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You don't like it when we "shove our religion down your throat" so why do you shove your disbelief down ours? And I'd like to add, go through my profile and you'll see I don't answer questions that are none of my business.

2006-10-07 10:32:21 · 31 answers · asked by cirque de lune 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

31 answers

I would just like to point out that this is a two way street. It is very seldom that I click on a Pagan related question and don't have to wade through quite a few threats and bible quotes. I feel every one is entitled to believe as they choose. I do not agree with posting nasty comments. It serves no purpose other than to breed more hatred and intolerance.

Blessings )O(

2006-10-07 10:37:37 · answer #1 · answered by Epona Willow 7 · 4 1

Why ask questions specific to Christians? Further, why ask anything if you don't like the responses you get? Everything on YA is fair game. By specifying "Christians only" you automatically bar (or attempt to bar) any opinion or thought that doesn't jive with your own. Does this make you open or closed minded? I answer tons of questions that are "none of my business" by your standards, including Christian questions, because I have an opinion. I don't look at it as shoving disbelief down your throat, because I know and have opinions about the bible. I don't mean to sound rude here, but if you want all-Christian-only chat, you need to go somewhere else. And I am offended by your sweeping generalization that if I'm not Christian, then this subject is none of my business. The religious right in this country and their insane need to tell ME how to live MY life make it my business.

2006-10-07 10:44:15 · answer #2 · answered by ReeRee 6 · 2 1

Because believers do it to non's as well. It's a viscious cycle, one that's hard to break. And I have never said anyone was shoving their religion down my throat. This is an open forum and so long as we are all good little kiddies and play within the guidelines there's not much to do about it. Even reporting someone won't do much unless they really are stepping outside of the guidelines.

2006-10-07 15:12:36 · answer #3 · answered by Kithy 6 · 1 0

Sometimes they are so phenomenally outrageous and stupid they beg to be answered with a little dose of reality.

If you don't want to hear things that your church has taught you to be offended by (and that differs with every faith...very hard to avoid offending some zealot no matter what one says) you can certainly go to Christian chat rooms...all believers all the time...

This is an open forum...and addressing questions just to believers or christians just shows how closed minded religionists are. Are you that afraid that your faith is so weak it can't take a little challenging now and then? Also many of the things religionists take umbrage with are really quite banal and harmless from a nonbelievers point of view...the offense is often in your own closed mind.

2006-10-07 10:43:23 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Many of us Christians have asked that same question. Why? What made us even think to ask it? Because of experiences with non-believers!! That's why!! I recently asked a " Christians only please " question and for good reason. The literature that I was referring to was likely only read by Christians and the follow-up question only pertained to the Christian view of the literature. Well, I got ravenous, hateful responses from people who never read the material. Very hateful. So then I asked a new question. A question that was directed to hate-mongers, in a philosophical way. Aha, but alas the same hateful people did not show up. Or should I say they showed but denied their hate, oh yeah now they claimed to be good people. I have come to a new understanding that they are attracted to Christian questions to spew their hatred, but as soon as the lights are turned-on, and they are given every opportunity to explain their views, they disappear. Kinda like when the lights get turned-on and the previously feasting cockroaches, run and hide like cowards.

2006-10-07 10:51:47 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

This is a public forum, which means these questions are open to everyone to answer. I am an atheist, and the answers I provide are all positive ones from my perspective. You might wish to consider a closed, private forum with only like-minded people if you are so afraid of opinions that differ from your own.

2006-10-07 11:51:45 · answer #6 · answered by digitalquirk 3 · 2 0

That has also been bothering me, but I do go and answer athiest questions because I try to get them to realize GOD IS REAL! Some of them ask very ignorant questions or make ignorant comments about some Christian's questions. That's just not right. I don't shove my religion down anyone's throat but I do make powerful statements to try and open up their eyes. I honestly do not understand why some people do not believe in God. He's evident in everything.

2006-10-07 10:49:52 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

As a believer, don’t take all statements disagreeing with your beliefs as statements intended to irritate you. Yes, many individuals come onto Yahoo Answers, and responds to questions, just to irritate those with spiritual beliefs. The verbiage of their responses clearly indicates this. I think it is justified to not reward these answers with a dignified response. However, you shouldn’t lump all expressions of dissent against religious belief, or out right atheism, as statements made purely to agitate you.

Look at serious responses, that answer in the negative, as opening events to deeper discussion. Sometimes the best way to reach nonbelievers is to engage them in their question. After all we are called to evangelize to the world, not just retreat into our own comfortable enclaves. We are ordained to do more than just preach to the choir. So to seriously entertain a nonbeliever’s assertions is your highest calling.

2006-10-07 10:41:14 · answer #8 · answered by Lawrence Louis 7 · 2 1

This is an open forum. It's unfair when someone restricts the audience. You have every right to answer questions specifically addressed for non-believers and vice-versa. You may want to chime in and provide some thought or opinion of the question itself. In an open society, this should be welcome.

2006-10-07 10:41:46 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Same reason. Attempted enlightenment. I'm not a nonbeliever, I'm just not a mainline christian.

Also if only christians answer you'll just get what you want to hear, so why bother?

2006-10-07 10:36:34 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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