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How do we stop them from dragging America's name through the mud?

2006-10-07 02:20:38 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Civic Participation

29 answers

Make them live up to their standards.

They want war? Then they should be willing to have their children drafted as an example.

They think that public assistance programs like college loans, welfare, etc should be cut? Ban them from fiscally supporting their children after the age of 18. Its easy to say people who don't succeed are lazy, or that we have too many public assistance programs. If they believe that, lets see how their children would do without Daddy [and sometime's Mommy's] money.

These aren't practical solutions, but they reflect the need for Republicans to start thinking about their actions in terms of their own life. Which is the only thing that would redeem the Republican party.

2006-10-07 02:36:52 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

We need to keep either party from gaining control of both the executive and legislative branches of government.

Despite the campaign adds, the difference between the two parties is practically zero, politically – the difference is just that Republicans are selfish greedy thieves and Democrats are greedy selfish goobers.

Our current problems really are not the result of Bush or Dean, or republicans or democrats, they are the result of one party controlling both the executive and legislative branches. Then, personal and political greed and selfishness dominate every aspect of American policy.

The only thing that works is political gridlock – when one party controls the White House and the other Congress. That’s why things were great the last half of Clinton’s tenure, and that’s why it has been all downhill since 2000.

The fact is, 9/11 happened because the Republicans were busy stuffing their pockets. It was not malicious on their part, there simply was no power in another branch of government to stop them. And, if the Democrats controlled both branches it would have been the same. If the Democrats had controlled Congress, the neocons (who really are just dilettante political mad-scientists (except stupid) would not have been able to control Bush’s mind and feed it with their ignorant ideas and plans.

The way to make things better for America is to give Democrats control of Congress. Not because they are Democrats, but just because the are NOT Republicans. If the government does not do anything, then it cannot screw-up anything. And that is the best we can hope for.

2006-10-07 11:03:16 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I am a Republican. I am not rich. I not only care for my country I love my country. I am getting old. Old enough that my children are not in the military. However I have many brothers and sisters whose children are now in the military. I have 1 niece and 4 nephews currently serving and I am sure more of them will go as they become old enough.

In my opinion the only ones dragging this great nation through the mud are the ones that keep giving the Arab extremists talking points. Seeing as this is mostly the Democrats you can understand why I will stay with the Republican Party. Democrats do not seem to understand that binLadin and Al Queda want them to get into power because they feel that if the Dem's are in office they can defeat us easier. I truly feel that the terrorists are just waiting for this to happen and then they can turn the US into another Islamic country.

2006-10-07 10:43:59 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

The November elections will do that job fine. America has found the Republicans out for what they really are. Mean and they care only about tax cuts for the wealthy. They protect and serve the Corporations at all cost. They also want to end Social Security. Newt Ginkslob just said "I would make Congress and the Supreme Court under the power of the President". That is a real Neocon. They have no respect for the Constitution, none.
This statement by Republican Ginkslob reflects the thinking of many in the Republican party, the party of exclusion. Rush is also a Neocon and shares the Bush/Kinkslob agenda.
BTW, Jesi you have no clue at all. Read the report on the middle class in California, it's gone now. We have a $9 trillion national debt, the Iraq war will cost you and other working class tax payers $2 trillion over ten years. Never in the History of our country has more jobs been sent to other countries than under Bush and the Republicans. The economy is good for the wealthy the Middle class is screwed big time. You need to read more and watch FOX news less. As for wage increase that's just a bare face lie, wages have gone down under Republicans not up.
Only a real fool would think $5.15 per hour is a increase in pay.
Management jobs have not gone up in pay they have gone down for most who have not had a raise in 6 years under Bush.

2006-10-07 10:20:34 · answer #4 · answered by jl_jack09 6 · 1 2

Nothing. It isn't the Republicans or the Democrats. It's the two-party system that is at fault. Back when the Dems were in power, it was scandal and corruption that brought them down too. The U.S. has outgrown the two-party system.

Way back when, when the federal government was small and most of the power lied with the states, a two-party system was sufficient for the relatively few tasks required of the federal government.

Now that the federal government is omnipresent, micro-managing every aspect of out lives and churning out thousands of pages of freedom-killing regulations every year, it is time to switch to a multi-party coalition government like the older democracies of Europe.

Naturally, the two majority parties are against this as it will dilute their power. They can only respond by putting the needs of the party above the needs of the country. There is no other way to satisfy their greed.

2006-10-07 09:39:01 · answer #5 · answered by szydkids 5 · 1 3

A humiliating defeat at the polls, followed by a real revolt within the Republican party, followed by new, "moderate" Republican leadership and candidates. It would all be so nice, and so good for the country! The fundamentals who feel abandoned by the political process could sit out elections, and pray for better times, as they used to.

2006-10-07 09:25:00 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Who ever said that Republicans don't care for their country just because the President is fighting for something that past presidents were afraid to touch? If you listen to the news and bills/legislature being passed then you'd see that there are split ties within the Republican party of who actually supports the war and other issues in the "corrupt party." I'm not supporting one side or the other but I don't see how you can generalize to say that if someone is Republican that they just support the party no matter what it stands for.

2006-10-07 09:33:59 · answer #7 · answered by Ms. H 6 · 1 3

Nothing. The Republicans represent the interests of the rich.Look at the rise of homeless, the elderly denied access to medical care, the rise of Mcjobs. And we have tax cuts for the rich. Of course the rich have always screwed the poor. That's the American way. Throw the saps a few crumbs to give them false hope that things are getting better. And of course send their sons of the poor to war to die so the rich can drive their SUV's.

2006-10-07 10:18:55 · answer #8 · answered by Superstar 5 · 1 2

The only way to do this is to convince enough voting citizens to rally and vote them out of office. Once the party knows it cannot stay in office they will be forced to change. Of course, this doesn't help much if you think the party is worse.

2006-10-07 09:23:20 · answer #9 · answered by scottdprt 2 · 4 0

you are not asking a sincere question.

you are not seeking understanding.

sincere republicans are not like the way you portray them.

differences of opinion are not crimes, even in politically correct America

sincere Republicans are voting in the way they think is best for the country. no one besides revolutionaries gets up every morning thinking of how they can hurt the country they live in.

2006-10-07 13:41:34 · answer #10 · answered by Anthony M 6 · 0 1

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