · answer #3 · answered by pinkstealth 6 · 1 0

My friend,

God is the great I AM. HE does not "need" anything or anyone...bujt he "wants" us. Jesus said there will be no marriage in eternity so gender will be a thing of the past.

As far as who Jesus is, I urge you to check the first link below...Who Do You Say That I AM? It does make all the difference in the world...an eternal difference because any other Jesus then the one in the Bible is an antichrist. Jesus said unless we believe that Jesus is I AM, we will die in our sin. (John 8:28

As far as soul sleep goes, it is far from what Paul taught. Yes our BODIES are in a grave until the resurrection, but our soul is not. Pau said to be absent from the body was to be present with the LORD.

2 Corinthians 5

6 Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord:
7 (For we walk by faith, not by sight:)
8 We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.

In Philippians 1:21 Paul said: For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

If he were in a grave how would it be gain??

Stepehen said that He saw Jesus standijng to welcome him home when he was being st oned for his faith in HIM. (Acts 7:54-60)

I would also urge you to check the 2nd link below to see if you really do belong to the LORD.

2006-10-07 22:58:54 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Probably you are a Jehovah's witness. You probably have been indoctrinated by them. I am a Christian and I believe that the Bible is "God breathed" - God's words penned by men. I don't agree with you at all in a lot of areas. I pray you find the real Jesus of the Bible. God bless you.

2006-10-07 22:51:08 · answer #5 · answered by jworks79604 5 · 1 0

That would make you a Christian. However, it is taught that Jesus is God's only son, conceived of the virgin Mary. You didn't mention anything about that. Read the bible, which can be somewhat eye-opening, or go to any church of your choice, and see what you can come up with as far as a religious preference.
Sounds to me like you've got enough to get to the gates. Once you're there, you can ask all the questions you want. ;)

2006-10-07 22:46:48 · answer #6 · answered by mom 4 · 1 1

There have been a lot of people who have similar beliefs to you. Admittedly, the Roman Catholic Church has condemned these beliefs--and yours--as heresies.

But here are the names of doctrines held by some people who thought along similar lines: Adoptionism, and Arianism.

Historically there have been people who believe as you do and I am sure there are thousands, maybe more, who would agree with you right now.

2006-10-07 22:50:12 · answer #7 · answered by o41655 4 · 0 0

I don't think you know very much about Christianity. Why don't you read the Bible through the interpretations of the Early Church Fathers?

They were the first leaders of Christianity and they KNEW what the Bible meant, because they knew the Saints who wrote it. (well, actually God wrote it, but He wrote it through the Saints)

2006-10-07 22:51:22 · answer #8 · answered by DominusVobiscum 3 · 1 0

I think that it is cool that you are working out your beliefs...dont know of a paticular denomination that fits you..God rocks .....
hope you find the niche you are looking for.. mabey you might want to try a few different churchs and see which feel like home to you?....Peace

2006-10-07 22:45:17 · answer #9 · answered by sltydgx 5 · 0 1

well, i believe in the deity of Christ, but to address your question about God having a wife:

we are the bride of Christ.

2006-10-07 22:43:14 · answer #10 · answered by debbie 4 · 1 0

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