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As I understand the creationist arguement; God created all creatures about 6000 years ago. Archeological evidence suggests that Dinosaurs existed as creatures who used to live in the past. So man must have coexisted with dinosaurs as he was created only a day or two after all the beasts of the field.
The bible goes on to say that Noah collected two of every animal and put them in the Arc to save them from the Great flood. Does that mean he had two Brontosaurus, two Stegarsauruses, two Tyrannosaurus Rexes along with his wife and 3 sons and their wives. If so he must have carried a lot of food to feed them, and good security to stop them feeding off him.
Maybe my logic, is failing can someone help?

2006-10-07 03:25:38 · 18 answers · asked by Chris C 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

And you shall bring into the ark two of every kind of every living thing of all flesh, to keep them alive with you. They shall be male and female. Two of every kind shall come to you to keep them alive; of birds after their kind, and of beasts after their kind, of every creeping thing of the earth after its kind.’ (Gen. 6:19–20)

2006-10-07 03:34:43 · update #1

18 answers

I think you're bored or got no idea to post a question.He saved only those that you can see today.If he saved the dinosaurs,you won't be here..Get alife!

2006-10-07 03:30:26 · answer #1 · answered by ike mie 3 · 0 2

Many creationists claim that there were no dinosaurs...that God put those skeletons there to test our faith or something. That, while being patently absurd, at least bears some semblance of logic. Others say that Noah just left the Dinos behind, but the Bible clearly states that he was to take 2 of EVERY animal, so this is clearly not the case. Some say that he took them on the Ark, but again, this is just silly...even just getting 2 of every species of non-dinosaur animal that existed at that time on that boat would have required a lot more space than that.

The final and most logical theory is that since most reptiles continue growing throughout their lives, and for such a flood to happen there would have to be a serious cloud cover, perhaps the lizards were living longer, so got to be huge, but once the flood happened and the skies cleared and more solar radiation was getting through, the lizards stopped living so long.

The primary problem here is that too many Christians take their creation myth way too literally. After all, there are texts that exist in India that are 10,000 years old! How could this be if the world was only created 6000 years ago? Christians should stop worrying about the dogmatic interpretations of their creation myth and start paying attention to the very practical and beautiful teachings of Jesus. Not Paul. Not the Old Testament. Just the words of Jesus...after all, Jesus is God, right? So technically, the only words in the Bible that we know came from God are the words of Jesus. The rest was written by various men, most of whom are unknown.

2006-10-07 03:46:00 · answer #2 · answered by corwynwulfhund 3 · 0 2

Yes, man and dinosaurs lived at the same time. In the Bible dinosaurs are called dragons, Leviathan, Behemoth and unicorn.

Noah did not have to take large dinosaurs.
Dinosaurs are reptiles. Reptiles keep growing as long as they live.
Before the flood people and things lived a lot longer. The Bible says that there was a ice(water) shield over our atmosphere (that kept out harmful sunlight), it also gave the earth twice the air pressure and oxygen level (taken from amber). This is a very healthy environment (doctors use barometric chambers today to help heal people).
If reptiles (like the kimono dragon) lived for several hundred years, imagine how large it would be!

The Bible uses the word KIND to describe the groups of animals. We do not know for sure how many kinds of dinosaurs there are (since some of them could be the same). For example, today there are more than 50 types of dogs, but they are 1 kind of animal. They are not a cat, not a horse, etc.

2006-10-07 03:46:06 · answer #3 · answered by tim 6 · 2 1

You're treading on dangerous ground here, by religious standards. Asking questions is discouraged by most religions. If you start asking questions like this you're bound to ask more. I, however, think questions are good.

The vast majority of creationists take the bible literally, no dinosaurs are mentioned, ergo they did not exist. Creationist apologists have tried to explain why fossils exist for some time. The attempts range from the Flintstones philosophy (the false belief that we co-existed with dinosaurs) to the Practical Joke Theory (God put fossils in the ground to mess with the minds of doubters).

Any follower of the principle of Occam's Razor will see evolution gives a clearer and more succinct answer to your question. Don't look to the evolution taught by creationists to obfuscate the issue (aka we come from monkeys, microbes growing eyes and various other fallacies), but true evolution.

With that thought in mind tackle the next question you raised, but did not ask. Consider these, Noah was spared due to his religiosity; nothing and no one, on earth was spared from the flood of the all loving God; only that which was on the ark survived the flood; the bible forbids incest (rightly so as evolution shows inbreeding to be highly detrimental to a species); so where did humanity come from after the flood? With humans there were four families (still too small a group to provide Godly, non wife-sharing, biodiversity) but for the animals there was no biodiversity, just one pair.

We already know from modern day extinctions that biodiversity is an absolute must for the continuation of any species. Any rancher can tell you how inbreeding livestock will turn out.

Go ahead and ask around. I can tell you how one group will answer, "It is as it was written, stop asking questions, quit thinking, fear the wrath of God for questioning Him and do as we tell you."

For the other group... I'll start for them, may I suggest two books. "The Demon Haunted World" by Carl Sagan and "At Home in the Universe" by Stuart Kauffman. You'll easily find your way from there.

2006-10-07 04:17:35 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The creationists which accept the Biblical record do believe that God had some of the main land dinosaurs on the ark. We have to remember that the word dinosaur was not used till about 1849 as an English word and for that reason it does not appear in the Bible. Some proof that dinosaurs coexisted with man; dino and human tracks together in various places around the world as in the famous Paluxly River tracks in Texas, thousands of various dino clay pottery figurines found near Veracruz, Mexico, dino images woven into blankets that were wrapped around mummies in Peru and drawings of dinos fighting men with spears craved on burial stones also in Peru. Here in the U.S. there are a few pictograhs of dinos that were drawn by past native Indians. Up until the world flood, man and all animals including dinos were vegetarians so the ark had to be full of a lot of grain and vegetation. It is also possible that some of the animals went into hibernation which some still do. We have hundreds of aquatic dino sightings around the world such as Lock Ness, Lake Chaplain and South America up until now. Also some of the animals in the ark were in twos, males and females (the unclean ones) and the rest (the clean) were in taken in sets of seven, male and female.

2006-10-09 19:31:01 · answer #5 · answered by Ernesto 4 · 0 1

Well, I believe and have been taught, that the days it took to create earth are not the same as earth days. So when they say "On the first day God created..." It doesn;t mean an earth day. After all God created Earth days! remember, he divided the light and dark, one he called day and the other night! So by the time one of God's days, so to speak was over, several million years could have passed on ?Earth and the dinosaurs could have lived and died in that amount of time, so no dinosaurs where still around when Adam was in the Garden of Eden, or at Noahs ark. Hope this makes sense!

2006-10-07 03:33:52 · answer #6 · answered by terra_chan 4 · 2 0

man was created not 6000 but 60,000 years ago
please take notice of that and rectify

possibly yes,
he might have
because finally all this was done with the support of god
it was God's will
and Noah perhaps was just a medium

it could even be that the dinosaurs were already extinxct during Noah's times

we can't say anything

but it wouldn't have been impossible for God to have those dinosaurs in Noah's arc

everything and anything is possible with god

2006-10-07 03:45:47 · answer #7 · answered by reuben 2 · 0 0

- Many people mistake the Scripture were God says "a day is but a thousand years" to be literal whichis where you get 6000 years from, but actually God was illustrating that He is not bound by time.

- Think about it, we cannot even come close to comprehending 1 day = 1000 years, therefore, God was simply giving an example of how His ways far exceed our comprehension.

- Dinosaurs were extinct in Noah's time.

- Dinosaurs & humans could not co-exist, that is why there isn't references made to them.

- Dinosaurs were & are irrelevent to our daily living so why mention the in Scripture.

2006-10-07 03:53:51 · answer #8 · answered by righton 3 · 0 0

Noah did not carry any animals on the ark, God moved through them and they came on their own, two by two. It was a miracle of God.. And there is such a thing as a "baby dinosaur".

2006-10-07 03:28:10 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I have just answer this question from someone else that ask about Adam & Eve, & the prehistoric world. The dinosaurs was killed during the great ICE AGE. Before Adam & Eve.

2006-10-07 03:53:00 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ours is written down and there are over 250 cultures that have a version of the flood tale of their background. Now enable me ask you a query, "How do you account for the fossils contained in the fossil beds such because of the fact the Morrison formation without international flood." certainly, we've hundreds of hundreds of sq. miles of fossils that ought to no longer have got here approximately in accordance on your concept. Animals do no longer die and develop into fossils. they might desire to be coated with airborne dirt and dust (such because of the fact the airborne dirt and dust from the flood) to develop into fossilized. And did you notice 2012? They confirmed a international flood.

2016-10-02 01:07:02 · answer #11 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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