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I stopped celebrating Christmas the traditional way about 5 years ago because I realized that alot of it had nothing to do with Jesus. I stopped buying Christmas trees and decorating them because I feel that it was like worshipping the tree. I also stopped giving and recieving presents. The whole thing just seemed wrong to me. Now I just have a special prayer before dinner thanking God for Jesus.

2006-10-07 11:08:17 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

20 answers

It is possible to invite Jesus as well as Santa to your home and heart at Christmas...

2006-10-09 13:49:08 · answer #1 · answered by lovelostboys 4 · 1 0

As a child growing up we had a tree, presents and Santa. We also went to midnight mass. Now that I have my own family we have a tree, presents and we read from the Bible. Some say the tree is pagan. Some say also that Jesus was born in July. Some say Mithra is a pagan god that came before Jesus also born on Dec25th.
The tree is a family tradition,and even the wise men gave gifts to the Christ child. I believe the comercialism/materialism has gotten way out of hand though, and we make handmade gifts and decorations. Gifts are often baked goods for realatives,and we do do give gifts to our children.

2006-10-07 11:21:37 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I feel it is commercialized so much about buying gifts and decking the halls with decorations and lights and losing the true meaning of it. You are right, we do "worship a tree" in a sense. I like to worship the star on top of the tree to celebrate the Birth of Jesus. I think children get taught the wrong messages and then in return "expect" presents. I agree with you. I do however, celebrate with a tree and we do exchange our gifts but our family, well some, will do it in a meaningful way about Jesus and take turns opening gifts to understand what it is all about. I do think your way is best however and maybe we should al do that then maybe all would really know the true meaning behind all the hyped up store sales and santa clause. Very good question. Thanks----

2006-10-07 11:18:00 · answer #3 · answered by yeppers 5 · 0 0

Although I am not a Christian, I am upset at the way the far left is protesting the use of 'Merry Christmas'. I prefer the Christmas traditions that I grew up with, including the greeting, the tree, and the gift-giving.

2006-10-07 11:26:23 · answer #4 · answered by TarKettle 6 · 0 0

I would differ with you on several counts:
1) I do not believe "think" and "Christmas celebrated today" can fit in the same logical, sane, just, or theological sentence.
2) I am not aware of the verbal forms, but I think Christmas is debauched, orgized, excessed, overdone, mentally harmful, and economically dehibilitating.
3) The practise you have chosen is to be commended for its simplicity, the thought you have put into it, the questions you have to endure.
4) I wonder if you might take one step and donate your time at a homeless food center or some of your saved money to assist those who have nothing. I'm working w/ Haiti and Sierra Leone now with ever increasing humbleness.

2006-10-07 11:15:46 · answer #5 · answered by Joe Cool 6 · 1 0

The celebration of Christmas is most likely derive from Turkey or Switzerland.You know what I mean with all those tree's and present.In fact 25/12 isn't even Jesus real birthday.to prove this,go and ask an expert on history of Jesus.

2006-10-07 11:18:55 · answer #6 · answered by Green Lantern 4 · 0 0

I still exchange gifts, just because I enjoy it.
But I agree with you about people going overboard with the decorations.
To tell you the truth, I always dread when Christmas comes around every year. It's so commercialized and so watered down. Stores are chock full of stuff that's obviously geared toward Christmas, but you're not allowed to say that word in public. It's ridiculous.

2006-10-07 11:15:07 · answer #7 · answered by cirque de lune 6 · 0 0

I agree, I believe also it has nothing to do with Jesus. If you think about it, it's mostly companys and propagandas that want you to celebrate so people can buy there products. That's all, buying present and then a year later that person might stop using that gift that you gave them. Sure they might be happy once they might recive it but later they get bored of it.

Why not give presents to that ones who are poor. That means something more then just being greedy.

2006-10-07 11:14:42 · answer #8 · answered by Questions 3 · 0 0

I stopped celebrating Christmas and Easter before I even knew it was a pagan holliday. Yeshua has been lost in place of gifts and filling out stomachs.

But then again Yeshua was never part of the pagan celebration of the Winter Solstice. In fact he was born in late September or October. (1)

Jeremiah 10:3-5 For the customs of the people are vain: for it is but a tree which one cutteth out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not, ... neither ... is it in them to do good.

Here is a some more information on the pagan holliday of Easter.


2006-10-07 11:17:37 · answer #9 · answered by nubins 2 · 0 0

Way too much commercialization for a holliday that celebrates Christ's birthday. Just one commercial is too much really. A friend of mine doesn't celebrate nor sends or receives presents.

The Lord didn't say anything in any part of the Bible that we need to celebrate His own birthday. What we just need to do is say a prayer in thanks and that's it. When the time comes, God forbid, that my family is gone (parents and brother) I will make sure to start my own personal tradition of the noncelebration of Christmas.

My family has been too ingrained with the celebration process to stop now.

2006-10-07 11:19:57 · answer #10 · answered by angelcat 6 · 1 0

as a pagan I don't celebrate Christmas but the birth of Mithras. I do put up a tree and have Santa and snowman decorations. We do not buy gifts but give money to homeless shelters and animal shelters instead.

2006-10-07 11:12:34 · answer #11 · answered by desert_kats 4 · 2 0

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