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think about it, the bible is full of fairy tale stories which are all fake, especially genesis.

isnt evolution LIVING proof of god's perfection in this world, the fact that things are the way they are today(animals,insects,humans perfectly adapting to their enviroment) are all because of god, hence evolution is GODS work in this world, things such as why animals "mutate" and adapt to their enviroment, the change in things and the nature of this world are all living proof that god is in everything.

2006-10-07 05:49:21 · 17 answers · asked by balanced112 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

nah, im not agnostic, i dont have a religion, and i dont need one to believe in god =)

2006-10-07 05:52:22 · update #1

hardly perfect? listen to urselves, and study creationism, u will see the imperfections from the moment it starts.. "god created the earth in seven days", "god created man from clay", its like the people that wrote it devised a fairy tale, and evolution is perfect in everywhere as animals and humans evolve and adapt to the enviroment, and logic doesnt disprove god it actually makes god more logical, which between u are answering for god when u say "he needs faith not logic" and so u are giving an opinion and answering for something which you dont understand, of course the genious teachers in sunday school try and make u understand

2006-10-07 05:56:28 · update #2

where does this adaptations come from? of course u cant answer, but i could: God. im not talking about the christian god, or the allah, or Zeus, im talking about that which cannot be defined, the unexplained, thats god, if people put faith on something they cant define, then they are humbling themselves in the sense that they dont feel superior to others in their faith, since its perfect and imperfect, its everything and nothing, its god living within you.

2006-10-07 05:59:42 · update #3

17 answers


2006-10-07 05:51:30 · answer #1 · answered by Mere Mortal 7 · 0 1

The Word of God or the (Bible) is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. They are not fairy tale stories. There have been many so-called preachers in this world that has taken the Bible and made haters of what was being preached. God made everyone of y'all, whether you like it or not. Just because a person does not believe at all or just doesn't like God; "doesn't change the fact that there is a higher power than we are." People think this way because people who say their Christians, really aren't. These people going around doing things in God's name should be ashamed of themselves. I have heard it all. Just remember God is a living, loving God. We are all made in his image: not a monkey or gorilla's face and body. Everything you see is what a good God did in His creation in the beginning. Satan, the destroyer does the opposite of what God does. The Word said the thief (satan) comes not but to steal kill and destroy. (Jesus) came to give to us a life filled with His joy, and a peace inside your soul that no-one or nothing can take away. God is a good God, with enough unconditional love for everyone!!!

2006-10-07 06:13:03 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

-If God doesn't exist why are humans the only beings with free will? Why don't we operate off of just keeping ourselves alive, or instinct like other animals? -If God doesn't exist where did energy originate seeing as energy cannot be created or destroyed? -If God doesn't exist why is the theory that the universe was created by God the only theory without substantiate evidence of being incorrect? -If God doesn't exist then why is the universe and the planets all situated in such strategic positions that keeps humanity alive and thrinving (Example: The sun is just far enough away to keep earth from melting and to keep it from freezing completely.) -If God doesn't exist, then why are we the only beings that have beliefs in a higher power? And how did it start? Why don't animals have it.

2016-03-28 00:54:10 · answer #3 · answered by Michele 4 · 0 0

No, absoloutly not! Evolution does not show God exists! God created everything in the world in six days and rested on the seventh. During His creation, He did create animals but they did not evolve into human beings because later on, God created Adam, the first human being on earth.

2006-10-07 06:00:17 · answer #4 · answered by leila_park_101 2 · 1 0

See, I'd think scientific discoveries of crazy intricate things like evolution or how the solar system works so perfectly, etc. etc. would be reason to say "Look at what God did, look how well he planned it out and set it up".

But hey. The Church finally accepted that the Earth revolves around the Sun.

2006-10-07 05:57:06 · answer #5 · answered by angk 6 · 0 0

Quick definition of evolution: The tendency of creatures, when placed under environmental stressors, to produce off-spring whose random genetic mutations are better suited to the environmental change.

Mutations are random, not directed. Envirnomental pressures can be somewhat predicted, but prediction is not relevant to natural selection. There is no need for a god, and the scientific law of parsimony would omit it from any theory. You can believe in God and believe in evolution, but they can not rationally intermix.

2006-10-07 06:09:28 · answer #6 · answered by NHBaritone 7 · 0 1

If evolution is real, where are the half monkeys and half humans, people like that believe we are decended from? Where are the other half and half species that walk around evolving? Granted some have the brains that should be in these half and halfs, but I have never seen anything like that, have you?

2006-10-07 05:59:32 · answer #7 · answered by Ex Head 6 · 1 0

Evolution is proof that species mutate and adapt, hardly a proof of God or a creator.

2006-10-07 05:53:50 · answer #8 · answered by Kathryn™ 6 · 1 2

God: I require faith, not proof.
Man: But evolution is proof that you exist, so therefore, by your logic, you must not.
god: Oh dear. (disappears in a puff of logic)

2006-10-07 05:52:18 · answer #9 · answered by Sparkiplasma 4 · 1 1

Evolutionists still can't explain why 30,000 years into the evolution process to homo sapiens for some reason the process seemed to "speed up" "unnaturally". Thus, they came up with the missing link

2006-10-07 06:36:02 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

This is the most reasonable question from a Christian I've seen here so far. I hope it's like this.

2006-10-07 05:58:02 · answer #11 · answered by TarKettle 6 · 0 1

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