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It seems to me that all you want to do is go on the attack against people of faith. What happened to believe and respect others beliefs. Is'nt this how religious wars are started by such angry and hurtful behavior?

2006-10-07 12:45:38 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

20 answers

It's not a war against religion; it's a war against ignorance.

2006-10-07 12:57:58 · answer #1 · answered by digitalquirk 3 · 3 0

I am kind of a borderline agnostic. Sometimes I lean more towards 'belief' than others. But... i have never been at war with religion or spiritualism, or attacked anyone for what they believed. That is just plain rude, and we all have the right to think for ourselves and develope our own opinions and beliefs. In fact, I am intensely interested in religions, sort of as a hobby. In my life, I have joined several different churches, and once even tried to start my own. It was after that, that I sort of drifted off into agnosticism, atheism's poor country cousin (lol). Currently, my wife and I attend a local Church of Christ, but I know I am not a real strong believer still. I cannot speak for her. Perhaps someday I may get my "faith" back again. Time will tell. I hope I will never be so dogmatic as to put anyone down for what they believe, or don't. Oh, I do judge others. We all do. We can't help ourselves, I think. It sems to go with the breed. And I think Christ's statement, "judge not, lest ye be judged", is much misunderstood. He was not telling us to be idiots and not use our minds. I believe thinking IS allowed in Christianity, and other religions as well. But LOVE is commanded too. Not all atheists are inconsiderate a holes. Not by any means. Probably most do not go out of their way to attack religion, but are happy to keep their opinions to themselves, unless perhaps pressed or maybe perturbed? As a young man, I think I passed through a phase of feeling atheistic, but was never militant about it. Did not go about seeking to start quarrels. So please don't jump to conclusions that all people of a certain group are a certain way. "It ain't necessarily so."

2006-10-07 13:02:37 · answer #2 · answered by harridan5 4 · 1 0

You can be spiritual and not believe in religions or deities. Respect for others' beliefs is called being TOLERANT. Religious wars are NOT started by atheists. They are started by religious differences and beliefs. I see very very very few atheists or 'non-believers' attacking people or being angry on these boards. I see more religious people, mostly christian becoming extremely defensive and sometimes ugly when responding to the 'non-believers'. Get your facts straight.

2006-10-07 13:06:10 · answer #3 · answered by Maureen B 4 · 0 0

Religious wars have typically been started by people who wanted what someone else had (land, resources, access to wealth, etc.The attackers used use their beliefs as an excuse for the aggression.

I am an atheist, but I am not angry and hurtful about it. Some of the people who participate in this forum seem to be, but so do some of the adamant believers. I don't listen to fanatics on either side.

2006-10-07 12:54:14 · answer #4 · answered by Buffy Summers 6 · 3 0

No, I simply answer the questions about athiesm and evolution, much like I do for my Christian friends where I live. This gives me a good place to see what kinds of explanations make sense. Occassionally, I have questions about what I understand to be rather obvious logical errors which some people live with. It's kind of like asking, "You were in a room with pictures on the wall, and all the pictures were tilted. Why didn't you straighten them?" I'm not interested in "converting" anyone.

2006-10-07 12:59:19 · answer #5 · answered by One & only bob 4 · 1 0

I do NOT attack a persons faith. I defend my right to NOT believe in a god and my right to not have another persons religion pushed on me. I don't care what you believe in and you should not care about what I believe in. I suggest you tell your little message to those large amounts of Christians on here who have NO respect for other people to believe in what they want to. There are a large amount of them on here and several of them even contact people on here cause they do me all the time.

2006-10-07 12:58:06 · answer #6 · answered by larrys_babygurl_4life 4 · 1 0

You've asked 3 questions and answered 3 questions since becoming a member on August 24. You obviously don't spend enough time here to have a clue what's going on.

I'm going out on a limb here, but I'd say you are a troll.

2006-10-07 12:51:46 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

For some reason I don't think atheists are going to be starting many religious wars. They seem to be caused by the angry, hurtful, and stupid behavior of the religious people.

2006-10-07 12:48:54 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Tom: I will always respect you as an individual. But there is no moral mandate to respect any ideology. There is no idea worth having that claims immunity from examination, criticism, and yes, even ridicule. That's at the philosophical level.

On the political level, my right to freedom of expression trumps anybody's desire that I leave their pet ideas alone. AND, YES, THAT GOES BOTH WAYS.

2006-10-07 12:56:50 · answer #9 · answered by JAT 6 · 3 0

Tell me the last time a fanatical atheist crashed a jetliner into a building or murdered a homosexual??

Although I do think we are actually moving into a time when atheism is growing. Religious people have been fighting and killing and generally making the world an unpleasant place to be for the last 2000 years. It is time for the rational among us to make a stand.

2006-10-07 12:51:05 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

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