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...By any chance did Laura Bush make him aggressive, by cutting him off of their nightly romp in bed?

2006-10-07 10:35:29 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

20 answers

9/11 happened. We are in a war with radical Islam.That is why President Bush is a war time President.

2006-10-07 10:48:24 · answer #1 · answered by Kennyp 3 · 3 1

The Project for the New American Century, the birthplace of the Neo-Conservative agenda.

This letter to President Clinton, dated 26 January 1998, and penned by Paul Wolfowitz and Donald Rumsfeld, clearly lists out the EXACT reasons that President George W. Bush used to justify his invasion of Iraq. Keep in mind that this was years before the tragedy of 9/11.

This letter is why it is so disturbing that the current administration tried so hard to link the events of 9/11 to the war in Iraq. The groundwork for this war we're currently fighting was laid out in JANUARY 1998. They were planning this war before President Bush even took office.

And in case any Neo-Conservatives want to bash my sources, the letter is located at the PNAC website itself.


2006-10-07 18:31:05 · answer #2 · answered by spire2000 2 · 0 1

I was here during 9/11 and had family in NY. We were attacked by men that were supported by Saudi Arabia not Iraq. We know that is a fact so lets move on. He had every right as the President of the US to invade Afghanistan since Bin Ladin was hiding out there but we diverted our attention to Iraq and he got away. He is not a president of war he is a president of profit and big business. There are other presidents that were in office while fighting major wars and they did that in the interest of America. Iraq was not in the interest of the American public , Afghanistan is but was not done properly.

2006-10-07 17:48:21 · answer #3 · answered by withoutaname 2 · 0 2

Enough of this.....Bush is the only president that stood up for this country and have the balls to do something about it. Let him do his job. Remember 9/11, Lebanon, Somalia, Philippines, USS Cole, alot of people forget but WTC was not the first time we were attack by terrorists. Lets be grateful Americans and support your troops, support your country, and president.

2006-10-07 18:37:43 · answer #4 · answered by khemnuon 1 · 1 1

There was an incident on September 11, 2001. He did what needed to be done.

2006-10-07 20:25:03 · answer #5 · answered by Curt 4 · 0 0

The attacks on New York City, The Pentagon in Washington, DC and the the terrorist hi-jacked plane that crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania on September 11,
2001 by MF Islamo-Fascist PIGS made President George
W. Bush a war-time president!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

2006-10-07 17:44:05 · answer #6 · answered by Vagabond5879 7 · 2 2

Bush is not a war president, he, Cheney and Rummy are war cowards. That means they have no problem sending others to die, but they don’t have the stomach to confront an enemy on a personal basis.

2006-10-07 17:46:55 · answer #7 · answered by namvet68 2 · 0 2

if you read 'bush on the couch' you will learn that bush put firecrackers into frogs as a child, for fun. he has been an angry, sociopathic, little **** for a long time. probably for a terribly sad reason, tho his parents aren't much better, so maybe not. but the sad reason is his baby sister died when he was a kid and his parents wouldn't let him touch her when she'd come home from cancer treatments, wouldn't talk to him about her death, didn't even hold a service for her, just went golfing. so they basically told him that everything that is real, human, kind, sensitive must be suppressed and that hey - when people die, even tens of thousands at your command - get over it.

2006-10-07 17:40:45 · answer #8 · answered by cassandra 6 · 1 3

9/11 made him a war president....how quickly we forget. im sure you part of the bandwagon jumpers that quickly called for action after the bombings but the jumped ship when it got too "real" for you. Welcome to the real world, its not pretty.

2006-10-08 07:47:12 · answer #9 · answered by knufflebunny 2 · 0 0

He told folks he wanted to be a wartime presdient and not lose the power after as his daddy did; so he went out and started a war. Laura? If I was married to her Id start a war and go over there to fight. It would look better.

2006-10-07 17:41:19 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

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