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religion in schools that we want atheism there? What would make you think that? It's quite ridiculous to me. Is it that since you have an agenda to indoctrinate young minds you think we atheists do to?

I want my children to have an education that is completely lacking in any doctrine. I believe that it is the parents responsibility to teach them their religion/spirituality. I don't want atheism, islam, christianity, buddhism or any other religious beliefs of any kind in school.

2006-10-07 10:23:42 · 21 answers · asked by Medusa 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

You believe that it is the parents responsibility to teach their children religion--christians don't believe they have any responsibility especially that one

2006-10-07 14:47:19 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Good luck on keeping the other religions or philosophies out of the schools. Just about everything except Christianity is in the schools now.

Every science class is a course in Atheism because they don't even consider Creationism. Any sort of Tai Chi is Taoism. Yoga and Meditation is Buddhism or Hinduism. If they teach philosophy or Sociology you have to deal with Secular Humanism and Relativism.

You have to ask yourself, since the 1960's when they took the Bible out of the schools, by looking at today's society are the children any better off? Or has society deteriorated along with its youth?

Unfortunately you will not stick to the facts in any phase of learning. You will always be influenced by the teachers beliefs and bias. You can only hope that the teacher and their beliefs have a positive impact on their students.

2006-10-07 10:44:32 · answer #2 · answered by nubins 2 · 1 2

Good luck on getting it OUT of schools.

Don't you just love ST. JOHNS answer?

don't like the fact for YOU blaming YOUR problems on another. That it is YOU that is blaming someone else (for you wanting to teach your own children whatever doctrine YOU want)!

When he has done a effective job of teaching your children the 'right' doctrine, I recommend giving him a percentage raise over what you already compensate him.

2006-10-08 02:53:40 · answer #3 · answered by DM 4 · 0 0

As far as I know christians do not think that atheists in an organized fashion want to indoctrinate others. As a group many think that the liberal mind set influences the population, pushing them ever closer , and in the direction of moral decay. Ex: of these things include increased nudity, divorce and many other things that if you were born after 1960 you may assume things have always been like this. The Arabs are convinced that we are going to give this disease to their children, and that they then will have a society where there is only half a family life, and children get abducted, and women while having a career will abandon the families of which they are now the valued center.

So why on earth would christians think that people who have a liberal, lack of family values, mind set, are athiests. For one thing college professors who are notriously liberal, supported the womens movement, which paved the way for women to now have all those killing conditions that once were predominantly for men like heart trouble and many stress related afflictions. Careers do not actually have more stressful things going on but since they work in a competitive environment the rewards are monetary and less fulfilling than child rearing, so what I am pointing out is it is not the actual activities that promote the internal pressure it is the fact that those they are in contact with are completely out of their control and things like backstabbing and gossip run rampant which was not as true with a higher percentage of men since men say far fewer words each day than women.

Look at it like this, in terms of events raising a child is truely stressful, but while by the end of the day the child may very well have said Mommy does not feed me to a neighbor from whom they want a cookie, one,,, no one is going to believe them and 2,,, even if some old busy body does it will neither affect the families income nor will any one believe the busybody who has said that same old crap about everybody. From work miss busy body goes home and can be that truly irritating person there in the neighborhood, but still attain an air of credibility in the work place and have the power to get some one terminated etc. so the enternal stress is much weightier than it was at home where at the end of the day everybody sat down and ate together and kissed mom good night, probably not for the last time ever.

So where on earth does this idea that atheists are behind all of this come from... For one thing many leaders in the womens movement were atheists and two, Madeline O'Hare was out there pushing everyone towards a get those christians out of our schools, prayer, out, all that and she was an open loud and pushy influence who told everyone she was an atheiust.

God this is way more history than I expected. So we have this bunch of people who were grouped together because they were all pushing things away from what christians believe is a more desirable life style. There were womens rights, pro-choice, no school prayer, increased decadent behaviors, and destruction of a way of life centered around the family, and the leaders of these groups which were active in these movements were nearly all atheistic, many were Gay but still in the closet, or proffesors who taught that equality was not a christian value, and on and on and the previously strong christian way was pretty much lost.

Like I said to begin with if you were born after 1960 you probably do not see the contrast and just accept that one parent families where Mom leaves her children in the hands of what were often incompetent people (thus the liciensing laws) and moral decay.

Well now I have convinced myself that atheists are a bad bunch but since I was one I know that is not true. When I are one,,duh I looked at organized religion and often said as did my friends that I in fact acted way more moral than those going to church every week. I was right, then and it would be correct today accept I have a new friend since 1981.

So teachers of evolution, Gays, womens rights, the anti, god in public, and the proponents of no parents in the home during the day, are and were athiests,

That is no more an indication that Atheists are a bad bunch than the fact that because many christians run around saying you're going to hell, and gays are immoral and very bad people, and women should be barefoot and in the ketchen, throwing another log on the fire, are all absolutely nuts. Cuz it just is not so, in either case.

one last point. Christians believe there is an organized force of evil in the Spirit world (not within the ranks of atheism) and that group of spirits has you athiests all fooled, and yet they voted as a block to elect Bush, as if that organized force is not affecting their group. I have to give them one koo doe. They at least are aware that there is spiritual warfare going on and as I watch the give and take here on the R and S channel the evidence is the christians are right about that.

2006-10-07 11:23:22 · answer #4 · answered by icheeknows 5 · 0 2

The reasoning is really simplistic.

Seems in all of their dogma, this is how they respond to everything..... If it is not A, then it is B. If evolution cant explain the origin of the universe, then God did it.

So, if yuo dont want Christianity spread, if MUST BE because you want Atheism spread.

Can fight their way out of a wet paper bag with that logic....

2006-10-07 10:29:19 · answer #5 · answered by YDoncha_Blowme 6 · 3 0

I agree completely. Unfortunately it seems that some theists now think that teaching the scientific method and evolution amounts to teaching atheism.

2006-10-07 10:30:05 · answer #6 · answered by Jim L 5 · 2 0

You are right I think it's up to the parents to teach their children about God definitely not the schools responsibility.

2006-10-07 10:29:45 · answer #7 · answered by rhonda h 4 · 2 0

I want all religions out of public schools. If they want to teach about one, then they need to teach them ALL, which is basically impossible to do given all the religions in the world today...

2006-10-07 10:27:49 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

If we have christianity in school, as prayer, theology, anything else that passes me by at the moment... I'll be the first to start making up new religions that have to also have equal time in the classroom

2006-10-07 10:27:23 · answer #9 · answered by death_from_above 2 · 3 0

They are afraid if children learn about things that aren't godly, they will realize that they don't need god or their religion. Either that or they are unhappy that their faith isn't granted a special place in society, because they feel it will make everyone "better" if it is.

2006-10-07 10:27:16 · answer #10 · answered by Skippy 6 · 0 0

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