Sometimes we may mistake obsession for love. It is good that she realizes and tells you early rather than hanging on with no feelings. It could be that she wants to fight for someone she thinks that it is best for her... it may sound selfish but no one can influence her choice. Do not blame her for it could turn out to be good or bad. Considering to be her friend... you should ask yourself if you are comfortable with this "friendship". If not, it's always ok to reject =)
2006-10-05 21:57:24
answer #1
answered by Mindy T 2
It sounds like at the time she said she loves you she was confused and hurt by her breakup with her boy friend. Now she realized this when she is getting back with her ex..
Though it is hard to accept this you should move on and never accept her as your friend any more cause it would get you more harm than use.
2006-10-06 06:03:20
answer #2
answered by Sam 3
Ya, I'd be her friend. It's a weak move to just drop her. I'd just give her space. If you think she's making the wrong decision, I'd tell her once. But not in an angry way. There's nothing to be mad about. She does whats best for her, and so should you. Keep dating/meeting new people. If she needs you, she knows your number. It will work out best that way.
2006-10-06 04:59:40
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
i guess it was just infatuation - not love.
many people think that when they're infatuated by someone, it's love.
but it's totally wrong.
if i were you, i would not be her friend.
it's like you were just a plan B to her to get back with her ex.
or what's worse, you might not even have been a plan B.
no girl wants a playboy.
and no guy - hopefully including you - would want a playgirl.
it just wont be fair on you.
move on, and you'll be so much happier with life.
trust me.
everyone's gotta move on sometime.
2006-10-06 04:56:34
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Feelings change. She still cares about you and it's good there's communication going on between you two. Let her go and move on. There are plenty of fish in the sea.
2006-10-06 04:54:41
answer #5
answered by scarlettboca 4
No, if you become her friend she will only use you as a stand by. This girl wants to have her cake and eat it too. Don't let her keep playing with your emotions. Let her go and move on.
2006-10-06 04:53:07
answer #6
answered by kamsmom 5
i wud. its happened 2 me a few times, but da ova way round. Sometimes it mite b gud 4 u, it mite jus b a FRIEND sort of love. Move On. gud luck!
2006-10-06 04:59:22
answer #7
answered by lily w 1
Maybe she had never cut links with her EX and was just trying out new pastures, its not only guys that are interested in different girls. Also maybe she found something missing in you that her EX had.
2006-10-06 04:52:51
answer #8
answered by ashok kumar 3
She is a rolling stone.Leave her.Period. She is not worth thinking about leave aside friendship.
2006-10-06 04:53:30
answer #9
answered by shribharatpshubh 3
let her go hun not much u can do or just give her time to get her head round the prob iam a lady so if it was me let me go or just be there for me latter
2006-10-06 04:56:47
answer #10
answered by erowe12jb 2