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Now don't get me wrong I fully support our troops they are doing their jobs and very well also. But every morning I feel for the parents who are finding out that their son or daughter will not be coming home. I work for a large fire department and 9/11 is a constant reminder ever day I know what we lost that day and I know what our men and women are fighting for but I would like to know if there could not be a better way without more blood shed of our soldiers to achieve this? I would love for peace to happen tomorrow morning so I do not have to think of one more parent, brother or sister who will loose a loved one. Any good ideas out there?

2006-10-07 11:49:38 · 19 answers · asked by fierequebecoiseauusa 2 in Politics & Government Military

I would like to say thank you to those who took the question seriously. I am both a Canadian and an American I have a strong belief in peacekeeping and that peace can be attainable. Word with more violence as I have seen in some answers are not the answer and only fuel more anger towards a nation. Religion is an issue but also doesn't understanding others belief play a role in world peace? I do not belief all the conflicts in the world can be summed up in a few words or a few caused. I di think that the way we look at the issues may need to be changed our mind to be more open. Dialogue is needed here and that is not impossible. Are we lower than animals? There is a balance in nature why are we not able to optain one either? Yes war and demand for power has always existed but just because it has are you telling me we have no choice but to accept it? Why should we accept such a poor outlook? We are not that dumb people come on give me good ideas think outside the box

2006-10-07 13:08:40 · update #1

Vietnam was brought up. Does the phrase "if we are not aware of history we are doomed to repeat it" ring a bell? So if we are so smart why do we keep going to war? I sure don't see many rich men enlisting power and money where are they??? Why is Bill Gates and his Billions not implicated is his child going to war? Nooooo the majority of our young soldiers are NOT from rich families and they ARE from all ethnic backgrounds and religion if we can get along to go to war why can't we get along to obtain peace?

2006-10-07 13:13:52 · update #2

It is never too late for peace. Yes we are in Iraq and we sure could use a great idea to help our men and women do their jobs and finally come home.
Come on think outside the box forget everything you think you know and how things should be done or are being done. I am not living in a fantasy world I am trying to break out of every day mentallity of the "oh well that it how it is there is nothing I can do about it" because it is not true.

2006-10-07 13:17:49 · update #3

19 answers

Actually speak to the other people without pointing weapons at them . That goes for both sides thank you .

2006-10-07 11:54:28 · answer #1 · answered by kame 2 · 1 3

This can never be. There will always be war or hate in the world. Even when we are living on other planets there will be war and hate. It might even be earth fighting one of our own colonized planets. But as long as there are people there will be war.

Example: I don't believe in a god an I will never believe in such a thing. But there are lots of people out there whom believe so strong they are going to try to force me to believe like they do. This would start a war. Their belief is to spread the word of god. I don't think I should have to hear about it and will not put up with it.

So they are left with no way out. By their belief they have to attack me because it is the will of their god or gods. I have no way out but to die or convert to what ever it is they believe in.
I would rather make them die. That way they will leave me and my children alone.

I see I now have a thumbs down because I said that I would rather go to war then convert and believe in a god.

When are you people going to learn. It is their religion that is making them want us dead. We refuse to convert to their way of belief and they have to kill us because their god and bible tells them so.

It would not matter if we put our guns down. They will kill us anyway. It is not any thing that can be talked out. It has to be killed out. Kill out that religion and the war in the middle east will go away.

You do know that this same thing is already starting here in the USA. Believers and non believers will go to war at some point.

Saying leave me alone don't work. The root of the evil has to be taken out and that is the religion.

2006-10-07 19:00:33 · answer #2 · answered by Don K 5 · 1 2


2006-10-07 19:04:33 · answer #3 · answered by I Hate Liberals 4 · 2 1

Even most extended families that I know, have some "warring" going on within them. I really feel that world peace is an absolute impossibility. I wish it weren't so, and I do know exactly what you mean, but I just think that it can't happen.....it's not within the human realm.

2006-10-07 18:53:40 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Yeah get rid of all the terrorist, they will continue to attack us, their is no easy answer, I wish their was. If they take over Iraq they will get the oil and by nukes, that is a worse scenario. And also set up training camps for more terrorists, and between Iraq and Iran they will try to destroy Israel, and the rest of the western world.

2006-10-07 18:57:38 · answer #5 · answered by hexa 6 · 3 1

It is a tough thing, one of my best friends lost his fine son in the war, it is the worst thing that can happen to a parent. However, my friend realizes that his son volunteered, knew the risk and was proud to serve.

Unfortunately when there is an enemy that wants to kill you; they want to kill you and are willing to die to do it and end your way of life, you cannot reason with them. The only thing that stops someone who is that fanatical is to kill them. It is easier when your enemy wants riches or land.

I wish there was a solution but there is not

2006-10-07 18:55:48 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

You are wishing for a fantasy world.

Those people over there are war mongers and have been since the beginning of time.

2006-10-07 19:00:01 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

How about someone poisons the whole earth's water supply so there will be no more humans to make war. There will be peace on earth then. (We are not far away from doing this with all the pollution.)

2006-10-07 19:10:49 · answer #8 · answered by anonymous 2 · 1 1

Well people fight because they want power and in this world power is money and as not everyone has the same amount of the money there is always going to be war, what we need to do is find a way of spreading wealth equally without ruining our economy

2006-10-07 18:53:25 · answer #9 · answered by Mark 2 · 0 4

Democrats are proposing diplomacy in Iraq. They will have to win the November elections for that to happen. Most likely they will win. The disgust for the current administration is going.

2006-10-07 18:53:34 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

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