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26 answers

Dominionist Christians. You know, the ones DuckPhup is always going on about. I've read about them. They're scary. They want to take over the US government and all state governments.

2006-10-11 05:09:57 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

The scariest religion is generally the one that wields the most power over you. In America, that would be christianity... most denominations are okay, but some of the fundies are really creepy, and (I would argue) not at all christian in the fine sense of the word.

Jesus Camp, anyone?

2006-10-07 12:46:49 · answer #2 · answered by Bramblyspam 7 · 2 0

The Assemblies of God, with the Religous Right. They have access to people in power and can destroy an individual's basic freedoms if they deem it "an abomination toward God". Jerry Falwell and people of his ilk are the scariest because they want to dictate to you how you should live. They are the scariest by far. The seperation between church and state should be total. People like Falwell should NOT have access to leglislators or politicians. They are a huge force in right wing politics, and are using that power to further their own agenda.

2006-10-07 12:39:25 · answer #3 · answered by Julius L 2 · 4 0


2006-10-07 12:39:15 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

I mostly agree with sparkiplasma. But sparki, I don't want to blow up your house, nor do any of the Muslims that I know. Only a few crazy cultists are violent. But I agree with you that I am much more fearful of losing my rights than my house, or even my life.

2006-10-07 12:58:29 · answer #5 · answered by Smiley 5 · 1 0

Let's see; Rush Limbaugh, Jerry Falwell, President Bush. Yep, Christianity.

2006-10-07 12:38:54 · answer #6 · answered by Mere Mortal 7 · 6 1

I have not met all of the religious groups spread throughout the US. From the ones I have met #1 is Evangelicals and #2 is Southern Baptists.

There are always going to be individual personalities in each group, but in union they are pretty scary at times.

2006-10-07 12:37:55 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

Scary in what sense?

I find the Appalachain snake handlers to be quite frightening, but not personally intimidating.

I find anybody knocking on my door, disturbing my family, trying to pry me away from God, to be very upsetting, but not neccessarily scary.

Now that they caught Warren Jeffs, I guess we should not be afraid of the FLDS stealing our daughters.

The Scientologists seem harmless, unless you are a celebrity. Then they go after your money.

I suppose the only "scary" religion would be one that prohibits children from receiving medical care and innoculations. Somehow, certain sects have interpreted organ transplants and blood transfusions as equivalent to cannibalism and vamirism.

2006-10-07 12:34:53 · answer #8 · answered by sjpadilla1 4 · 1 2

The Westboro Baptist Church.

Click on the link for the rock-solid proof!

(this might be the only time in history that Sean Hannity is dead on).

2006-10-07 12:49:06 · answer #9 · answered by captain2man 3 · 2 0

Christianity, without a doubt. What is particularly frightening about it is that the so-called 'moderate' Christians are being DUPED and USED by the more radical elements to achieve a political agenda... motivating them under false pretense of seemingly innocuous hot-button issues such as family values, etc. Under these pretexts, Christian 'Dominionists' (Reconstructionalists, Theonomists) have largely usurped the local level political apparatus of the Republican Party, and are engaged in a sub rosa process to politically motivate moderate Christians under the false cover of religious issues such as morality and family values, under cover of front organizations like the Christian Coalition, the American Family Association and the Promise Keepers. The goal is nothing less than the takeover of all elective offices in the USA.

Their doctrine comes from the Bible, starting with the term 'dominion' at Genesis 1:28... “And God said unto them, [Adam and Eve] Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have DOMINION… over every living thing.” They interpret DOMINION as: “... a supremacy in determining and directing the actions of others or in governing politically, socially, or personally.”

They want to remake the USA as a theocracy... and they are succeeding.

Its most common form, Dominionism, represents one of the most extreme forms of Fundamentalist Christianity thought. Its followers, called Dominionists, are attempting to convert the laws of United States so that they match those of the Hebrew Scriptures. They intend to achieve this by using the freedom of religion in the US to train a generation of children via home-schooling and in private Christian religious schools. See: JESUS CAMP http://www.apple.com/trailers/magnolia/jesuscamp/trailer/ Later, their graduates will be charged with the responsibility of creating a new Bible-based political, religious and social order. One of the first tasks of this order will be to eliminate religious choice and freedom. Their eventual goal is to achieve the "Kingdom of God" in which much of the world is converted to Christianity. They feel that the power of God's word will bring about this conversion. No armed force or insurrection will be needed; in fact, they believe that there will be little opposition to their plan. People will willingly accept it. All that needs to be done is to properly explain it to them.

All religious organizations, congregations etc. other than strictly Fundamentalist Christianity would be suppressed. Nonconforming Evangelical, main line and liberal Christian religious institutions would no longer be allowed to hold services, organize, proselytize, etc. Society would revert to the laws and punishments of the Hebrew Scriptures. Any person who advocated or practiced other religious beliefs outside of their home would be tried for idolatry and executed. Blasphemy, adultery and homosexual behavior would be criminalized; those found guilty would also be executed. There are two conservative Christian pastors in Texas who have advocated the execution of all Wiccans.

By failing to openly confront this insidious agenda, we have sown the seeds of our own destruction, while these religious wing-nuts are paving the way to Armageddon with gleeful anticipation.

"Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder." ~ Arnold Toynbee


2006-10-07 12:45:13 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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