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I am a recently released parolee after doing fifteen years and I need help on how to deal with the onset of depression. I can't go anywhere because of being on house arrest and its getting to me. Does anyone have any suggestions? Theres only so much cleaning that I can do.

2006-10-07 11:24:04 · 12 answers · asked by brntdent 1 in Health Other - Health

12 answers

I've did plenty of time. One of the biggest enemies is boredom, got to find something to fill that void. Talk to your P.O. tell them of how your feeling, stay open for suggestions. If you were ever into drugs or alcohol, tell them you would like to go to N.A. or A.A., you will meet new people that have a positive view on life and can give you support. I know your P.O. would approve. Since you have access to a computer, use it contact people who have been where you have been. Check out peoples questions and answers, if you like something someone said, tell them, check out someones 360 page and leave a message, you'll be amazed what happens on here. Look at your situation as a asset, your entering back into the main stream, slowly. There are always more than one way to look at things, stay positive and tell your self "I can". Don't fall into familar pain, that 'I was better in the joint than out here' thinking, life is about taking risks, sometimes fear of the unknown can paralyze us. There are many,many people who are willing to help you through your tough times, all you have to do is reach out. You have choices today, no one is telling you when to wake up, lock up,when to eat, turn in your laundry and tell you to go to sleep. Listen to your gut when you have to make a choise, it'll let you know if your about to make the wrong one, and if your unsure, thats when a support group can come into play. If you ever need a ear or some one to chat with just push my picture and jump on my 360. You take care and the best is yet to come.

2006-10-07 18:24:49 · answer #1 · answered by pilgram92003 4 · 0 0

If you are on parole, I would suggest you NOT take the first answerer's suggestion of a wine tasting party. I am afraid your parole office might not like that oo much.

Books! Give yourself assignments to learn as much as possible about a particular subject. Give yourself a week. Make up a test about it. Put the test away for a few days, then take the test. You may be able to use this to your advantage, to prepare yourself for a job.

How about writing a book? Go to www.nanowrimo.org, and they will guide you through writing a novel in one month.

I was in quarantine in my house for a year, when they thought I had Tb, and it was pretty gruesome. That was before there was even television all night.

What I did was sketch things. Got pretty good at it. You may discover an untapped skill, that or painting. Do you sew or knit?

That and get on some anti-depressants, which will help you have the energy and foresight to do some of what you need to do.

2006-10-07 11:46:27 · answer #2 · answered by finaldx 7 · 0 0

Well how did you cope in prison?
You need to have relationships, use the phone, write letters.
Take up a hobby other than cleaning...such as sewing, needlepoint, or something.
Start a project that you can continue after your house arrest is over.
Take on a correspondance course to prepare you for the work world when you are off parole.
Do something to give back to society.

2006-10-07 11:28:42 · answer #3 · answered by Tempest88 5 · 0 0

You ought to discover a passion. I'm assuming you'll be able to cross external the door of your condo and that could support you alot. Let the solar hit you within the face. odor the contemporary air. lean out the window and think the rain. as a way to all support you. Mainly you ought to get humans round you and maintain your brain busy. TV does no longer maintain your brain busy. An indoor puppy like a cat might support due to the fact animals are verified to be very theraputic and you do not ought to take them for a stroll. Most of all you'll be able to name support strains and they're going to provide you extra strategies and anybody to speak to that is familiar with what you're going through.

2016-08-29 06:25:07 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Welcome to the world of parole. I called family and talked for unlimited amounts of time...I couldn't do that on the inside. I cooked, baked and canned. I crocheted, and invited friends over for coffee. I got a pet and enjoyed being with her. I fed the birds and watched beautiful sunrises with my coffee from my front porch. I am still on parole but I have movement now and have done several of the things I could not do on the inside. Since you have a computer, how about setting up a chat room where others also on parole can contact each other without real physical contact, and share like experiences and support each other.

2006-10-07 11:31:21 · answer #5 · answered by housemouse62451 4 · 0 0

Omg I somewhat understand what u are going through. I was paroled after 18 months, (I know, short time compared to yours.) I was on the bracelet for the first couple of months. video games, invite people over, throw a party, but no guns or drugs allowed, u don't wanna go back, and basically use the time to be a couch potato. Are they allowing you to work? Maybe u could ask your PO to let you go looking for a job.

2006-10-07 11:32:19 · answer #6 · answered by real_sweetheart_76 5 · 0 0

Here is a chance to better yourself. You can go as far as an AS Degree online. There are many credible schools which offer correspondence courses in just about anything. Most of these courses offer some type of payment plan if you don't have much money.

2006-10-07 11:33:54 · answer #7 · answered by NolaD 4 · 0 0

Find a hobby. Knitting, scrapbooking, writing (a book maybe), reading, catching up on movies you may have missed out on. Get a college degree from home via the internet. And to keep from repeating this situation, it's really easy...don't break the law. Good luck.

2006-10-07 11:28:35 · answer #8 · answered by Janelle 3 · 0 0

try Bikram yoga is 90 minutes long which includes 26 postures with 2 breathing exercises. This type of yoga is quite the work out physically and mentally - so you'll want to nap and relax after your practice. good luck.

2006-10-07 11:29:01 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i am homebound secondary to an illness--yes you can only do so much house work--free your mind--learn to meditate-visualize-biofeedback--they have cds for all of this. Also education online or if you have limited funds--start reading--classic things you have never read before.You need a hobby of some kind-a craft-ect--paint-draw-sew-build-what you like.Learn something new.
Good luck

2006-10-07 11:35:44 · answer #10 · answered by lynn8953 3 · 0 0

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