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I really want and need any feedback that I can get. I know that I have classic syptoms of ADD. Over the past 3 yrs I seem to have tried all the meds. I have been taking 60 mg ADDERALL in the morning for 8 days now. I am a 200 lb male , late 30's. Side effects bad. Will they get better and how long ? When do I see positve effects ?
PLEASE.... If you know of ANY positve results from adderall please let me know.

2006-10-07 14:50:34 · 7 answers · asked by rock d 3 in Health Mental Health

7 answers

I am sorry to hear that you are not responding to adderall yet but you have only been on the drug for eight days. If takes three to four weeks to get into your system and then you should start feeling better. I don't know of any bad side effects but they should get better as the drug gets deeper into your system. I had a friend on it and she had very good luck with it and it help her immensely. Give it a little more time honey it's only been eight days. Good Luck and God Bless you.

2006-10-07 15:16:32 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't know for sure if I have ADD because I've never been to a doctor about it, but I have most of the symptoms. I've been taking adderall illegally (from my friends) for a little while since I started college to see if it would help out.

It has a lot. I'm 18, 125 pounds and have been taking 30mg but I think if I got a prescription it'd be better to do a little less. It has made me concentrate better and be more active and personable, which are pretty much the reasons why I love it. I can go to all my classes and for once not just hear what the professor is saying but actually listen and stay engaged throughout the lectures. Also helped me with my studying. Usually when I study it takes hours, and after a short while I'm just reading but not really putting the text in my mind, and I'd do awful on tests. I was able to sit there and concentrate on the chapter even with all these distractions around me, and I probably did well on the test. Also, I'm one to space out a lot. I feel bad because I'm often asking people to repeat themselves and it's just shitty, but adderall generally makes me more outgoing and able to engage in conversations with people.

The negative affects aren't that bad. I tend to grind my teeth when I'm adderall, no clue why. And if I don't take it early enough in the morning I might have trouble getting to sleep, unless I take some sleep pills or whatever.

Honestly I know I need to see a doctor so I can get diagnosed and properly treated. But it's like ****.. it's so hard to get treatment for stuff. It's a process, and when I go I know I'm going to get all these questions to make sure I'm not some kid pretending I have ADD to get an adderall prescription. And then paying for it and all that.

2006-10-07 22:00:58 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am currently taking 60mg of Adderall XR and when I first started taking this I became really dry mouthed and tired. These feelings did eventually wear off and then I had some bad stuff happen in life that caused me to be depressed. My doctor put me on Cymbalta 50mg and I just wanted to sleep all the time for about two weeks. Now I take both and I am able to function without being tired. Be patient there are positive results from adderall . Without it I never would have passed my CNA class let alone my state competency exam.

2006-10-07 21:56:59 · answer #3 · answered by ace 3 · 0 0

My son takes addreall 10 mg for ADD. He has never had any side effects. I started to see positive effects in about 3 weeks. You didn t say what kind of bad effects you are having. Normal side effects are not sleeping and not being hungry. You should talk to your doctor if your still not happy in a few weeks. Hang in there!!

2006-10-07 22:00:35 · answer #4 · answered by reeni 5 · 0 0

Sounds like to me changing your eating habits and getting a good exercise program would cut alot of the symptoms out. I'm not trying to be smart. I was going through menopause for over a year and I changed my eating habits and lost some weight and walk anywhere from one to three hours a day and all my symptoms disappeared! I wouldn't share this with you except it seems to me you are crying out for help and I shared with you what helped. Pills are the folly of human kind as far I'm concerned!!!!! I used to suffer from depression also and stopped taking all those freaking pills! The side effects are worse than the original problem you started with. Help yourself by starting to take exceptional care of yourself and stay off the pills unless you are truly psychotic which sounds like your OK in that department to me. Someone is trying to make money off of you and you can do something about it. If you tell me you hate to exercise then you don't care enough to do something about the way you are feeling. How can people not like exercise? It stimulates the endorphins and makes you feel wonderful and gives you prolonged life worth living!

2006-10-07 22:03:25 · answer #5 · answered by soniaatcalifornia 5 · 0 0

My Daughter has a half brother who was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 12.
He couldn't concentrate on any one thing for more than a few minutes, he was disruptive and annoying to the point that I don't care how much patients you have, you couldn't tolerate him for very long. No, I didn't have much of a voice in how either one of these children were raised. Not to say, that their mother did a poor job, because she has done very well. My daughter has carried good enough grades through out her academic career to get the grants and scholarships she needs to pursue a college degree. And her brother, once diagnosed and treated for ADHD was a changed child as well. He has been on Adderall ever since the age of twelve, and now gets good grades in school. He also picked up several hobbies, like working on bicycles when he was young, which have progressed into motorcycle repair skills that he uses now that he is a young man. Art, such as drawing and painting are also a much loved past time of the boys. He has been able to participate in organized sports at school, as well as the band and the school choirs, and is generally an all around good kid. He is 17 years old, is 6'3" tall and weighs 210lbs.
His football coach loves him.
A virtual poster child for Adderall, HUH?
Of course, when I went to school, they didn't bother with drugs to control a child's behavior, they just beat you into obedience.
Not only did you get whipped at school, but you got whipped when you got home, for being an embarrassment to your family, because you had to be corrected in such a fashion in public.
Was the drop out rate for students higher then than it is now?
I would have to say that it probably was, but not much higher.
How many children are medicated into obedience today, when really all they are in need of is a firm hand, and a little more discipline in their life, during their younger, more formative years. And no, I'm not advocating physical violence towards our youth. Children today, unfortunately, have no one at home to teach them respect for their elders, and the meaning of the word "NO!!!!" at a young enough age to do them, or society at large any good. I do know, there is some evidence now that a generation or two have been raised on Amphetamines,[during some of the most important years of their mental development I might add,} to show that there can be some very serious neurological, as well as psychological side affects in a significant portion of those children. Are the Amphetamines, like Adderall and Ritalin to blame? It seems to me, that Nobody really wants to find out. But the time to pay the piper for the dance of modern life, where parents have to spent too much time working to support their children, than they have to raise them to become productive adult members of society, that our culture, society, and way of life, may very well suffer some very bad repercussions in the very near future. I mean after all, how many thousands of generations of human beings walked this planet, and lived normal productive lives before Adderall and Ritilan, were needed by modern society, as a chemical Nanny to control its offspring? I'm afraid only time will tell.

2006-10-07 23:41:16 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I love my adderall. I take 30 mg and have not had any bad side effects. It began working asap. It gives me my motivation and ooommmppphhh...!

2006-10-07 22:19:52 · answer #7 · answered by 7aliens 3 · 0 0

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