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more details..um...i'm not good looking, not much experience with girls. usual "anti-stud". she is very very pretty. I dont even know her name, shes never even noticed me. there must be millions out there in the same position......

I reckon even if i did chat to her i could never make it a romantic thing, because i have never done so....end up being friends is not what I want.

2006-10-07 03:16:28 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

thanks guys!! i just did it... exactly like you said.. smiley, confident, no pressure. blah blah. knew that sort of stuff already. it went like this. i said " hi i'm _____whats your name?" hand extended out, smiling (not creepy etc) and she said " huh? what sorry?whay do you want to know my name?" i kept it cool, and said i was just working on th eother side of the floor and thought i would say hi, because your so beautiful" shes then, blushes and becomes more friendly and says "thanks". but you still aint gettin my name or number so **** off you loser. Aint trying that agian folks!!! did i mention she was super pretty!!

2006-10-07 03:47:11 · update #1

26 answers

just ask her if she wants a drink what harm can it do ?

2006-10-07 03:18:34 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Take some advice for an old guy...Me.. Since you have demonstrated your lack of confidence already IE..not good looking, anti-stud.....perhaps you're looking at the wrong young women.
There is someone you see everyday, who knows you, is probably your friend already, and who cares for you regardless of your "anti-stud" status.... You just haven't realized the possibility of that relationship....But she has.

Take a better look around you, she's already there. And you'll be a whole lot happier with her, than you are trying to get a hold of that high maintenance chick who doesn't even know you exist.

If you really need to try for the high maintenance girl, Be bold!! Go up and introduce yourself...But be aware of her facial movements and body posture as you do. if she so much as takes half a step back, or looks you up and down before plastering on that FAKE SMILE...You've seen that smile before.... Then you'll know she's not interested.

Best bet sport....steel your emotions for the let down.
But also remember....if you are patient,the best person for you will show up when you least expect it.
She might already be a part of your daily life. You need to realize really pretty isn't everything when it comes to women...a plain faced, or a slightly heavier woman, might be one that changes the way you see things...and make you happy beyond your current comprehension.
Good luck.

2006-10-07 03:49:35 · answer #2 · answered by tincre 4 · 0 0

Firstly, as others have said, you won't get anywhere with such a negative view of yourself.

Stand up straight. NOW! Right now!! That's better. Look in the mirror. Smile ........I said smile not just part your lips. Not bad eh!! Like what you see or you cannot expect anyone else to can you?

As to your strategy for this lady.

Start slow. Don't just walk up to her and blurt out: Hi. I'm me. Wanna .....whatever. You'll frighten her to death and probably sh1t yourself with nerves in the process. She doesn't know you from Adam so you can't expect her to make a snap decision, on the spot, in about 5 seconds, to go out with a complete stranger. Give her a chance!! If you confront her in this way she'll take the easy, quick and safe way out and say no.

Remember. If she's at Uni she's away from her friends and family and maybe feeling a bit lonely and vulnerable. She may even feel as insecure as you and be lacking confidence to the same degree.

Watch where she goes. What clubs is she in, what sports does she do. Does she go to the SU bar? But don't stalk her for G**s sake.

When she's out walking to a lecture or something position yourself to walk in the opposite direction and as you pass give her that smile you've just been practicing. It doesn't matter how many others she's with, ignore them, just concentrate on her.

Next time. Walk past and just say Hi, and don't forget the smile.

One day when you pass you'll notice her walk slow down just a little. This means she wants to stop and talk. Do so. Just talk to her. How are you? What you been up to. But don't interrogate her, it's not a job interview. Just relax, be natural and she will do the same.

The main thing is to appear confident and INTERESTING. Making her laugh is also very important.

If this bit goes well you'll know how to take it on by yourself

Don't be afraid.

Good luck

I've just checked out the additional details and can hardly type for laughing. Nice one. Suckers!

2006-10-07 04:18:11 · answer #3 · answered by Sam 3 · 0 0

I was in the same place as you when I was in high school. I've learned that just sucking it up and going in head first and running is actually the best way. Walk right up to her, doesn't matter who she's talking with, and go right into it. "Hi. My name is John. I think you're really attractive, and I'd like it if we could go out together sometime." If she's got friends that want to act the part of the ***, don't worry about it. Just be as nice as you can be to them. No matter what other people might tell you, being yourself is the way to go. A lot of girls base whatever they might feel about you on the first impression that you give. If that first impression isn't who you really are, you're dooming yourself from the start. If anything, she'll give you major props for just being up-front and honest. Good luck!

2006-10-07 03:20:56 · answer #4 · answered by Justin 1 · 0 0

Are you a Fresher? If so the best ploy is to ask her where something is. Although you say you don't want to end up being friends it's a good place to start.
It all depends on how you knoe her. If she's in your lectures then try sit next to her and talk about the lecturer/topic.
If you've just seen her around campus then it's more difficult but try and work out where she goes regulaly and hang around. Don;t stalk her though.
The main thing is that you need to talk to her. It doesnt matter what about. Just get her to know your name and then move on from there.
Ask her if she wants to get a drink and then talk to her.
Other than that then I don't know what to suggest. Don't worry that you don;t have much experience. Just don't let it become obvious. Act self-confident and aware and I hope things work out for you.

2006-10-07 03:22:50 · answer #5 · answered by sairaber 1 · 1 0

All you need is an excuse to talk... a good opening would be simply to ask what she was working on atm (obviously during the right setting here). Don't forget that pretty much everyone is in the same boat, they don't really have any contacts when they first start, and will appreciate building a circle of friends - introducing yourself and not knowing names is expected.

2006-10-07 03:28:09 · answer #6 · answered by kirun 6 · 0 0

Jumping into the deep end with this girl, was a very bad idea. You only had a 50/50 chance of success. And the odds were stack against you.
You should have slowly built something up with her. Get her to notice you, smile, eventually say hello. Believe it or not, the majority of women love a good old fashioned Gentlemen.
I can talk from experience.

2006-10-08 01:29:11 · answer #7 · answered by Richie G 2 · 0 0

All you can do is be yourself,because if you for example, try to act different,she might see right through you,or if not,she'd find out eventually.Just be friendly, courteous, and if you have a sense of humour,use that too.Also,if you do manage to strike up a conversation with her, don't just talk about yourself,ask her about her life,women usually like a guy to take an interest in their lives.Music, what they're studying,try and findsome common ground.If she doen't like you for who you are,don't be downhearted, there will be someone.Good luck!

2006-10-07 03:23:35 · answer #8 · answered by duracell18 6 · 0 0

this is so sweet. you HAVE to start talking to her. there is a guy who glances at me every now and then and i think he is absolutely gorgeous but it seems like we're both kind of shy. i really wish he would talk to me but doesnt. this girl is probably feeling the same way. say something to her that you both have in common. if ur in class together, ask if she's started her paper yet, etc. if not in same class but goes to same university, ask if she has heard of the myth on campus about a specific building, that it's haunted (even if you make it up!). either way, just spark a conversation with her as often as you can and it'll lead to something if you both want it to.

2016-03-18 06:03:23 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First of all u have to change the way your thinking.If not you have already sabotage whatever you are trying to accomplish. You have to beleive that she can like you and you are going to go out with her.You project what you think and feel in life.If you think your a loser you will come off as one.Without even knowing it. So first you need to go in the mirror and rehease what you are going to say to her. This is for your benefit.To make you feel good about u. Then when you feel confident you should sit by her in class and say hi and tell her who you are. After a week or so you should have a feel on if she would go out with you. Then ask her..She will like you and will want to go out with you...Just keep telling yourself that...Good luck. Oh another thing alot of married people started off as freinds first.

2006-10-07 03:28:06 · answer #10 · answered by sweet_thing_kay04 6 · 1 0

Point your toes at her tilt forward, don't fall. If you never talk to her you'll be invisable. This isn't high school you have no idea if she'll like you and unless you talk to her you'll never know. Being shy isn't an excuse it's a reason you need to. You're not going to get comfortable with women by avoiding them. Decide what you'll say to her walk up to her chat her up. Groom well/eye contact/speak clearly

2006-10-07 03:19:51 · answer #11 · answered by W0LF 5 · 0 0

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