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2006-10-06 16:31:54 · 17 answers · asked by humorme! 3 in Politics & Government Immigration

17 answers

Everyone who knew paramedic Ryan Ostendorf agreed that he had a tremendously promising life ahead, as a cardiologist and married to his long-time girlfriend, Meagan Kennedy. But that future is not to be, because a previously deported drunk-driving illegal alien crashed head-on into Ryan's Jeep Cherokee and killed him.
A resident of Lawrence, Kansas, 28-year-old Ryan was driving to his paramedic job in Topeka when his car was hit. When the ambulance arrived on the scene, the paramedics were shocked to find the body of their friend and co-worker.
Victor Anzua-Torres was sentenced in Topeka in late June to a measly 13 years and nine months in jail for the head-on crash, which was the maximum sentence he could have received.

Anzua-Torres had a blood-alcohol level of 0.26 percent, more than three times the legal limit of 0.08, authorities said. He had no driver¹s license, had a prior drunken-driving arrest and had been deported as an illegal immigrant once before. [Drunken driver gets 13 years for fatal wreck, Lawrence Journal-World, 6/30/06]

Prosecutor Karen Wittman noted that Anzua-Torres insisted on driving to show how "bad" he was even though he was very drunk and a friend offered to drive. (Driving while drunk is believed by many hispanics to show macho attributes -- a reason why they are hugely overrepresented in drunk driving crashes.)
At sentencing, Ryan's friends and family spent two hours explaining how his death left a hole in their lives that would never go away.
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Another reminder that illegal immigration is not a victimless crime was the death of 20-year-old Natalie Housand. A resident of Tabor City, North Carolina, Natalie worked as a nursing assistant as she pursued her RN degree.
She was killed Dec. 19, 2004, by Jose Jesus Garcia Lopez, when an SUV driven by him struck her car as he swerved into her lane. Lopez, an illegal alien, testified at trial that he was too drunk to remember the head-on collision that killed Natalie Housand. A witness said that Lopez' vehicle was traveling at 100 mph and that the SUV's brake lights never went on.
Lopez was convicted May 26 of involuntary manslaughter plus assault with a deadly weapon, and will serve a maximum of 81 months in prison.
Natalie's family and friends put together a remembrance website to celebrate her all-too-brief life, filled with photos and loving tributes.

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Add Donna and Sean Wilson of Mt. Juliet, Tennessee, to the terrible list of innocent Americans killed by illegals aliens with numerous prior arrests. The Wilsons' shocking deaths from a frontal collision in a June 8 DUI accident were entirely preventable, and would never have happened if the government were doing its primary job of keeping out invaders.
Just when you think the immigration bureaucracy can't get any more inept, you read something like this headline: Man not deported after 14 arrests (The Tennessean, 6/16/06).

Federal and local authorities are trying to figure out how an illegal immigrant from Mexico managed to avoid deportation despite being arrested more than a dozen times in the past five years, agency officials said Thursday.
Gustavo Reyes Garcia, 28, has accumulated dozens of criminal charges and been arrested 14 times in Nashville without being flagged by federal authorities for being in the country illegally.
On June 26, the Wilsons' daughter Heather Steffek appeared in a press conference with gubernatorial candidate Jim Bryson, expressing her shock that such a dangerous serial criminal could be allowed to remain in the United States. Many Americans have been similarly appalled to learn that the government takes so little care about their loved ones' safety.
"Part of the shock of the tragedy is learning there is simply no laws in place at the local or state level to aide deportation of a serial criminal who is an illegal alien," Steffek said. "I'm asking the governor to please support legislation that would remove criminal illegal immigrants from our midst."
The accused killer had five previous DUIs, and was a tragedy waiting to happen. As various studies have shown, hispanics drive drunk at substantially higher rates than Americans.
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It is hard to fathom how anyone could bury an axe in the head of an innocent nine-year-old boy, but that was the unimaginable fate of Jordin Paulder of Fulton County, Georgia, on June 5. The killer was "Honduran native" Santos Benigno Cabrera Borjas.

Three children were playing in the parking lot of the Chastain Apartments in Sandy Springs early Monday evening when a red car with a wobbly wheel drove through.
Jordin Paulder, a 9-year-old boy with chubby cheeks, called out to the car's passengers to tell them of the bad tire.
Jordin didn't mean to insult anybody, he just thought they should know, witnesses told police.
But the car stopped. A man got out and slammed an ax into Jordin's face. Emergency workers were afraid to remove the ax during the helicopter flight to Children's Healthcare of Atlanta at Scottish Rite hospital, where Jordin died. [Boy, 9, hacked to death, 6/7/06, Atlanta Journal-Constitution]
When the police approached the crime scene, Cabrera Borjas fled to a nearby apartment complex. After he broke an officer's arm by throwing a tire iron (or maybe a "rimmed tire" — accounts differ) and made threats with an iron pipe, the officer shot and killed him.
Since the accused killer is dead, there will be no trial to remind the public that illegal immigration is not a victimless crime — assuming Santos Cabrera Borjas was indeed an illegal entrant, which was apparently the case. The authorities may not pursue that detail, wishing to forget the whole sordid thing.
More details here.
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Update: In January 2005, there was an incident in which 21-year-old illegal alien Francisco Serrano lived in a Minnesota high school for several weeks and posed as a student until he was discovered. At that time, locals rallied to his defense. High school kids made up "Free Francisco" t-shirts and evidently no parents were concerned that a lawbreaking adult male was rubbing elbows with their teenaged daughters.
A typical sentiment at the time was expressed in an editorial from the Pioneer Press, Story points to rising homelessness.

Serrano's legal problems detract from the focal point of this story, which is homelessness. We don't know if a fear of discovery as an illegal immigrant kept Serrano from seeking social services.
In October 2005, an immigration judge ordered Serrano back to Mexico. But the lawbreaker never boarded the plane and he later turned up as a violent felon in Boston.
A Boston woman said Serrano kicked in her apartment door and threatened to attack her early in the morning on March 29.
"He said, 'I'm not here to steal, I'm here to kill,'" the woman said, requesting anonymity.
Serrano's Minnesota attorney remarked, "I never figured Serrano for a ski mask and a butcher knife. He just didn't seem to have any violence in him."
This link includes a news video, which has a clip of Serrano in a pink sweater! (Here is a still photo.) An example of a lawyer playing extreme dress-up with a criminal client? Even the notorious parent-murdering Menendez brothers didn't go beyond muted pastels for a collegiate look in their trial makeover.
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Can you imagine a person being struck down and killed as she strolled out to check her roadside mailbox? That's what happened to Joyce Dargan of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. She was hit by a car driven by a 14-year-old illegal alien Mexican (a student at the local high school) as he drag raced against another Mexican boy at speeds of 80 miles per hour.
As is so often the case, the perp had prior arrests, having been stopped twice for traffic violations in the six weeks before Joyce Dargan had been killed. As a result, her husband Waldeck observed that laxity about illegal immigration had contributed to his wife's death.
He vowed to be there when the boys are released from prison in six years to make sure they are deported. As juveniles, they received the maximum sentence.

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This is Jorge Hernandez, aka Jorge Soto, the illegal alien accused of killing Min Soon Chang, an 18-year-old college freshman, shown just below, in a terrible head-on wreck while Hernandez was driving drunk. Now more facts are coming out about this man, such as the fact that he had been arrested three previous times for drunk driving in three other states. One report says he was sent back to Mexico 17 times!
This is just the sort of case that Rep. Sue Myrick hopes to prevent with her proposed legislation that would require immediate deportation for any drunk-driving illegal alien. She called the tragedy a wake-up call and said, "It's so senseless, it's so senseless. The issue is that you're legal, or you're illegal."
Here is a transcript of Rep. Myrick discussing the issue and her bill with Lou Dobbs.

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Eighteen-year-old Min Soon Chang never had a chance. The UNC Charlotte freshman was struck head-on by a drunk illegal alien driving at an estimated 100 miles per hour on the wrong side of Interstate 485. Min was described as outgoing by family and friends, and was enrolled as a pre-business student.
The illegal alien identified himself as Jorge Hernandez, 35, and said he didn't have an address. Police said that he had driven 20 miles on the wrong side of the highway, and other drivers described having close calls. One of the first police officers on the accident scene was C.L. Amaral, who described Hernandez as smelling strongly of alcohol and "totally out of it."
Hernandez has been charged with driving while impaired and involuntary manslaughter.

U.S. Rep. Sue Myrick, R-N.C., is working on legislation that would strengthen penalties against illegal immigrants who are convicted of DWI. She became vocal about the issue when Scott Gardner, a Gaston County teacher, was killed in July by an illegal immigrant who was driving drunk.
On Friday, she commented on "another bright young life lost."
"I hope that this -- as far as our committees are concerned -- will make a difference," Myrick said. "This is just another example of why we need the legislation." ["Illegal immigrant charged in fatal wreck"]
Update 11/21: Now that Hernandez has sobered up, he has admitted his status: "Driver in crash says he's illegal". He describes himself as an agricultural worker who has been here three years.
Trooper Brian Huffstickler of the N.C. Highway Patrol said Hernandez also could face second-degree murder charges if police find out he has prior DWI convictions.
"He has blown all safe driving rules out the window," Huffstickler said.
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Dallas Police Officer Brian Jackson became another open borders statistic on Nov. 13 when he was shot and killed by illegal alien Juan Lizcano
Lizcano had become drunk and went to the home of his ex-girfriend to threaten her. As the police pursued Lizcano after he fled the woman's home, he shot Officer Jackson, who died later in the hospital.
Officer Jackson was remembered by his fellow police as someone who loved his job and always went the extra mile.

"From Day One, he just enjoyed police work and took pride in it. And he always wanted to learn everything he could. He was very dedicated," Officer Carcone said. "He went above and beyond.
"He'd stay late. He'd cover anybody. He was always looking to help everybody he could."
Jackson was 28 and had worked previously as part of an ambulance team. He had gotten married just two months ago.
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Over on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, there have been 13 highway accidents involving hispanic workers since 2002 which have caused 18 fatalities. In addition, 90 people have been injured on area roadways during that time by foreigners, many of whom are illegal aliens working in agriculture. The deaths are about a quarter of the total fatalities during the period, while hispanics comprise about 5 percent of the local population.

In all but three of the fatal accidents in which Hispanics were at the wheel, the drivers had no insurance. In most cases, the vehicles had no inspection stickers, the drivers carried no license and alcohol was a factor.

One of the persons killed was Debbie Thomas, shown here, who was the mother of three. She was killed in a head-on collision on Christmas Eve 2003 when her car was struck by a car being driven in the wrong direction. The offending driver, Narciso Garcia-Jimenez, escaped from his hospital bed and is still at large. The car he drove had no inspection sticker and was registered to another person. When Debbie's mom learned that her daughter's killer had not been killed in the wreck but had escaped, she said she felt "angry, bitter and sad, all at once."
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That's Rep. Sue Myrick at the podium, announcing her legislation, the upshot of which is "You're drunk, you're driving, you're illegal, you're deported, period", a fine idea and a long overdue bill. This website is full of examples of illegal aliens whose drunk driving was overlooked time and again until it finally ended with a tragedy for an innocent American family on our dangerous highways.
Rep. Myrick is flanked by the family of Scott Gardner in the photo, a young man who was killed by an illegal alien with five previous DUI arrests on his record. Scott Gardner of Gastonia North Carolina was just 33, and was a teacher, a church deacon and a baseball coach. His wife Tina was critically injured in the crash, and now has their two small children to raise alone.
Scott's mother, Emily Moose is still haunted by the loss of her son, of course.

A witness told Emily that Scott spoke one word: "Why?"
A word Emily herself has uttered a million times.
Why was 25-year-old Ramiro Gallegos, an illegal immigrant without a N.C. driver's license, barreling along Highway 130 toward Whiteville on July 16?
Why, when Gallegos was busted in late 2002 in Duplin County for driving too slowly — and drunk — was he not sent home to Mexico?
And why, when Gallegos was nabbed a third time — with an alcohol level three times the legal limit — was he given only seven days in jail and supervised probation?
Why, indeed.
See also Ed Rubenstein's analysis of drunk driving by Mexican immigrants.
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Jose Ramirez is every American father's nightmare. The illegal alien from El Salvador beat up a 15-year-old girl after whistling at her. He broke her nose, fractured a bone in her face and produced cuts requring 30 stitches. The man worked in construction in Spotsylvania, Virginia, where the attack occurred, and resisted arrest to the point where police had to taser him.
The 28-year-old Ramirez of Prince William County was charged with aggravated malicious wounding and abduction with the intent to defile. Both charges carry potential life sentences. He is being held with no bond.

Police said he whistled at the girl as she walked by, then became enraged after the girl did not respond. Ramirez is accused of then running after the girl and pummeling her in the face and head, Kocher said.
According to authorities, the attacker then tried to drag the victim, fleeing into some woods only after a co-worker yelled for him to stop.
Apparently Ramirez thought this kind of behavior was not objectionable, since he attacked the girl in front of co-workers during daylight hours: what kind of culture produces such brutality against women and girls?
Furthermore, attacks of this sort will surely increase as the United States becomes more demographically Latinized, given the misogyny of hispanic culture.
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Jose Raul Pena is shown here with his daughter Suzie. An illegal alien from El Salvador earlier deported for cocaine possession, he was the doting father who used the little girl as a human shield in an hours-long Los Angeles shootout with police on July 10. Pena and Suzie were both killed.

During the incident, Pena used a 9-millimeter Beretta pistol which had been stolen last year in a burglary in Oregon. His office at the car dealership contained a bag of cocaine and a half-drunk bottle of Tequila — consistent with the illegal Pena's previous deportation for cocaine possession.
Videotape captured images of Pena shooting at the police while holding his daughter, yet his relatives are questioning not only whether he used his daughter as a shield, but whether he was even armed at all, according to the Los Angeles Times.
The "community" has gone into bad craziness over this horrible tragedy, blaming the police when the perp is clearly the guilty party: Pena chose to shoot it out and certainly snatched up the child as a shield, as pictures show.
The abused girlfriend of Pena, Lorena Lopez, has already gotten a lawyer for a multi-million-dollar lawsuit against the city of Los Angeles.
The new mayor, Antonio Villaraigosa, is more concerned with being a hispanic than providing support for the increasingly beleagured LAPD. The thin blue line is getting stretched thin in Los Angeles. If another city-wide riot blows up, having the National Guard overseas may make the situation even dicier.
And how does it happen that an illegal alien, deported for cocaine, apparently owned a used car lot?
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Esmerelda Nava, aged four, was recently strangled, molested and killed by an illegal alien who had been deported in 2003. The accused killer is Cornelio Rivera Zamites of Vera Cruz, Mexico, who had been residing in Gainsville, Georgia. Esmerelda went with her parents to visit the 24-year-old Zamites. At some point late Saturday night (6/25), the child's mother realized the girl was missing. A police officer found her body early the next morning in nearby woods. An article of Zamites clothing was close by and he was gone.
Zamites had been deported for driving under the influence, as well as having no license or insurance. At least his illegal status was duly noted.

"If you don't do anything about the borders, it's kind of like an all-expense paid trip home to see loved ones before they come back," Hall County Sheriff Steve Cronic said.
Many of the criminals listed here were on the screen of law enforcement and should have been deported but were not. Cornelio Rivera Zamites, the accused killer of little Esmeralda, above, actually was deported, but managed to re-enter. One story described the man as a day laborer who worked as a roofer:
On Monday, officials said they suspect the man, an undocumented day laborer, may be trying to return to Mexico.
"The indication is that he's a bad person in general," Sheriff Steve Cronic said, referring to unconfirmed reports that the suspect had legal issues in Mexico.
All states between Georgia and Mexico have been put on alert for the suspect, who has no known family in the United States or no regular place of employment. He is also known as "Revolver."
This case shows how dangerous it is to have millions of unknown, unidentified people, who are criminals in their own countries, living in the United States. Because this man could likely make a decent living by working under the table, he was free to brutally murder a little girl.
Update, June 30: Zamites was apprehended in Georgia.
In addition, please see Mexican Sexual Diversity which reflects upon the cultural factors mixed up in these terrible crimes. Noted in that piece is the important Washington Post article, "In Mexico, an Unpunished Crime: Rape Victims Face Widespread Cultural Bias" which documents shocking cases of child sex abuse.
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The next time you are accosted with the idea that you should "celebrate diversity" please remember that some cultures accept despicable practices, including slavery even today. This well-to-do Saudi couple has been arrested for enslaving and abusing an illegal alien for four years in their Aurora, Colorado, home in their country's traditional fashion: slavery was not officially abolished in Saudi Arabia until 1962.

AURORA, Colo. -- A Saudi Arabian couple was in custody Friday, accused of turning a young Indonesian woman into a virtual slave, forcing her to clean, cook and care for their children while she was threatened and sexually assaulted.
A federal grand jury on Thursday indicted Homaidan Al-Turki, 36, and his wife, Sarah Khonaizan, 35, on charges of forced labor, document servitude and harboring an illegal immigrant.
Al-Turki also faces state charges including kidnapping, false imprisonment and extortion, as well as 12 charges of sexual assault. His wife faces some of the same charges. The two could be sentenced to life in prison if convicted.
IHC generally posts stories about illegal aliens who have committed crimes, but also believes that certain cultures have values so anathema to our own that they simply shouldn't be allowed to immigrate here, and Saudi Arabia is near the top of the list. The kingdom practices an extreme form of gender apartheid that, if it were aimed at a race instead of against women, would be condemned as thoroughly as South Africa was in an earlier time. In 2002, Saudi Arabia beheaded three men simply for being gay.
Furthermore, slavery-like conditions continue in the kingdom even now, particularly for immigrant workers, many of whom come from Indonesia and Sri Lanka. The cultural norm is to treat vulnerable foreigners like property, an attitude the Saudi couple apparently brought with them to America.
Add in the Saudi's continuing financial support for Islamic terror worldwide, and we have to wonder why America's welcome mat is still out for Saudi Arabians.
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The nation's highways have become far more dangerous since they have been turned into smuggling thruways for criminals from Mexico and elsewhere. Nineteen-year-old Travis Smith of Mesa, Arizona, was killed in 2002 by a carload of illegal aliens being smuggled to Pennsylvania. The accident occurred near Monticello in southeastern Utah, as the car driven by illegal alien smuggler Isidro Aranda-Flores plowed head-on into Smith's 1966 Mustang. The smuggler apparently fell asleep at the wheel.
At the sentencing held on May 25, Travis' mother Tanya Lowe was not buying the tiresome excuses that essentially blame the victim.

"People say my son was just in the wrong place at the wrong time," she said. "My son was not in the wrong place at the wrong time ... The illegal person transporting illegals was in the wrong place at the wrong time."
Travis' dad Wayne Smith was too distraught to attend the sentencing:
But outside court, he said that the law should be altered so that being in the United States illegally would warrant harsher sentencing, just as recklessness and intoxication do, in traffic-accident cases.
The killer received a hand-slap sentence, just six and a half years in prison for ending the life of a teenager.
For more on the highway carnage caused by illegal aliens, please see Diversity Is Strength! It's Also... Drunk Driving
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In a year of horrendous crimes against children, burying a child alive under a pile of concrete after raping her remains particularly awful. Only a rapid and thorough search by police saved the 8-year-old's life. Too bad law enforcement hadn't been as meticulous when the illegal alien Milagro Cunningham (pictured here at his court appearance) had been arrested three times last year by the Palm Beach County (Florida) Sheriff's Office on burglary charges. Had the young man been sent home to the Bahamas where he belonged, then the little girl would not have been raped and buried alive, a trauma that will remain with her for a lifetime. (Another photo of the accused can be seen here.)

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In Lynn, Massaschusetts, 16-year-old Amy Dumas was shot dead Monday night (May 16) during a home invasion as she tried to protect her wheelchair-bound father, Robert S. Finnerty, who was also killed. Apparently four Asian gang members forced themselves into the family's apartment and shot father and daughter several times. Finnerty was a cancer survivor who was left using a wheelchair after a stroke. Robert's wife Judith Finnerty was in the apartment but was unhurt.
Two men were quickly arrested by police. The accused are "Cambodian-born men" (no further status mentioned) and belong to a local gang, the "Oriental Boys." Two other gangsters are being sought in the killing. At least one of those arrested, Chon Son, "is well known to local police."

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Donald R. Young was a Denver police officer working a second job when he was shot three times in the back and killed by an illegal alien from Mexico, Raul Garcia-Gomez. Young was providing security at Solano Ocampo, a hall used for private functions, when he was ambushed at around 1 am on Sunday May 8; another policeman was also shot but not seriously.
Both men were off duty but in uniform. Detective Young was the married father of two. He was a a 12-year veteran, who had worked with the vice-narcotics and domestic violence units, and was assigned to the fugitive-bomb squad when he died.

Donald R. Young had received numerous awards during his 12 years on the Denver police force.
He was awarded the police department's medal of honor and a distinguished service cross. He also received 10 official commendations and two commendatory letters.
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Raul Garcia-Gomez, the accused killer of Detective Donnie Young, was an illegal alien who had been in police custody twice before but was allowed to remain in the United States instead of being deported.

9NEWS has also confirmed that Garcia-Gomez has been involved in at least three traffic infractions since last October. He was pulled over once for running a red light, once for speeding and was involved in an accident.
In two of those incidents he was citing for driving with out a drivers license and in the third he provided a Mexican license.
Update 5/11: The Dodge Neon Garcia-Gomez used to escape has been found in California, perhaps Los Angeles. The girlfriend said that he confessed to her.
Update 5/12: O'Reilly mentioned Denver's sanctuary policy during his 5/11 discussion of this case. And yes, the Denver Police Department Operations Manual makes it clear in Section 104.52 - Arrest/Detention of Foreign Nationals that police are to ignore illegal immigration status in performing their duties. (PDF file of manual)
Furthermore, this case is complicated by the fact that the Mayor of Denver owned the restaurant where the accused killer worked, and the restaurant had received notification that Garcia-Gomez' Social Security number was bogus, indicating he was a likely illegal alien. It's an ugly picture of corruption all the way around, with another unnecessary death so that a fat-cat politician business owner could make a few more bucks.
Contact Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper, phone 720-865-9000 or email: MileHighMayor@ci.denver.co.us to express polite outrage at his city's idiotic sanctuary policy.
Update 5/16: Now the accused's family has disappeared, presumably to Mexico where Garcia-Gomez is believed to be. Gone from Los Angeles are the killer's mother and four of her other children plus Ismael Goytia, cousin of the accused.
In other news, on Friday "Thousands Gather[ed] For Slain Police Officer's Funeral."
Update June: The accused was arrested on June 4 in Culican, Mexico. The article contained an interesting detail:
In 2002, the attorney general's office estimated that about one- fourth of Colorado's roughly 200 active murder warrants for fugitives involved Mexican nationals who returned to their homeland after the crimes.
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Ronald Douglas Herrera Castellanos is the real name of the illegal alien arrested for the killing of Mary Nagle (posting directly below). He has been charged with murder, rape, other sex crimes, robbery and burglary, for a total of 22 counts.

"The defendant's been charged with multiple theories of murder in the first degree as well as murder in the second degree, basically under the felony murder theory that he committed the killing while he was robbing her, burglarizing the home, raping her and other sex acts," [prosecutor Louis] Valvo said. He said he could not remember a similar list against a defendant in his nine years as a prosecutor.

Bill O'Reilly opened his Fox News television show 5/4 with an excellent Talking Point Memo about the Nagle murder. He has been a strong voice for crime victims of illegal aliens:
In 2002, the guy was arrested for beating up a woman, but the judge let him go. And he skipped his court appearance. Despite that, he was still able to get a job with the washing company because he carried a California driver's license.
So Mary Nagle becomes yet another victim of illegal alien killers. She is no less a victim of our government's failure to protect us than all of those who died on 9/11.
There are thousands of other Mary Nagles you will never hear about because the government doesn't keep statistics on murders by illegals and the liberal press doesn't want to report these kinds of stories.
That's because the media generally supports lenient border policy, driver's licenses for illegals, sanctuary cities, and a "humane policy" for those who come to America illegally.
Go get 'em, Bill. Now just remind Americans NEVER to bring illegal aliens into their homes.
Mary Nagle must be added to the list of Americans murdered by illegal aliens. Had her family been more discriminating about whom they hired, she might still be alive today, because the Guatemalan man who raped and killed Mary in her bedroom was painting the Nagle house in Rockland County, New York.
Not only did Douglas Herrera apparently kill Mary Nagle in her own home, he followed up his brutal crime by using her cell phone to call 51 of her friends and family, sometimes to brag on the killing and to threaten them as well. He was arrested a few hours after the murder.
Mary Nagle was a 42-year-old mother of two young children. She had a master's degree from Columbia University in finance and marketing and was employed by Volvo Leasing as the director of marketing at the time of her death.
The New York Times reports that local people are now reluctant to hire foreigners as a result of the murder. Oh, really...

Mr. Sandoval happened to know Mr. Herrera. He hired him to paint several rooms in his own house.
"He was quiet; he was a good worker," Mr. Sandoval said. "I left for lunch and when I got back he had finished the room."
Still, Mr. Sandoval said, if the charges against Mr. Herrera are true, he shudders at the memory.
"I have a 15-year-old daughter and he was in my house," he said. "It's terrible."
What is wrong with Americans who naively open their homes to foreign strangers — people about whom they know nothing. These aliens have no connection to this society, probably have fake identification and feel none of the social glue which prevents crime in settled communities. Most are here to take what they can get by any means necessary.
Like the Garner family in the posting below, Larry Vance lives near the border with a level of stress from constant trespassing and crime from illegal aliens that most of us cannot imagine. The Douglas, Arizona, resident has seen it all.

And this ease with which illegals can sneak in, has led to a booming crime wave that has terrorized local citizens along this stretch of border.
Border resident Larry Vance said, "We've been robbed, our dogs have been poisoned, our house broken into."
American Border Patrol founder Glenn Spencer added, "We've had murders, mayhem." [...]
Larry Vance lives within eyeshot of the border, and sometimes videotapes the illegals pouring in. He said, "Rape, robbery, beatings … it's a common occurrence right here."
They frequently target a little old lady living near Vance. "She's been robbed, the last I heard, 57 times," lamented Vance.
Financial loss is normal because of stock killed, fences cut and water tanks emptied. The amount of trash strewn around the desert landscape is disgusting. Ranchers routinely carry guns because of the violent drug smugglers who pass through. There is plenty of evidence of OTMs (Other Than Mexicans) among the daily thousands, including some from Arab-Muslim countries where jihad against America is a common goal.
Yet at this writing (4/13/05), the Senate is contemplating a huge amnesty bill with practically no measures against fraud. As we know from previous immigration "reform," just the mention of another amnesty encourages thousands more illegals to come.

The Garner family looks cheerful enough in this photo, but these residents of Naco, Arizona, are daily victims of illegal immigration. Their lives are literally terrorized by inhabiting a growing part of America where no citizen is safe because the illegal alien invasion has destroyed the normal protections of the legal system.

"Years ago, they would politely ask you for water outside. Now you come home and someone is in your house, eating your food, trashing your bedroom, stealing your stuff, and leaving garbage everywhere."
The Minuteman Project has brought an unprecedented amount of long overdue media attention to life on the Mexican border. As a result we can learn about the lifestyle of the Garner family, such as how mom Dawn has to carry a gun along with signing her three daughters up for an Israeli-army self-defense course.
Just a year ago, Lou Dobbs Tonight reported that in one town, getting kids to school safely requires volunteers to follow school buses:
Fifty miles northwest in Sierra Vista, near several alien smuggling trails, school children catch the bus under the watch of sheriff department's volunteers. They've been patrolling bus stops since a group of illegal aliens carjacked a mother and daughter on their way to school two months ago.
One family who visited the Minuteman Project had a particular reason to participate. Randy Green of St. George, Utah, was urged to attend by his 22-year-old daughter who had been raped as a child by an illegal alien in their home:
The issue of illegal immigrants is a personal one for the father and daughter. Eleven years ago, an illegal immigrant raped Green's daughter in her bedroom. She was then stalked by the rapist's friends. Eleven years later, she is still working to put the experience behind her.
An outrageous level of anarchy is now the norm in areas bordering Mexico. This country has NO homeland security as long as the borders are open, and the chaos currently inflicted on those citizens will only move north.
Convicted murderer Jesus Hernandez didn't understand that as an illegal alien employee, he had already accepted that he would be exploited. When he wasn't paid by boss Joseph Crummy of Levi, Utah, for some construction work, Hernandez demanded his money and then shot Crummy. He didn't allow the American legal process to work by suing to get his back wages (as several other Crummy illegal alien employees had successfully done). But as an unlawful foreign worker, Hernandez had not shown much respect for our nation's legal framework.
During the trial proceedings March 23, when asked by the judge whether he thought the shooting was justifiable, the killer replied, "I think it was." The back wages amounted to $1,345, which Hernandez believed justified murder.
This is another tragedy, created Washington's immigration irresponsibility. If America's laws for border and workplace enforcement were actually followed, Joseph Crummy's five children would likely still have a father. Hernandez is scheduled to be sentenced May 3.
Sentencing Update (5/4): Hernandez got a mere five years for the murder.

Brenda Crummy said when the police officer came to her home that day in January to inform her of her husband's death, she was nine months pregnant and her parents were in China on an LDS Church mission. She had to find a neighbor to console her in her great moment of grief.
"I was all alone," she said. "It's the worst thing you can ever have happen to you in your life."
Crummy said she's also experienced considerable health problems and financial duress since the murder of her husband and her children remain traumatized after losing their father.
"When they see someone Hispanic, they think he's coming to kill them," she said, adding that she has had to teach her children "some people make bad choices." Brenda Crummy said Hernandez's anger and frustration did not justify his senseless act of violence and said everyone has to deal with the daily stresses and hardships of life.
Virginia "Jenny" Garcia was an 18-year-old college freshman when she was murdered with a butcher knife in her own house, in her own room, on her own bed allegedly by an illegal alien. The accused murderer, David Diaz Morales, whom the Austin police had earlier held in custody for child molestation, had been released rather than deported because of the city's sanctuary policy.
Incidentally, Rep. Tom Tancredo tried to end the criminal-protection sanctuary policy in 2003, but Congress was deaf to the concerns of victims' families and law enforcement generally: the bill received only 104 votes out of 424 cast. So much for the "nation of laws" myth we hear celebrated by politicians when they are campaigning for re-election. When push comes to shove, most choose political correctness — in this case "say no evil" against so-called immigrants — rather than law enforcement.

Jenny's father, Humberto Garcia, wants to know why the Austin city government protects foreign criminals so they can kill innocent young girls like his late daughter. He appeared on CNN's must-watch Lou Dobbs Tonight March 16 to speak on behalf of all grieving families who have lost a loved one due to irresponsible government at multiple levels, from the Austin City Council to the White House. The sanctuary policy created by the Austin public officials directly contributed to his daughter's death, as Mr. Garcia stated:

This is an abuse of civil rights. Her civil rights were trampled by a fellow who should have been deported. He should have been turned into immigration once he was found with illegal documentation, and he was not. (Dobbs transcript here.)

This case shows how ridiculously hamstrung law enforcement has become when an "immigrant" is involved. An accused child molester was released to commit an even more heinous crime, that of murder, and if the government had done its basic job of keeping the monsters of the world out of our country, Jenny Garcia would be alive today.
Update: On March 22, Bill O'Reilly interviewed Humberto Garcia, where he explained the devastation his family has experienced after the murder and his efforts to sue the city of Austin for the sanctuary policy which directly contributed to Jenny Garcia's death.
Oreina Alvarez Zarco is another illegal alien criminal given a hand-slap sentence after killing an American — only two years, with one year already served. The woman pleaded guilty to felony hit-and-run and driving without a license in the death of Soledad firefighter Mario Cunha March 13, 2004. The court dropped manslaughter charges for the incident, which occured on the shoulder of Highway 101 while Cunha was battling a vehicle fire.
She had been driving illegally in the U.S. for seven years previous to the accident. According to court records, Zarco struck Cunha with so much force that he was thrown him on top of a fire engine and then onto the shoulder. Zarco stopped her car, checked out the situation and then left the scene of the accident.
"I understand that accidents happen," said Sal Lucido, the victim's cousin. "But the trend here is a disregard for all laws. She was here illegally, she had no license and she hit him and left the scene. Her actions are inexcusable."

Brittany Binger was apparently raped and murdered by an illegal alien in James City, Virginia. The girl was so badly beaten that dental records were required to identify the body.
Oswaldo Martinez was arrested in mid-February for killing the 16-year-old. Martinez had been in custody in 2004 for drunk driving, possessing a bogus Social Security number and driving without a license. He was clearly a candidate for deportation, yet nothing was done because of "cracks in the legal system." This demonstrable criminal was left in America to rape and kill a teenaged girl because the safety of citizens is not a priority for law enforcement.
How many more deaths of innocents will it take for officials to take the problem of illegal alien criminals seriously enough to deport them?

Vinessa Hoera was brutally murdered in February 2004 by Faustino Chavez, an illegal alien from Guatemala, when she refused his obnoxious romantic advances. He raped her at knifepoint, strangled her, then slashed her throat five times. It took police two months of searching to find her body where it had been dumped in the woods in Suffolk County, New York. The victim met Chavez in a seafood store in Westhampton Beach where they both worked.
Chavez was court Feb 14, 2005, where he accepted a plea bargain in the February 2004 murder. Vinessa's distraught family did not want the additional emotional stress of a full trial. Chavez will get his official sentence of 22 years to life in prison on March 15.
Vinessa was a single mom, and her son, now aged six and living with his father, recently asked why his mother had to die so young. When Xavier Thomas Moore is a lot older and understands the corruption of politics, he can ask why our elected leaders have sacrificed innocent citizens like his mom so business could have the open borders and cheap labor pipeline it prizes.

Here is another person run down and killed on our highways by an illegal alien. Justin Goodman, 32, was knocked from his motorcycle in Thornton, Colorado, on July 1, 2004, and died near the curb. The SUV which struck him never stopped.
Justin's mother Carol Vizzi was alarmed to learn that the illegal alien driver, Roberto Martinez-Ruiz, had a long history of run-ins with the law, including several drunk driving arrests, having half a dozen different alias, jail time served in 2000, driving with a revoked license, among others.
Despite Martinez-Ruiz' long rap sheet, no official ever contacted the INS to have him deported. "We as a society gave him the message that he could break our laws and get away with it and continue that type of behavior and not suffer any real severe consequences for it," said Vizzi.
Tragically, a man like Martinez-Ruiz was considered a non-violent criminal, so he could remain in America to take the life of Justin Goodman.

Russell Pearce is a father whose police officer son Sean was shot and wounded by an illegal alien. Pearce is also a member of the Arizona House of Representatives.
Rep. Pearce worked for border enforcement before his son was shot and was a strong voice for Prop 200, the Arizona citizen's initiative requiring that prospective voters and welfare recipients show identification, which passed in Nov. 2004. But now he has one more reason, a personal one, to work through the legislative process to protect America's sovereignty and people.
As it happened, on the day Sean was wounded, Rep. Pearce was in Washington to speak at Brookings on the subject of immigration policy. "I was interrupted and given a message to call (wife) LuAnne in reference to an emergency at home," Rep. Pearce remarked later. "I called to find out my son Sean had been shot while executing a search warrant on a home for homicide suspects and was being flown by helicopter to the hospital. I later learned the suspects and the shooter were illegal aliens and had been issued Matricula Consular cards so they could get services in the United States."

Melissa Dorner was only 21 when she was murdered in her own apartment in Chicago. Her friends remembered her as a "wonderful, caring human being" and many notes and flowers in remembrance were left in front of the apartment building. She graduated from Evanston High School in 2002 and worked as a hostess in a restaurant. Melissa had fought off an accused serial rapist Mario Villa a year earlier. Her strangled and beaten body was found Jan. 24.
The apparent killer is Roberto Ramirez, who is believed by police to have fled to Mexico. He was last seen in Chicago with blood on his clothes and scratches on his face.

Here is some good news from the California courts. Shown at the left is David Montiel Cruz who brutally kidnapped a nine-year-old girl from her San Jose home in 2003 and injured her mother and brother as they tried to protect her. After several days of being raped, she convinced him to release her, and a few days later supplied police with enough detail of her captivity that they could quickly find and arrest the criminal.
On January 21, Cruz was sentenced to 102 years in prison. The judge remarked, "In 18 years of being part of this distinguished bench, I have never encountered (a crime) as vicious as this."
The young victim requested through a letter read to the court to "put that man in jail for the rest of his life or in other words, eternity."

Keyse Jama will soon be on his way back to his native Somalia. He had fought deportation all the way to the Supreme Court with the argument that Somalia has no functioning government and therefore cannot receive him properly. The Supremes disagreed, paving the way for 3,568 criminal and out-of-status Somalis nationwide to be repatriated.
A resident of Minnesota, Jama was a refugee who had never become a citizen. He was convicted in Hennepin County of assault for stabbing a man. He is apparently at peace with his Somali future, saying, "I'm feeling good to be going home."
Update, 3/24/05: There appears to a problem with "delivering" Mr. Jama to Somalia because of the warlord situation. What is the difficulty? Aren't Somalis merely following their culturally desired form of government, i.e. clan-based warlordism? He merely needs to be deposited somewhere within the boundary of the country.

Amazing what makeovers can occur when lawyers want to turn a brutal thug into the guy next door. These two photos are of the same man, Nicolas Serrano-Villagrana. He was convicted Jan. 11 in Las Vegas of three counts of felony DUI in the May crash that killed 4-year-old Angel Avendano and injured the boy's 32-year-old mother, Eulogia Avendano, and another woman, Nijailia Altitijka Graves. Serrano-Villagrana was found to have a blood-alcohol content of 0.20 percent (2.5 times the legal limit in Nevada) as well as cocaine in his system. He drove his truck over a curb, running down the women and little boy who were standing at a bus stop, and then escaped.
Serrano-Villagrana was an illegal alien with previous drunk-driving offenses. He should have been deported at the time of his earlier DUI arrests, but was not and remained to cause the death of a child.

Kelbessa Negewo is a prime example showing that our legal immigration screening process is deeply flawed in terms of keeping out the world's most disgusting characters. The man is a convicted torturer who will be deported back to Ethiopia where he will go to prison for his crimes, including human rights violations and more than a dozen murders.
What's even more distressing is how long it has taken to get rid of this monster. Apparently insufficient investigation was done when he was accepted this country as a political asylee; then he was given citizenship in 1995 even though he had been recognized in a U.S. court in 1993 of being a human rights abuser.

These two deputies were shot Dec. 16 in Mesa by an illegal alien whom they were trying to arrest while executing a search warrant. Fortunately, both have wounds that are not life threatening, although Lewis Argetsinger may lose the use of his hand. Sean Pearce was shot in the chest but was protected by body armor; he was hit in the stomach just below the vest.
Sean Pearce is the son of Rep. Russell Pearce of the Arizona legislature who was in Washington to appear on an immigration panel at the Brookings Institute when he received the news that his son had been shot. Russell Pearce was an active supporter of Prop. 200 which won at the polls in November and requires that voters and would-be welfare recipients show proof of citizenship.

Pictured here are Bob, Jennifer and Bonnie Eggle, an American family who lost a son and brother because of our government's refusal to enforce our national borders. Jennifer is holding a photo of Kris Eggle , who was murdered August 9, 2002, by a Mexican drug smuggler crossing through Organ Pipe National Monument. The park is "under siege" and is listed as one of the nation's 10 most endangered because of the torrent of illegal aliens and drugs flowing through that area of the border. In fact, Organ Pipe was called "the most dangerous national park" for three years in a row.
On December 13, the only man charged in connection with Kris Eggle's murder was sentenced to 15 1/2 years in prison. Dionicio Ramirez Lopez received that punishment for aiding and abetting the transportation of a stolen vehicle, aiding and abetting assault with a dangerous weapon and firing a weapon during a violent crime. The Mexican who killed Kris was shot and killed during the shootout.
Since the murder, the Eggles have sought to prevent more family tragedies like theirs by working to increase border security. It hasn't been easy, since much of Washington quietly believes that national sovereignty is an anachronism which interferes with business. But the family, particularly Bob and Bonnie, have actively pursued sensible immigration policies and border enforcement.
The Eggles are real American heroes, regular folks who responded to a crushing tragedy with a concern for others. They won't let the nation forget that open borders come with a terrible human cost.

The communities of Rice Lake and Haugen, Wisconsin, are still coming to grips with the shocking mass murder of six hunters. People want to understand the meaning of what happened and why.
See this memorial to the hunters, with loving remembrances of those who were brutally murdered.
There's no doubt in the minds of the press and the Hmong — the problem is racism and clashing cultures. They want to talk about discrimination on the part of American hunters, but no mention of assimilation and responsibility for the Hmong.
Outdoors columnist Dave Bowman said it straight:

"There is no delicate way to put this: The Hmongs have a notorious reputation among white sportsmen in the upper Midwest."
In April, I was fishing on the Mississippi River between Minnesota and Wisconsin. Huge signs designated the no-fishing area by the dam.
A couple dozen people, spread over several generations, came out. The babies and women sat on blankets. Men set to catching white bass by the dozen from the no-fishing area by the dam flank. Downstream in the no-fishing area, children waded with nets, then dumped the catch in holes dug on the beach.
I asked who they were. Hmongs, came the answer. Another fisherman, in a Charlie Chan voice, asked, "Ah, Straight Eye, you don't know?"
"Straight Eye"? If I were to address an Asian as "Slant" I would be accused of racism, but when Hmong treat Americans disrespectfully, it's accepted. And when Hmong arrogantly break U.S. laws designed to protect species and the environment, that is categorized as a "culture clash." No wonder there is resentment.

Here is the final photo of the murdered Wisconsin hunters, that of Jessica Willers. She was just 27 when she was shot twice in the back, apparently by Chai Vang, the Hmong immigrant. There has not been a lot of information about her in the press, except that she worked as a cardiac surgical technician at a hospital in Green Bay and was engaged to be married next August. Certainly her family is overwhelmed with grief and needs privacy, but the amount of ink used to portray the accused killer in a positive light is excessive to say the least.
In fact, the nanny media can't shut up about the admirable characteristics of the accused mass murderer, or at least the reasons to be sympathetic — usually some version of race victimhood. The suffering of Chai Vang's extended family has been detailed ad nauseum, while the genuine anguish afflicting the hunters' families has been given short shrift indeed.

The last of the six murdered hunters, the apparent victims of Hmong immigrant Chai Vang, were buried on Monday. Shown above is the funeral of Jessica Willers, 27, who was remembered as someone who loved going hunting with her dad. Parents Patti and Terry are in the center of the photo, watching their daughter's casket pass by. Terry Willers was shot and wounded in the attack.
An unusual tribute was paid to the hunters on Monday Night Football. Fans of the Green Bay Packers were asked to wear blaze orange, the hunting safety color, at the game to honor the shooting victims. "My friend told me about it and I threw off my Packer hat and put on the blaze orange hat," said fan Tom Fields from Stevens Point. The stands were indeed filled with thousands wearing bright orange.
More details of the shooting are being revealed. When first questioned, Vang said that he didn't shoot anyone, that one of the American hunters had killed all the others. Only later did Vang admit shooting them all. Vang allegedly shot four of his unarmed victims in the back, three of them more than once. The two survivors admitted using profanity, but not racial slurs, when Vang was discovered to be trespassing.
The media continues with its multicultural agenda even in this horrendous case. Worries about backlash against Hmong are apparently more important than the mass murder of six Americans, as a Google News search reveals more than 500 articles on that subject, while there are only a handful of news stories about the victims.
The AP has been downright misleading, reporting "Two of the survivors, however, told authorities Vang fired the first shot." The phrase "two of the survivors" imples that there are other survivors with a different story, but no, there are only two survivors and they agree on what happened.

Thanksgiving week has been anything but thankful for the friends and family of the six Wisconsin hunters apparently murdered in cold blood by Hmong immigrant Chai Vang. Pictured above are victims Al Laski, 43, Mark Roidt, 28 and Joey Crotteau, 20, the son of Robert, shown below.
As mentioned in an earlier posting, the press has been chattering away about the culture clash between Hmong and Americans. However, the crime can be more accurately pegged to the willful refusal on the shooter's part to obey the law regarding private property and the right of citizens not to be murdered.
At the same time, apparently it is not necessary to speak English or be familiar with relevant laws to get a hunting license. IHC is a strong supporter of the Second Amendment — for English-speaking American citizens.
To download (5 pages in PDF) the police report with the suspect's and surviving victims' statements regarding the crime, click here.

Here are three of the eight victims of accused Hmong mass murderer Chai Vang, who was jailed for killing six and wounding two on privately owned Wisconsin hunting acreage. The men pictured are Denny Drew, 55, who died 11/22; Lauren Hesebeck, 48, who was hospitalized and is the brother-in-law of Denny Drew; and Robert Crotteau, 42, who was killed in the 11/21 carnage along with his son Joey Crotteau, pictured in the photo grouping above this one.
Chai Vang, 36, is reportedly a naturalized citizen who has been living here 25 years. Many of the news stories refer to a culture clash between Hmong and Americans, which is not exactly true. Now newspapers that regularly publish multicultural puff pieces lauding diversity must admit to ongoing conflict between Hmong immigrants and Americans over property rights. Not only that, the Hmong are known for taking egregious numbers of fish and deer in violation of posted conservation limits which are there to preserve species for everyone. (In 2001, Vang was charged with possessing 108 crappies, which was 93 over the limit.) The term "culture clash" presumes difference between equals, while the Hmong refugees have refused to assimilate to American laws regarding property and wildlife management, among others including monogamy.
In fact, Mr. Vang is himself an apparent polygamist, a detail tucked unobtrusively within a longish article. "While the police reports on the December 2001 domestic incident indicate Say Xiong was the suspect's wife, on Monday the Associated Press interviewed a woman named Deu Khang, 37, who identified herself as Chai Soua Vang's 'cultural' wife."
Vang has lived in this country long enough to understand what property rights are about, but instead apparently preferred to poach. Furthermore, the Hmong are not exactly a peaceful community, as evidenced by the spate of intramural firebombings over political differences in the last few years.

• Hit-and-run driver Neri Sanchez Gomez was freed in an amazing miscarriage of justice. It doesn't get much worse than this in the courtroom: Judge James Ellis released an illegal alien Mexican who killed one American and injured five others in June 2003. Gomez tried to pass on narrow windy Route 1 near Half Moon Bay, California, in foggy conditions, causing a horrendous three-car crash when he smashed into an oncoming car. Ernest Elliot of Pescadero was killed and his wife Nancy was injured.
Gomez was released Nov. 12 and credited with time served, just less than one year, meaning that he was not deported as he would have been if the sentence had been over a year. He could have been sentenced to 12 years in prison if he had been convicted of the original charges of felony vehicular manslaughter and hit and run, but apparently a deal was struck to free this admitted killer.

• Augustine Breceda was sentenced Oct. 26 to 216 years in prison for nine felony convictions in his violent 25-day armed robbery spree in Reno. The twice-deported Mexican used the opportunity to plead for mercy, whining to the judge, "I just wish you would find it in your heart to give me a release date where I'll still be able to be with my three children who I miss so much."
Actually, this perp is just the sort who should be locked up permanently. He likes to rob little old ladies and carjacked a 72-year-old woman near the church where she volunteered. When police officers found him in the stolen car, he tried to hit pursuing officers and caused several accidents as he sped through traffic at 80 mph. After crashing into a phone pole, Breceda broke into a woman's home, although she was able to escape. When Breceda finally was captured, he identified himself as a cousin who lives in Reno. Augustine Breceda already was a six-time felon in California.

• Another tragic addition to the list of unnessary deaths caused by violent illegal aliens was the newlywed couple, James and Emilia Lee of Huachuca City, Arizona, who had been married only six weeks. They were killed Oct. 16 when a truckload of at least 17 illegal aliens traveling at 90 mph crashed into several vehicles near the town of Sierra Vista, leaving a horrific scene of carnage. The aliens were trying to escape police after they had run a stop sign, and the truck rammed into a line of nine vehicles waiting for a turn light near Fort Huachuca.
The photo shows James Lee's son Joe and grandson Christopher. James was 75 and his new bride Emilia was 71. The couple had been planning a fishing trip to Mexico with Joe and other relatives. Both James and Emilia were known as neighborly, never hesitating to reach out to help. James often helped out when someone needed a home repair done, and Emilia was an active volunteer for her church. Nearly 300 friends and family attended the services for the Lees held Oct. 21.
Update 12/10/04: Two men could face death sentence in Sierra Vista crash that killed 5 Jimir Valle Martinez, 21, of Honduras and Carlos Cortez, 29, of Mexico were charged with transporting illegal aliens resulting in death, and are possibly facing the death penalty because deaths occured in the commission of a crime.

• We must add the name of Brandon Winfield to the list of police officers murdered by illegal aliens. On Thursday, Oct. 14, Officer Winfield was checking out a disabled vehicle on State Route 423, south of Marion, Ohio, and apparently felt he was helping a stranded motorist. Details of the murder are not exactly clear, but Winfield was found shot in the head in his patrol car which had run off the road.
The police are now searching for Juan Carlos Cruz who is considered armed and dangerous. Another suspect, as yet unnamed, is being held and is believed to be an illegal alien.
Deputy Winfield was married and had two sons, ages 2 and 3. The photo shows him with his three-year-old son Landon.
Update Saturday: Accused killer Juan Cruz was arrested Friday night in Marion. He has been charged with aggravated murder which can bring a death sentence when the victim is a law officer.
Update Sunday: Officer to be honored
Details here about the funeral of the 29-year-old deputy and also about the extreme relief of the police to catch the accuser murderer. Plus, a puff piece of interviews with local Hispanics, with no question about their citizenship status: Don't ask, don't tell, evidently.

• Mexican illegal alien Omero Rojas-Penalosa is accused of being a "hot prowler," meaning that he likes to break into houses when he knows there is someone home, ideally a woman in bed for him to sexually assault. The man was already in jail for burglary and "gross lewdness" in his resident town of Reno when he was arrested for the additional charge. Police report that at least four men have broken into the homes of about a dozen sleeping women since March.
An unemployed drywaller, Rojas-Penalosa does not speak English and lives with his mother, Aida Penalosa. She said the accusation is false and he could not be the hot prowler because "he is always at home."

• The trial for accused rapist Ricardo Cepates has been scheduled for mid-October. He is charged with raping six people, including a couple of Rutgers students and a 14-year-old girl. However, if the illegal alien had been deported in 1998 when he had been arrested for grabbing a Brunswick woman on the street and holding a knife to her throat, all of this violence might have been avoided. Despite a deportation order, he pleaded guilty in 1999 to weapons charges and was released on probation, rather than being repatriated as the law requires.
Cepates was caught after he attempted to rape a young clerk in a music store and was chased down on the street by the store owner's nephew, who wrestled the perp to submission in the snow with the help of some others in the neighborhood.
Update 10/27: Ricardo Cepates was convicted of 26 counts of kidnapping, rape and robbery. He faces a possible life term in prison when he is sentenced in February. The Honduran illegal alien has additional charges still to be tried of attacking four other women, one of whom was raped in her home.

• Ahmed Hassan Al-Uqaily, a resident of Nashville, told an acquaintance he wanted to "go Jihad" because he was unhappy about the war in Iraq, his home country. He was arrested Oct. 7 after paying $1,000 for the purchase of two disassembled machine guns, four disassembled hand grenades and hundreds of rounds of ammunition from a federal agent, so he was serious about murdering and blowing up. He also was interested in procuring handguns and missiles. According to the affadavit, Al-Uqaily expressed anger toward Jews and discussed Jewish facilities in Nashville, although he made no threats against specific sites. The video here notes the remark that this was "an arrest that could have saved lives."
This terrorist sounds like a random jihadist, rather than someone wired in to larger groups of sleeper cells; otherwise he would likely have easier access to weapons. But this case brings up the obvious question: why do we allow the continued immigration of potential enemies? Al Uqaily was caught because an old friend ran into him and didn't like what he heard, and the friend then became an informant. It was only luck that the would-be terrorist was arrested.
Udate, 6/1/05: al Uqaily pleads guilty to illegal possession of weapons. Sentencing is scheduled for October 24, and he may receive between 4 and 10 years in prison. Despite his humble employment at a doughnut shop, al Uqaily had $43,000 in his bank account. Some doughnuts.

• Let's call this case a variation on a theme: here is a well known accused war criminal, Marko Boskic, who entered the United States illegally by claiming refugee status and using his own name in 2000 with no problem. The man who has been residing in Peabody, Massachusetts, is believed to be a member of a notorious execution group within the Bosnian Serb Army which killed 1200 Bosnian Muslim men in 1995. According to testimony at the Slobodan Milosevic trial in 2003, Boskic was one of eight soldiers who lined up men in Pilaca and executed them as part of the genocidal scheme of ethnic cleansing in the former Yugoslavia.
Furthermore, it's not like Boskic was keeping a low profile. He had numerous arrests for drunk driving and assaults, but no one in local police checked up on his background. Only a tip to federal authorities led to an investigation of what Boskic was really about. Because of a "loophole" in immigration policy, the feds normally track only Nazi-era human rights violators.
Boskic's part in the war crimes was described in a front page article in the Boston Globe in 1996, in addition to how he had threatened the reporter, the late Elizabeth Neuffer. After she tracked him down in Bosnia that year and asked him whether he had been ordered to kill the captives, Boskic responded, "Would you like to get whacked?"
Update: September 30, 2004, Boskic was indicted for immigration fraud because he portrayed himself an an innocent refugee when he was actually a vicious war criminal.

WANTED FUGITIVE • Victor Hugo Alegria-Salgado is not unusual among Mexican aliens who have a wife and children in both the U.S. and Mexico. Bigamy is illegal in Mexico but there is not much official interest there in the still-married women who have been financially abandoned by their husbands for greener grass up north. Alegria-Salgado is unusual in that he left his U.S.-located wife for the old one back in Mexico. He apparently was not satisfied with his Boulder, Colorado, family judging from his criminal abuse of his son. In fact Alegria-Salgado is believed to have fled to Mexico after throwing the 8-month-old across a room and fracturing some of the infant's bones. Is this what President Bush has in mind when he praises the "family values" of Mexicans?

• Ho Beua is sad, and very surprised that he is being deported to Cambodia. After all, he was brought to this country as a refugee at age 14 and was treated as a special person, a victim. But unlike some refugees who have taken advantage of America's opportunities, the Seattle resident merely took advantage. He beat up his girlfriend, for which he spent four months in jail, and had several other assault charges, plus he lost his license twice for driving drunk. Since he never bothered to become a citizen, which would have prevented his deportation, the immigration laws eventually swung into effect. Beua thought that because he was legally in the U.S., deportation was not an option. Convicted felons may indeed be shown the door.

• Miroslav Janusz Jozwiak is a Polish national and resident of Daytona Beach, Florida, arrested for the criminally negligent homicide of 10 people. The tractor-trailer he was driving veered into oncoming traffic, killing 10 in two vehicles south of Sherman, Texas. Three children and their mother and grandmother were killed in an SUV that was burned beyond recognition, including the license plate. Only when the children's father, Michael Martin, drove to the scene after seeing news reports did the victims' identities become known. Five others were killed in a pickup truck, and two adults were injured.
Jozwiak's immigration status is not mentioned, but why is someone who cannot speak English permitted to drive a tractor-trailer rig? Apparently Florida allows a commercial license to be issued when the bearer has only a passport. This kind of tragedy is what happens when states are permissive in granting licenses.
Update: Jozwiak's sister has complained about the $2 million bond, asking "Is this the way they treat people here?" Apparently she doesn't regard the death of 10 people as a serious matter. On other fronts, police are still awaiting (10/7) the results of drug tests, and there is a possibility that Jozwiak may have gotten his original Illinois trucker's license fraudulently. At the least, he took the test with a Polish translator.

• Terry and Lisa Dilks were found murdered from multiple gunshot wounds in their home in Urbandale, Iowa. On August 26, police announced that they had arrested one suspect of two, an illegal alien from Mexico known as Leocardio Lopez, but whose actual name is Audiel Molasco-Tello. The Dilks had a 15-year-old son, Dustin, but he was not at home at the time of the killing. Now he's an orphan because illegal aliens murdered his parents.
Also sought in the crime is another man, Raymundo Cruz Gomez. Gomez was a former employee at Applebee's Restaurant where he worked as a cook. Terry Dilks was his supervisor there.
Update: A month after the Iowa double murder, not a great deal has changed. Molasco-Tello has been indicted for re-entering the country illegally and Gomez is still being sought, though local police believe he has left the area.

• What sort of monster could murder three children in the most brutal manner — one child was beheaded and the two others were nearly decapitated. They also suffered a variety of injuries including blunt force trauma and asphyxiation. The victims, residents of Baltimore, (l. to r.) were siblings Alexis Quezada (10) and Lucero Quezada (9) and their cousin Ricardo Espinoza (9).
The two men arrested for the crime were also relatives: Policarpio Espinoza, 22, brother of the father of the two siblings, and Espinoza's cousin Adan Espinoza Canela, 17. The accused are illegal aliens as are the parents of the murdered children. Apparently the arrests were based on DNA/blood evidence.

2006-10-06 16:42:44 · answer #1 · answered by ? 2 · 2 4


2016-12-24 20:19:59 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


2016-12-25 23:01:52 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


2017-01-19 20:58:30 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Many of the problems you may be facing could be just the tip of the iceberg on what is really happening in your marriage. I dont mean to scare you but many problems when they either first show up or if they keep reoccurring could be just whats showing from a larger problem that either you or your spouse cannot even see. One of the only things you can do to help is to talk honestly and openly with each other in the marriage. If things become more serious more serious options need to be looked at as possibilities. I have a blog that has more information on some of what I've been writing about. If you feel like checking it out I would completly suggest it. Read here https://tr.im/SubaT

Love is a choice that is made everyday when you wake up and every night when you go to sleep. Some days you may not feel the original feeling but love isnt a feeling or an emotion. Its an action a verb. Falling out of love may just mean you need to spice things up a little or that you were never in love in the first place. Don't just get out of a marriage just because you don't think you like the person anymore.

2016-07-18 20:31:58 · answer #5 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

It's not enough that they illegally entered the country?

I've seen them move into the apartment complex next door and trash it. I understand it's now infested with a species of cockroach native to Mexico.
I've observed them telling an outright lie when two of them I know to speak English tell someone "No comprende" after asked a question as to their living conditions.

This is what I've seen with my own two eyes. What I may not have seen I still know and most definitely do not approve, appreciate or condone.

Although- using "seen" in the loosest possible term I've seen them on national television blatantly breaking the law with a protest that was nationally televised. If you recall, there were reported to be tens of thousands of them in the streets demanding rights they are not entitled to.
This in and of itself was not only illegal- they do not have the right to free assembly as they are not citizens of the United States, it was a virtual slap in the face as far as I'm concerned.

2006-10-06 16:54:35 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

This is the best option to get a background check https://tr.im/8pv0H
Currently there are a lot of reasons to perform a criminal background check in today's community. These arguments vary from questions over a spouse's fidelity to misgivings regarding a recently hired sitter. There are several surprising figures out now that strengthen these doubts, and in many instances it is better to be safe than sorry. You may not realize it, but there can be quite a lot of people checking up on you. Potential employers top the list. Companies usually conduct background checks on job applicants primarily as a means to verify the credentials that you may have listed on your resume.

2015-02-02 11:35:51 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think Gruber Hein has got this pretty well covered. But, personally, an illegal raped and sodomized a very good friend of mine. He was caught and jailed, but never deported(that I know of). Are all illegals bad, of course not, and she doesn't think so either. But they aren't all sweetness and light, either- and for this reason we need to screen people and have them come legally through our secured borders. We have our own rapists, thieves, murderers, etc. We don't need to import them.

2006-10-07 05:24:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Texting lets you control the tone and establish what kind of conversation you want to have. Learn here https://tr.im/uE3vQ
This is probably the most important part. With texting, you can stop and think about what you want to say to your ex at each step of the way. Instead of reacting emotionally, you can take your time, figure out the right thing to say (I’ll give you most of it), and be strategic with your ex without saying something that you’ll regret.

2016-04-29 19:45:58 · answer #9 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

I swear every comment I read sounds that are coming from a whole of bunch IGNORANTS uneducated sore losers, Bitchess at least they re not out bombing innocent people, kids, running planes into buildings having a war over no reason and our people giving up their lives over a nonsense war... So YA LL SHUT THE **** UP and find something productive to do..... BTW I m not Mexican....

2015-04-28 04:57:22 · answer #10 · answered by Anna 1 · 0 0

Buy two shopping carts full of food paid for with a Lone Star card and loaded them up in a brand new Ford Expedition.

2006-10-06 16:43:52 · answer #11 · answered by Huevos Rancheros 6 · 1 0

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