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take for instance that movie 'jarhead'.
it is based on a true story, on the book,
and it shows examples of how the girlfriends and wives of the military men, cheat on them. while these guys fight bravely for our country, these women cheat on them with lousy men from the neighborhood. why do they do this? why are women so cruel?
but it seems very rare for the guy to cheat on their wives, because for a lot of them, the wives are the very thing that keeps them going over there. that keeps them sane.
why are women so cruel....just ain't right.

2006-10-07 14:56:53 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

20 answers

I am a Military Wife, and see cheating a lot.
It is something that happens, because typically the men are gone for months or years at a time, and the women get lonely. Not to mention the fact that most of the wives who do this do not normally have children, and are under 21 years old.
My husband is a Marine, and they are the ones who usually get a bad rap about cheating, but I see more women cheat. I do not condone it, but I see "why" they do it. Young, alone, and a man showing them attention. But, they should have realized when they married the man, they married the Military as well.
I know I am the thing that would keep and give my husband hope, and knowing that, could never stray. Yet, I am 32, and realize the consequences for my actions, not like most of these young girls.
Why they do it? I do not know?
It really is a shame.

2006-10-07 15:36:49 · answer #1 · answered by Oorah Wife 3 · 1 0

While "Jarhead" purports to be a true story. it is a story skewed through the eyes of a disgruntled washout of a soldier. it is NOT the norm for military life and does NOT depict what the Typical Marine experiences. The whole cheating wife video that is depicted in the movie has been told many times with nearly every detail changing. The soldier that it happens to must really get around himself as I have heard of him being attached to many different units and being in many parts of the world when he gets the video.
As to military wives cheating on service members who are away deployed... well it does happen. Just as Military members cheat on wives and husbands left back home. Just as Civilian wives and husbands cheat on each other. But there are many both civilian and military who do NOT cheat as well.

I think the question "Do more women cheat on their military husbands?" is irrelevant. Some people cheat. Some don't.
It's as simple as that.

Now military life is extremely hard on married life and family life. the long absenses and high worry and stress cause by the potential of death and injury creates great hardship to a family. As such many marriages fail in the military. So divorce rates are high and as a consequence I would guess that rates of infidelity would also be high.

2006-10-07 17:08:28 · answer #2 · answered by CG-23 Sailor 6 · 0 0

Cheating Military Wives Videos

2016-11-06 20:32:50 · answer #3 · answered by lyssa 4 · 0 0

First of all. Jarhead gave a bad image to Marines and their spouses. So, you shouldn't base your facts just on that one movie. Yes, there are A TON of wives and husbands that cheat on their significant other while overseas. But not everyone does. Take me for Instance.. My husband has been in Iraq since July, and I haven't even came one bit close to cheating on him. I don't intend to either. Some people just don't care enough to stay faithful, and that is really sad on their part. However, you can't just look at this on a military scale. Civilians are cheating on each other all the time. It is just a way of life. Yes, a crappy way of life, but people do it. And please don't call women cruel. Men cheat on their spouses too.

2006-10-07 18:03:00 · answer #4 · answered by Katie 3 · 1 0

Questioner, adultery works both ways.

The difference is that when a military spouse screws around, he or she isn't sledgehammered by UCMJ action, as civilians don't get prosecuted for adultery by the service. That joy belongs entirely to the spouse wearing the uniform, who, if caught, is entirely at the mercy of his or her Chain of Command, since adultery is, if I remember right, an Article 134 offense.

Since you're not in the service, let's make a few things clear:

(1) Thanks to the"we're all equal" policies that have been put in place, there are a lot of mixed-gender units out there. Take these units for long (we're talking 6 months to a year) deployments, and you will get those without a conscience to speak of start screwing around on spouses. It happens. If it didn't happen, there wouldn't be a General Order in place that forbade servicemembers from having sexual relations while deployed.

(2) Take the home front, where husbands (and wives) are gone from 6 months to a year. Bored housewives without a conscience tend to misplace wedding bands and end up at the local dives in packs. It happens. The ones who take advantage of this, surprisingly enough, are more often than not other servicemembers who for whatever reason didn't deploy (I have seen more privates get in trouble this way than civilians).

My infantry company came back from Iraq in 2004 to a whopping 90% divorce rate. It just happens that way. Some of the guys were dogs, and deserved it. Some of them were saints, who then proceeded to get hammered for all their savings the accumulated from special pays and tax-exempt pay while deployed (if the wife hadn't already cleaned out the bank accounts). Same goes for the wives. Some of them were dogs and deserved to get kicked to the curb. Some of them were saints, who took care of the kids, the house, always afraid that their loved one was going to never come back, only to be then cast aside for some inexplicable reason (usually a younger female found in uniform).

The biggest saving grace of the Afghanistan and Iraq deployments, is that there is so little contact sanctioned with the local nationals on a personal level, that there's hardly any chance for the average guy to cheat on his wife with anyone over there, compared to wars past (Korea, Vietnam). That both theaters are alcohol-free (DoD policy dovetailing with Muslim beliefs) just adds to the segregation ... and then drives G.I. Joe and Jane into each others' paths.

So the bottom line is, don't blame women. Dogs are dogs regardless of the gender or whether they wear the uniform or not. If a woman is the only thing keeping a man alive in a combat zone, that may be romantic, but it probably isn't very healthy.

Oh and one other thing: Not every servicemember deployed overseas is a hero. Plenty of dogs in the ranks as well; the difference is that being a dog isn't sanctioned, and neither official policy or the norm of behavior over there. Always that one apple in a bushel with the worm in it. They may wear the flag on the right shoulder, but some of them don't bear it.

2006-10-07 16:49:09 · answer #5 · answered by Nat 5 · 1 0

When the men aren't around, it doesn't matter WHY.

War, job, jail, sick, whatever.

Noble causes (or ignoble for those who consider the war illegal and immoral) aren't likely to enter the equation when someone is deciding whether to cheat. At that point, all that they're thinking about is whether they'll get caught, if even that much. They've pretty much forgotten their vows.

On the other hand, many soldiers deployed overseas take advantage of local female companionship. The old saying "a woman in every port" didn't come outta nowhere. The wives & husbands who DON'T cheat have my respect, because the temptation is there and it's easy to succumb.

You're right, it ain't right. But it happens. War is hell.

2006-10-07 15:08:43 · answer #6 · answered by C-Man 7 · 0 1

YES! I am a very proud and loving US Army wive, but I could name you at least 20 women alone that cheated on their husband. My husband is with the 101st Airbourne Division and during the past year our entire division was gone (25,000 soldiers). Yes women can turn into whores and cheat, but they're not all bad.

Videos like that in Jarhead do exist and women do it. Because they don't care.

At one soldier's homecoming his wife came 7 months pregnant, he hadn't been home in 10 months.
At another, he came home and went down on his wife and tasted the other man's sperm. She's cheated on him right before she left for the hanger.
One wife went so far as to bring divorce papers to the hanger to pick him up.

I'll never understand why they do it, they just do!

However, to correct you, many guys also cheat on their wives. The ratio is probably about the same, they don't get caught because it's not like they're around a lot of girls. Guys don't tend to gossip! But they sure as hell do, the women over there that sleep around are called "Cot Hoppers". It's honestly equal!

2006-10-07 17:06:29 · answer #7 · answered by Kelly 2 · 0 0

Most military wives were married young so they're fully reliant on their husbands and the last thing a man serving in the military is to know that his wife is cheating on him with some low down nasty trifling fool from the neighborhood. These women don't utilize their time too well if it's wasted cheating on their husbands.

2006-10-07 18:29:29 · answer #8 · answered by nabdullah2001 5 · 1 0

sadly it is true. the military wives get lonely and when they receive any attention from any guy they love it. i really think it has to do with lonliness. that being said, i am a military wife and i would never cheat on my husband, my thought on it is that if i ever feel that i have to cheat maybe i need to take a closer look at my relationship with my husband. but there is a support group on post called "promise keepers". its for women of deployed soldiers to help them stay faithful. i think its pathetic that that is needed but hey if it helps it helps. its sad. that is a big reason why the divorce rate in the military is so high. :(

2006-10-07 15:45:01 · answer #9 · answered by krystal 6 · 0 0

Not all cheat. I was a military wife and in the military and I have never cheated. I think it's horrible too but you have to remember husband's cheat as well. I was stationed in Korea and I saw plenty of wedding bands come off over there. So, don't think it is just the wives cheating.

2006-10-07 15:01:53 · answer #10 · answered by glocklady_2000 2 · 3 0

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