You may need to see an MD in order to get over this episode. However you need to do some things in order to prevent this in the future and to help you get this stuff out as well.
You really need to make sure that you are getting enough water in a day, every day. A good rule of thumb is one ounce of water per half pound of body weight. (for example is you weigh 120 lbs, you need 60 ounces.)
You also need a good deal of fiber in your daily intake. Eat foods that are high in fiber and/or take fiber supplements in your water a few times a day for now.
You might consider a fruit and vegetable fast for 7 to 10 days in order to kickstart your colon.
I know it's miserable, but make a few changes and you will get better and stay better.
Good luck and God Bless!
2006-10-05 15:54:23
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
1. Drink lots and lots of water. It will cure you. I have seen people losing kidney stones, weight, constipation by drinking water. I recommend to drink atleast 8 liters/day (as you seem to be in a critical condition).
2. Take lots of fibrous foods.
3. Have tamarind juice. I know its sour to drink. Try making a recipe with it like "rasam (Indian recipe)". In India people generally have rasam when they have constipation
4. Google around and avoid foods that may cause constipation.
5. Dont despair. Do you know that your sub-consious mind may be working against you. Your body does what you believe to be true. So if you think that you wont pass stool, you wont. So keep thinking that you have been cured (this need not be true but your sub-consious mind will think it is) and with a little patience you will get cured.
Best of luck!!!
2006-10-05 22:52:39
answer #2
answered by TruthSeeker 2
Have you got some pumpkin you can cook up and eat. Pumpkin is very good for your digestive tract.
For the moment as you are in pain lay down on your back. You may need to put a few drops of oil on your stomach. I want you to massage with your hands, clockwise from your belly-button and work outwards, whilst you are doing this you need to start to push down with your (perhaps) fist as hard as you can stand it. Continue to work from the belly-button outwards. You will feel where the build up of '****' is, do this for as long as you can (perhaps 5-10 mins). This should help push everything down further and help you go. Good luck and all the best.
The best thing you can do for yourself is to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables and eat lots of pumpkin and or sweet potato, aids in digestion. Licorice, and cashew nuts are also another alternative to pills and doctors.
2006-10-05 22:55:55
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You definitely need to see a doctor, asap.
I had problems with constipation because I did not eat much fiber in my diet. I ended up getting hemorrhoids because of years of straining to push it out. All this was because I ate a diet rich in refined foods and low in fiber.
After an operation to correct the hemorrhoids, I changed my diet so that I always get plenty of roughage every day. Now the problem is gone. To make sure I get enough fiber, I eat a heaping teaspooon of psyllium husk powder every day at breakfast with a big glass of water.
You don't say what your diet is like, but I bet you don't eat much roughage. Try to eat enough foods with fiber like veggies and whole grains, and less food like white bread and pastry and sugary foods. To solve your acute pain, you need to see a doctor. But after that problem is solved, you probably need to change your diet a bit to keep it from recurring. Good luck!
2006-10-05 22:49:08
answer #4
answered by Mark V 4
go get a massage SERIUOSLY. tell the practitioner of your problem there is a certain massage for the stomach that helps relieve your problem. basically the pactitioner will aplly their strokes to your stomach region in a circular movement while despersing the majority of the wieght of their hand from the palm to the finger tips this should help with digestion. if you choose to do it yourself be sure to do your strokes clockwise. or else you can risk backing yourself up even more.
ALTERNATVE MEDICINE it really works.
2006-10-06 03:03:55
answer #5
answered by jm 3
My mom has a really bad constipation problem, nothing works for her but this, SHE ORDERS it from the internet and it's the only thing that works for her
It's German and all natural. I think they sell the tea to prepare, it doesnt taste good so I recommend you buy the pills.
2006-10-05 22:34:08
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You have a case of Obstipation and it sounds like you need to attack it from the other end, so I recommend lots of water and a colonic. Most colonics have activated charcoal as the active ingredient, which is safe to ingest. You can find herbal over the counter versions that you can take every 6 months or so. I would recommend that you take several doses at over a few days because this sounds like it is a case of bad impaction. I also you recommend that you pick up some Colace, which is the brand name for Docusate Sodium. It is stool softener that is much safer than taking so many laxatives, I have been taking it for years.
According to Wikipedia:
Avoid diuretics (which drain the water from your body) and those foods or medication containing a high amount of iron, calcium, aluminium. I would also start consuming more vegetables and fruit, whole meal bread and by adding linseeds to one's diet. ( The routine non-medical use of laxatives is to be discouraged as this may result in bowel action becoming dependent upon their use. Enemas can be used to provide a form of mechanical stimulation.
To avoid this in the future you will have to increase your intake of water. I have had problems like this (but not so deep) for years. I have to take a lot of medications and a lot of them cause constipation. A nurse once told me that the GI track is last on the list of the body’s systems that gets water. So you need to increase the water intake. If your urine comes out pale yellow then you are receiving enough water, if it is darker then you should increase the water intake. If it comes out clear then you are getting more than enough water.
Prune Juice also has a liquefying nature, which is why it is popular with older people. I have found that Fig Newton’s work well for me, and taste better.
You also need to increase the amount of fiber in your diet. Whole Grains and lettuce help. I take fiber pills myself. There are fiber sources that can be chewed, put into a drink, or just swallowed as pills. Fiber won’t hurt your stomach; it’s just more of the stuff that you normally eat.
Medically I have been prescribed Docusate Sodium; it is also available over the counter. It is a safer than laxatives for the long-term use. I have been taking it for years and I haven’t had any problems with it yet. You can also pick up an enema kit in the drug store. They work pretty promptly, and will give you stomach pain though.
A little GI bleeding is normal, but too much can cause problems. If the blood gets into the feces it’s clotting agents can make it hard. Then hard stools can cause tears in the GI track, which could cause more intestinal bleeding, and increase your problem. So prompt attention to this problem is necessary. If you see blood in your stools, or if you have tarry stools, or those with black streaks then that could be a sign of intestinal bleeding.
Some fleet enema kit contains phosphates, which causes spasms in the colon to eject the stool. I wouldn’t recommend using this, as they will cause cramps and may make the situation worse. I think you should look for enemas or pills containing eucalyptol suppositories (According to Wikipedia: it is a natural organic compound which is a colorless liquid. It is used in flavoring from cigarettes to the ingredient in many brands of mouthwash and cough suppressant. These type of enemas should be safer.
Aviod taking anti-inflammatories like Motrin or Aleve since they can increase constipation (I know from first hand experience).
I would recommend avoiding Sorbitol:
“Sorbitol, also known as glucitol, is a sugar alcohol the body metabolises slowly. It is obtained by hydrogenation of glucose changing the aldehyde group to an additional hydroxyl group hence the name sugar alcohol.
Sorbitol is used in various cough syrups, and is usually listed under the innactive ingredients. There is a growing opinion within the medical community that it should be listed as an active ingredient, because too much Sorbitol (about 10g or more for adults) can cause severe gastro-intetinal problems.
Sorbitol is a sugar substitute often used in diet foods (including diet drinks) and sugar-free chewing gum. It also occurs naturally in many stone fruits. Sorbitol is also referred to as a nutritive sweetener because it provides calories or energy to the diet - 2.6 calories (11 kilojoules) per gram versus the average 4 calories (17 kJ) of sugar and starch, while retaining 60% of the sweetness.”
Ingesting large amounts of sorbitol can lead to some abdominal pain, gas, and mild to severe diarrhea. Sorbitol can also aggravate irritable bowel syndrome and fructose malabsorption.”
You should talk with your doctor about having your stool tested for blood. If there is no blood in your stool then something else must be wrong, and you might be able to avoid the Colon Exam. In a Colon Exam the radiologist makes a visual inspection of the lower G.I. tract (been there, done that, not so fun). Normally it is only done to detect signs of cancer, but one big cause of impaction like this is bleeding in the G.I. tract. That may explain what caused it, and that could be a serious problem. (You have to stop eating anything except for clear fluids for a few days, and take some accelerants to flush out the last of the stool, then when you go to the exam they have you lay on your side on a x-ray table while feeding a fiber optic into your G.I. track to inspect the inside of the colon--like I said it isn't fun).
The causes could be anxiety, taking too many narcotics, Hypothyroidism (slow-acting thyroid gland), some sort of constriction, where part of the intestine or rectum is narrowed or blocked, not allowing feces to pass, tumors or irritable bowel syndrome.
2006-10-05 23:21:09
answer #7
answered by Dan S 7
Find a place that offers colon cleansing.I t is like an enema but MUCH more intense (lot more water). Look in the telephone directory for health spas in your area that offers this service.
2006-10-05 22:35:28
answer #8
answered by angel1 1
Sauerkraut or juice. Prunes or juice. Lots of either. Lay off starchy foods. Lay off meats. eat veggiies. Saurkraut juice will do it.
2006-10-05 22:56:34
answer #9
answered by duaner87421 3
if you make this concoction, it's guaranteed to work. in a blender, mix some raisins, prunes, prune juice, pineapple juice, coffee, tobacco, 1/8 of a habanero pepper, sardines, black beans, mung beans, a red hot chili dog, an onion, some garlic, and a breath mint. drink down as much as you can, then have a cigarette and a cup of black strong coffee. if you can keep it down long enough, it will work!
2006-10-05 22:35:10
answer #10
answered by pinhed_1976 6