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she was was not taken as" urgent"-hours later the ER personnel discovered the lady's mother slumped over and not breathing.-She died.Should 'nt there be an investigation and terminations? shouldn't people be held accountable?

2006-10-05 15:49:41 · 8 answers · asked by Pooks 6 in Health Diseases & Conditions Other - Diseases

she was seen and was labeled "not urgent".

2006-10-07 04:08:27 · update #1

8 answers

its called malpractice, id sue the hell out of them. and if that didnt work i would kick their sorry asses from here to there.

2006-10-10 06:13:32 · answer #1 · answered by duc602 7 · 1 0

It would depend on how the mother was presented to the ER personnel. As an EMT, I have seen heart attack patients who have looked perfectly normal when we arrived showing no signs or symptoms of the attack. If this was the case in this situation and neither the mother nor daughter seemed to be too disturbed or excited about their situation, then it would be hard to put blame for the mothers death on ER personnel. If the ER was involved with a multi vehicle accident, or several other patients entering the ER with more serious injury presentations in a short period of time, they cant be expected to get too excited over someone who shows no outward signs or symptoms of their problem. Normal triage would tent to place this lady near the bottom of the list. If anyone should be held accountable, it sould be the daughter. It sounds like she dropped Mom of and left her allone. Nice daughter!! Glad she isn't mine.

2006-10-05 16:24:05 · answer #2 · answered by Thumper 1 · 2 0

Yes I think so especially if the ER did not do any check up on her before allowing her to just sit there and die.
They check you in, check you to a small degree, or should have. I'd be on this so fast with a attorney etc. How horrible that was. If she had heart problems before..she should have been wheeled back into a room in ER. A stint in her veins as well should put her at the top of the list. All patients who enter a ER with chest pains go first to be seen. They do not wait.

2006-10-05 16:35:49 · answer #3 · answered by Lore 6 · 0 0

This is an example of the best reason to go to the ER in an ambulance if you have the LEAST suspicion that a problem is an imminent threat to life. A patient coming to the ER in an ambulance is practically always seen immediately; better to be safe than sorry.

2006-10-05 16:51:21 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ya know I would sure hope so. But unless she was checked by triage first, I dout even then anyone will be accountable. That is a shame and I would hope something could be done. Time to speak to a lawyer or post this question under another legals. Good Luck and sorry for that poor womans family.

2006-10-05 16:06:38 · answer #5 · answered by ascendent2 4 · 0 0

Well if that was my mother I would have made a fuss long before hours past. Why did the staff have to notice her slumping, where was the daughter? As far as them being held accountable talk to a lawyer.

2006-10-05 15:58:38 · answer #6 · answered by chrissy 2 · 0 0

Nope.....unless there was signs of urgency in which case they would have taken her vitals right then and there. Sometimes people die.

2006-10-05 15:53:27 · answer #7 · answered by jen 2 · 0 1

ohh yes, i would probably sue.Only because they knew she was sick or something was wrong with her.They should have ran tests.And saw wat was the problem with her.Now she is dead a shame

2006-10-05 16:04:34 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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