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Has anyone tried hypnosis for weight loss? What was your experience like and were you successful?

2006-10-06 04:31:30 · 19 answers · asked by missmozee 3 in Health Diet & Fitness

19 answers

We've all seen the ads for hypnosis programs that promise to help us stop smoking, sleep better, get rid of stress, and a number of other common problems. Perhaps you've heard about using hypnosis to lose weight, and are wondering if hypnosis is a viable weight loss option. The short answer is yes: hypnosis can be a valuable tool in the battle of the bulge. While many people have benefited from hypnosis, it should only be used in conjunction with a weight loss program that encompasses healthy eating habits and an exercise regime.

How Hypnosis Can Help You Lose Weight

So, how exactly does hypnosis help you lose weight? The answer is simple enough: hypnosis helps you build healthy habits. Permanent weight loss is really all about learning and establishing healthy habits in your life. Hypnosis can help you by letting you absorb new, healthier beliefs and ideas that can be used to counteract and eventually replace the unhealthy living habits that only serve to perpetuate your weight problem.

The Power of Hypnotherapy

How can hypnotherapy help you build stronger and healthier habits that promote weight loss? Specifically, hypnotherapy can help you in four ways:

1. Hypnotherapy helps you create a self-fulfilling prophecy. We've all heard it say, "You are what you eat." In reality, this old adage would be better stated as "you are what you believe." Belief is a powerful thing. Hypnotherapy can help plant positive beliefs in your mind that can help sustain the motivation and attitude necessary to lose weight. Hypnosis can put emphasis on the positive aspects of losing weight, such as increased stamina, energy, and overall better health. Rather than view weight loss as a negative, difficult, or challenging experience, hypnotherapy can help put a positive light on the experience, making the process of losing weight easier.

2. Hypnotherapy can help you create a new and powerful self-image. Hypnosis may sometimes also integrate other forms of therapy, including visualization therapy. Although many of us yearn to lose weight, and maybe even dream about it for most of our lives, very few of us actually take the time to imagine our lives as a slimmer version of ourselves. What would we look like? What would we wear? How would we eat? How would we feel about ourselves? A powerful element of hypnotherapy is that it forces us to encounter ourselves, including the selves we would like to become. Hypnotherapy forces us to create a strong self-image of who we are, and who we would like to become. Once we realize what we truly want, hypnotherapy can help keep this self-image planted squarely in our subconscious, making it a powerful image that guides us toward successful weight loss.

3. Hypnotherapy helps you get rid of stress. Why should you worry about stress as you work toward your weight loss goal? Many people who strive to lose weight don't realize how stressful their situation is. Weight loss is a stressful! Your very self-image seems guided by the numbers on your bathroom scale. Your morning weigh-in can set the tone for your entire day. The number that flashes across your scale can make the difference between a great day and a lousy one. Hypnotherapy can be a powerful de-stressing tool in a stressful time. By controlling stress, you will be more successful at keeping motivated and fueled for weight loss success. The more positive and relaxed you are, the less likely that you will fall prey to comfort or binge eating, lack of motivation, or other unhealthy behaviors.

4. Establish healthy habits. One of the greatest attributes of hypnotherapy is that it can help you establish healthy habits that promote weight loss. Are you drawn to desserts after a bad day at work? Do you eat when you're bored? Hypnotherapy can help you control this type of emotional eating by gently reminding you to eat only when you are hungry. Do you lack the motivation to start an exercise routine after years of inactivity? Are you afraid that all your hard work will not pay off? Hypnotherapy can help quell fears and raise your motivation by putting a positive spin on your weight loss experience. Reframing the idea of weight loss as something positive, even relaxing, can help make the experience less of an emotional rollercoaster.

Hope that helps?

Take care


2006-10-06 19:53:03 · answer #1 · answered by Paul 3 · 1 0

Well first off is a healhy diet and stick to it NO SODA EVER. at first it is hard habit to break but after a month you dont even want soda anymore stick to WATER. that right there is like a couple pounds a year you wont have. Next is to Google how many calories you need to eat to maintain a steady weight loss but staying healthy well doing it.. Eat Lean meats if eating meats. and stay away from chips and such a good alternative is those pop chips there half the calories and come in good flavors if your having a craving..Also eat slower so your stomach can digest and tell you when its actually full so you don't over eat DRINK PLENTY OF WATER. I know your cardio inst at its tip top shape but i strongly encourage you to cause this is a must! go for 45 minute walk/run so run for 2 minutes walk for 3 and keep that going daily til your cardio builds up then slowly increase the running.. also 15-20 mins of simple ab work outs like crunches a twist on the floor 1 hour of exercise a day wont kill you! and remember its so worth it.. Don't except the changes to be instant but stick with it and you'll get there! Good luck!

2014-06-18 08:28:13 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Never tried it but question is why would you want to? Sounds like a gimmick to me. There is no secret trick to losing weight. If you truly want to lose weight and get in shape then you have to be willing to give up the junk food (soda, chips, and ice cream included), eat appropriate portion sizes at meals, and get a regular form of exercise a few times per week. Once you stick with this routine the weight will come off. You just can’t expect a miracle to happen overnight. That’ not how the weight loss process works. However if you are willing to give it your complete effort for 6 months, you will notice a HUGE difference from where you started. Here’s a great place to start for all things health and fitness related

2014-06-29 07:30:50 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The best range to lose weight in is 1 to 2.5 lbs a week. This will allow your body to accustom itself to the loss and the skin to regain its prestretched stage. Losing weight too quickly will cause the skin of abdomen, chest and inner thighs to sag, possibly dramatically. I don’t personally believe in any of the fad diets that keep showing up. I think that they put your body into an unhealthy famine mode which will cause you to gain the fat right back if you start to eat normally again. The best idea is to eliminate all junk food. You can do a cheat day if you need to but don’t go overboard. Eat balanced meals of reasonable size. Overeating will cause your stomach to be too large and you will still feel hungry when you’re not. Also have lots of healthy snacks during the day. Ideally you’ll want to eat 5 or 6 small meals throughout the day. Carry food with you so you aren’t tempted to eat unhealthily when you’re out of the house. And don’t buy unhealthy foods. Get foods that are low in bad fats—we do need fat to survive but not saturated fat. Minimize the processed flours and sugars, no white bread, no sugar. Choose leaner meats and protein sources. Don’t expect to eat pizza and burritos all the time and lose weight. And eat tons of vegetables. Eat salads, steamed vegetables and raw vegetables too. You can’t eat so much celery that you’ll get fat. Don’t eat too much fruit or things containing high fructose corn syrup. The reason is that fructose is hard on the liver because it can only be metabolized there. You can eat fruit during or after a workout. Don’t eat late at night because your body will turn it into fat. Eat a smaller amount of calories than needed to maintain your weight. You have burn more than you intake. Always exercise. Cardio especially, but weights are good too. Don’t give up. You’ll be glad you chose to lose the weight.

2016-03-27 05:28:17 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

There are two most important things for your fast and permanent weight loss. The first is your diet and second is exercise. You should have to take good and healthy diet which maintain energy level in your body and reduces calories and fats throughout your body. You should have also to do some exercise on a regular basis because it is helpful to cut fat from your body, which is very necessary for your effective weight loss. Try these two points to lose your body weight perfectly.

2014-01-19 20:29:39 · answer #5 · answered by albert 1 · 0 0

I think it's important to understand that the best weight loss program differs from individual to another. So, when you're looking for a weight loss program, it's essential+ to look for one that will meet your needs and set you up for long-term success.

After some detailed digging on the internet, i found a video in youtube that explained an effective 12 week weight loss program in detail. I followed the steps and the results were amazing. I have placed the link below and make sure you pay attention to detail in this 30minute video. Hope it works for you as it has done for me the past few weeks.

Here is the video link

2014-05-19 07:00:10 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Get tips from weight loss community

2016-04-22 12:50:12 · answer #7 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

10 weight-loss tips to help you shed pounds and feel great.

1. Set healthy goals.
2. Look to Canada's Food Guide for healthy meal choices.
3. Cut 500 calories a day.
4. Keep a food journal.
5. Drink a glass of water before eating.
6. Satisfy your sweet tooth with fruit.
7. Replace calorie-laden drinks with water.
8. Eat slowly.
9. Replace TV time with workout time.
10. Stay motivated.

2014-05-26 00:46:03 · answer #8 · answered by ? 2 · 0 1

Bonehead workout mistake #3: Starving yourself

A calorie deficit is the only way to lose body fat. However, the caloric deficit must be kept small. When calories are cut too much, or held too low for too long, your body thinks you are starving and sets into motion a series of metabolic and hormonal events, which ultimately result in muscle loss, slow metabolism and plateaus. Your body is like a power plant or furnace and when you don’t feed the fire, your metabolic flame dwindles to a flicker, producing less heat and less energy. That’s why not eating enough is one of the biggest mistakes of all.

Kick butt workout tip #3: Eat more, burn more

Did it ever occur to you that if you exercise more you can eat more and that this is a more effective fat loss strategy than eating less and exercising less? To lose body fat, you must create a calorie deficit. A deficit can be created by exercising more, eating less, or ideally, with a combination of both. The best combination of all is a small decrease in calories accompanied by a large increase in activity. Think about it: Decreasing calories slows your metabolism. Increasing calories increases your metabolism. Exercise increases your metabolism.

Therefore, eat more, exercise more = double increase in metabolism. Eat less, don’t exercise = double decrease in metabolism. This is the entire premise of my Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle System and that’s why the program is so powerful and has helped tens of thousands of people lose fat without depriving themselves. Yes, starving is for boneheads.

Bonehead workout mistake #4: Skipping scheduled workouts

A great body doesn’t happen overnight. Successful body transformation is the cumulative result of dozens or even hundreds of successful workouts. Each workout brings you one small step closer to your goal. Each workout missed takes you one small step backwards. Most people underestimate the cumulative effect of each small step. They figure that “It just doesn’t matter… it’s only one workout.” If you don’t think that one little workout matters, then think about the humble termite; they’re such itty bitty little creatures and they take such itty bitty little bites, yet when enough little bites are taken, an entire building can come crumbling down.

2015-02-25 09:34:36 · answer #9 · answered by Yellow 2 · 1 0

Losing weight requires many changes, including extra time spent planning meals and working in exercise, but you don't necessarily have to alter every aspect of your life. Taking a 15-minute walk today instead of watching 15 more minutes of TV before bed can be all it takes to form the exercise habit and train you to begin looking forward to your walk just as you do a favorite show. Spend the time you would have used to go to a restaurant to stop by the grocery store and just nab some fresh produce. Taking lunch from home instead of getting fast food takes preparation, but it also will give you more time to relax, read a book or take a walk on your lunch break. The time is there, you just need to change how you use it.

2014-04-06 09:20:36 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

There is a better way to lose your weight other that hypnotizing yourself, Use natural food in your diet for example can u believe eating chocolate can help u reduce weight?
here is how
Why you need it: Cant resist a little rich chocolate? No need to: Dark chocolate—and other foods high in antioxidants—may help prevent the accumulation of fat cells in the body, a precursor to heart disease and obesity, according to new research from Taiwan published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry.

Best way to work it in: Melt a half-ounce of dark chocolate in the microwave for 30 seconds and spread it on half a graham cracker; its just 98 calories.

2014-04-22 02:41:51 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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