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Talking Truth to the Muslim World
Father Zakaria Boutros looks like a mild-mannered, unassuming priest. But his message is rocking much of the Muslim world.

His television program called 'Truth Talk' is broadcast daily into the Middle East over the Al-Hiyat satellite channel. On it, he challenges Muslims to examine what he says are inconsistencies in Islamic doctrine – inconsistencies that he says Muslim leaders don't want exposed and ordinary Muslims are told never to question.

“Islam cannot stand in front of intellectual questions and no one can understand because of contradictions in Koran, contradictions in Hadith, contradictions and false doctrines. So they don't want anybody to ask and to learn. 'This is Islam, you have to accept it as it is' lest you should be killed,” Zakaria said.

Father Zakaria doesn't stop at challenging the teachings of Islam. He also questions the Prophet Mohammed himself, who Zakaria says had his mind set on wordly pursuits.

“He said that his concerns are three things: women, perfume, and food,” he said. “Where is the kingdom of God? Where is the glory of God? Where is the salvation? Where is love? Where is the mission of a true Prophet of God?”

Father Zakaria's broadcasts have generated intense anger in the Muslim world and there's a $60 million bounty on his head. But he makes no excuses for his confrontational style.

He says the provocative statements are designed to challenge Muslims to examine their faith.

“This is my way: short, sharp, shock for the unconscious,” Zakaria said

2006-10-07 10:16:22 · 4 answers · asked by defOf 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

4 answers

Preaching the gospel in the Middle East could quickly lead to you losing your head, literally

2006-10-07 10:20:06 · answer #1 · answered by owner4nothing 3 · 1 1

I am a born again Chrsitian and I have no fear in sharing the word of God with anyone. I am not ashamed of God's word.

Psalms 119:116 Uphold me according unto thy word, that I may live: and let me not be ashamed of my hope.

Isaiah 66:5 Hear the word of the LORD, ye that tremble at his word; Your brethren that hated you, that cast you out for my name's sake, said, Let the LORD be glorified: but he shall appear to your joy, and they shall be ashamed.

2006-10-07 17:22:14 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Good for the Father! But that is thetypical method of stoping someone who disageres with islam, kill them, don't challenge their questions.

2006-10-07 17:21:35 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Muhammad In The Bible

There is an important prophecy in the Bible:
"And he said, the Lord came form Sinai, and rose up from Seir unto them; he shined forth from Mount Paran, and he came with ten thousand saints; from right hand went a fiery law for them." (Deuteronomy 33:2)
Coming from Sinai refers to the appearance of Moses and rising up from Seir alludes that of Jesus. The prophet who shone forth from Mount Paran could be no other than the Holy Prophet of Arabia, as Paran is the ancient name of the part of Arabia where the children of Ishmael, the ancestors of Hadhrat Muhammad, settled. The Arabic form of the word Paran is Faran or Pharan. Jacut's Geographishes Worterbuch (F. Westenfielt, Leipzig, 1862, Vol. III, P834) says that Faran is a name of Mecca. The word Faran seems to be the Arabic Farran. It means two refugees. It appears that the place took the name from Hager and Ishmaelas, who came there as refugees. Dr. A. Benisch call it in his translation of Pentateuch the desert of Paran.

What unmistakably points to the identity of Hadhrat Muhammad is the phrase: "he came with ten thousands of saints" and "from his right hand went a fiery law for them." At the time of the conquest of Mecca, ten thousand holy men followed at his heels and he was the bearer of the law of the Quran. Hence, the prophecy has been wonderfully fulfilled in the person of Holy Prophet Muhammad, (peace and blessings of God be upon him).

Arabia is the land of the Promised One
A third prophecy is:

"The burden upon Arabia. In the forest in Arabia shall ye lodge, O ye travelling companions of Dedanim. The inhabitants of the Land of Tema brought water to him that was thirsty, they prevented with their bread him they fled. For they fled form the swords, from the drawn swords and from the bent bow, from the grievousness of war. For thus hath the Lord said unto me, within a year, according to the years of a hireling, and all the glory of Kedar shall fail; And the residue of number of archers, the mighty men of the children of Kedar, shall diminished: for the Lord God of Israel hath spoken it." (Isaiah 21:13-17)
The first point to bear in mind in connection with this prophecy is that Arabia is the scene of the Prophecy. This is most significant. Hadhrat Muhammad appeared in Arabia.

Secondly, the prophecy speaks of "Him that fled". The flight of Hadhrat Muhammad is momentous event in the history of the world. It is upon the flight of Hadhrat Muhammad from Mecca that the Muslim calendar begins.

Thirdly, "fled from drawn swords" conclusively proves the fulfillment of the prophecy in Hadhrat Muhammad who fled from Mecca when his house was surrounded by his deadly enemies who stood there, drawn swords in had, thirsty for his blood.

Fourthly, another clear testimony in favor of Hadhrat Muhammad is found in: "within a year... all the glory of Kedar will fail... the mighty men of Kedar shall diminish." This was fulfilled in the battle of Badr which occurred within a year from the flight of Muhammad, and in which battle, the Quraish of Mecca (Kedar) sustained a crushing defeat; most of their mighty men fell.

Rev. C. Forster locates the Kedar in Hedjaz and identifies them with Koraish. See: The Historical Geography of Arabia by Rev. C. Forster, pp. 244-265.


The Holy Prophet Muhammad in the Eyes of Non-Muslims:


2006-10-07 17:32:16 · answer #4 · answered by A C 2 · 0 1

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