My little brother is Celiac, so I kind of understand what you're going through. It's been a tough adjustment for him( he's almost 11) But its working out okay. He eats this certain bread, called tapioca bread, and he seems to like it better than all the other stuff they have out there. We use rice flour and potato flour for his "special" cookies and everything!! There's a lot of Wheat free cook books out there, so maybe you can find a good one that will fit your taste! There are tons of groups online for Celiac's disease, you just have to find the right one for you!
2006-10-05 19:09:19
answer #1
answered by allison w 2
I would do a few things to fix this issue.
1) Induce Nutrition that goes into the blood instantly (like superfood) instead of digesting food which is a harder process (your issue currently).
2) Do a cleanse of the body (especially a colon cleanse).
3) Fix your allergy issue with cleanses and herbs.
Physical discomfort, irritation or reaction to specific substances which cause no hypersensitivity in the nonsensitive.
The patient may sneeze and cough, suffer from a running nose and excess mucus, and have swollen or irritated eyes. The skin may erupt in rashes, and there may be headache or sore throat as in a common cold.
When certain foods are eaten, toxins are stirred up in the body which has an excessive retention of waste matter.
Dr. Harold Thomas Hyman, M.D., in his book Handbook of Differential Diagnosis (Philadelphia, London, Montreal: J.B. Lippincott Co.) explains that despite limitations in current understanding of the problem, the state of allergy is described best as "a perversion or perversions of the mechanisms of host-defense." Several pages then continue to explain whether the allergies are histamine versus tuberculin type and the many tests, clinically, to determine the cause. The cause can be pollens, plants, micro-organisms and their products, animal tissues, digestants, cosmetics, drugs, serums, articles of clothing, dyes, industrial products, physical modalities (heat, cold, solar energy, etc.), and psychic tensions. The first step in cleaning up the cause of allergies is to work on rebuilding the bowel area to a "healthy action."
Herbal Aids:
1. General Instructions: Clean the blood stream with a good herbal tea such as the red clover combination tea, which consists of red clover blossoms, chaparral, licorice root, poke root, peach bark, Oregon grape root, stillingia, prickly ash bark, burdock root, and buckthorn bark. A very fine herbal remedy for allergies, hay fever and sinus conditions is an herbal combination as follows: Brigham tea, marshmallow root, juniper berries, golden seal root, chaparral, burdock root, parsley root, cayenne, lobelia. Adult dose: one cup morning and evening. Another aid for sinus-stopped-up head and nose is our horseradish combination.
Preparation: Blend fresh, chopped-up horseradish roots into apple cider vinegar into a pulp (thick) and chew thoroughly before swallowing (one-eighth teaspoonful) three times in a day. Each three days increase this amount from one-eighth teaspoon up to one teaspoon.
2.Other Treatment:
Use the three-day cleanse each thirty days, or at least each three months and follow the mucusless diet.
Be sure to drink at least one gallon of distilled water per day for an adult of average size. We use one ounce of distilled water to each pound of weight per day--20 ounces for a 20-pound child. One who weighs 130 pounds would use 130 ounces per day, or about one gallon.
3. Dr. Christopher's Formula for Allergies, Sinus, Hay Fever: (Sha Tea) This is an aid for clearing up these malfunctions, a "natural and herbal help" working as a decongestant and natural antihistamine to dry up the sinuses and expel from the head and broncho-pulmonary tubes and passages the offending stoppage and mucus. This formula consists of the following herbs: Brigham tea, marshmallow root, juniper berries, golden seal root, chaparral, burdock root, parsley root and lobelia.
To speed up this cleansing procedure, use the following combination in addition to the above: blend fresh, chopped-up horseradish roots mixed with apple cider vinegar into a thick pulp and chew thoroughly before swallowing. Take 1/3 teaspoon three times in a day. Each three days increase this amount from 1/3 teaspoon up to one teaspoon, increasing the amount 1/3 teaspoon each three days.
4. Dr. Christopher's Blood Circulation Combination: (BPE) This formula is given to assist blood purifying teas to work more efficiently and to also aid the clearing up of allergies, etc. This group of herbs feeds cayenne (a stimulant) and ginger (stimulant) into the circulatory system where the cayenne works from the bloodstream to the heart and arteries, out into the veins. The other herbs in the formula assist these two herbs and work together to equalize the blood pressure (whether high or low) and to bring it to a good systolic over the diastolic reading. Blood flow is life itself. The blood circulatory combination consists of ginger, cayenne, golden seal, ginseng, parsley and garlic.
2006-10-05 19:17:30
answer #6
answered by Anonymous