A major roadblock in gays and lesbians getting the right to marry is the implication that they'll be granted full rights to raise children, but a great deal of people who are against gay marraige (who are wise enough to exclude religious implications, since no one cares about what God thinks anymore these days) are afraid that gays who raise children will raise them homosexual.
Has anyone yet thought of conducting an experiment where exceptionally young foster children are given into custody of gay, lesbian, and straight parents and their behavior and development is carefully monitored over the course of their lives? It's already upsetting to enough people that gays come out of straight homes, but don't we need to carefully study which household brings about which sexuality? If the results of the experiment follow no recognizable pattern, then it would be proven that sexuality of the children is NOT a result of the sexuality of the parents, and gays could be allowed to have kids.
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Family & Relationships
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