1st - Don't close your cards that you have had for a long time just pay them down and don't use them. They will show a long credit history which is good.
2nd - Pay every card that you can down to 35% or less of the limit.
3rd - Get your reports and start challenging all incorrect data. Even make sure your address is correct.
4th - If you only have a capitol one card for example that doesn't show the credit limit and only shows the high amount then max it out so it will show a high limit them pay it down to 35%. You'll need to leave the debt past the (i think it's the 25th of the month) so that it reports then pay it off before your next bill so you don't get interest. -you can max out a card by using it for all your monthly bills (whilst keeping that money in the bank one month) then pay it off the next month.
5th - don't pay anything that reports late. If you are tight on cash then pay a credit card minimum before you pay your utility bill because:
a.) a utility company doesn't report until it goes to collections (which by the way you really don't want to happen because collections looks really bad on credit.)
b.) late fees for utilities are usually lower than those for late CC pymts.
Hope some of that helped.
2006-10-06 11:38:18
answer #1
answered by Not Laughing w/ U 3
charge everything on a credit card each month and then pay it off every month. You want to have a lot of activity and always paying it off on time. Do not close any long-standing accounts - keep them open at zero - a long-standing credit history is an important factor of yoiur credit score.
2006-10-06 18:33:39
answer #2
answered by M Y 1
pay your credit cards debts below 40% of their limit and pay your bills on time. DO NOT close any credit cards- they are building your credit history. the longer you have them, the better, plus this will help you with your debt ratios.
2006-10-08 01:44:31
answer #3
answered by bianca 4
Have 1 card with a small balance that you pay off each month. Get rid of all your store credit cards (Target, Nordstroms, etc) Also, make sure all your old cards are paid off.
2006-10-06 18:01:53
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Pay BIG payments on your existing debt. Also, be aware (I found out recently) that every time your credit is "checked" (for a purchase, or even to rent a place...) you lose points!
2006-10-06 18:04:14
answer #5
answered by Sheryl R 4
get a new card use it pay of the balence every month and if you have a lot of debt on one card and none or little on another distribute your debt on all cards so you have lest han 50% of your credit limit
2006-10-06 18:06:20
answer #6
answered by Daniel O 2
Read some useful credit tips on this site to help you
2006-10-06 18:02:00
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
tell all the debtors involved (by mail)of your financial situation and your plan to resolve it
offer them all a smaller amount of payment that you can cope with and stick to your word
they all want it resolved too -they will be ok with it and when paid back- probably/usually will lift any bad ratings against you
BUT TO WORK-YOU MUST STICK TO YOUR PLAN-so think carefully what it will be and how much you can afforfd to pay back without leaving yourself short all the time
2006-10-06 19:04:11
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Pay off your debt entirely and in full
2006-10-06 18:23:02
answer #9
answered by nabdullah2001 5
you pay all your bad debt and ask them to clear it immediately.
2006-10-06 17:57:48
answer #10
answered by angelino911 2