He'll miss his friend for a while. But he most likely will get over it. And if you give him a lot of attention, he'll be very attached to you.
You'll need the usual food, water, and litterbox of course. And you'll want toys for him. They don't really have to be fancy: A tennis ball will do, and our cats have the most fun with a wad of paper.
You'll probably want coverred garbage cans so he won't get into the garbage. And you'll want to somehow protect electrical cords from him: Kittens chew, and he's getting old enough to chew a lot, until you break him of it. And you'll want something soft and fuzzy for him to sleep on.
Good luck!
2006-10-05 14:54:27
answer #1
answered by Tigger 7
I also have a male orange tabby (named Garfield). My vet told me that they are the best cat to get. Every male orange tabby he has ever seen has been very friendly, laid back and just an all around great pet. He thinks it has something to do with genetics.
The cat will be fine with you. He may miss the other cat, but will soon get over it. Cats get more attached to places. When you first take your kitten home, DO NOT let him get outside for the first month or he may try to return to your friend's house - no matter how far away it is. Cats are originally from the desert and like warm places - put a warm blanket in a box in a warm place and kitty will be happy. I use old baby baskets from a yard sale for beds for my cats. They love them and they look very cute.
Make sure there are no dangerous items in your basement that the cat might get into. Some examples are - car batteries, car engine fluids, cleaning products, poisonous plants etc. Anti-freeze is the worst. It tastes sweet and cats love to drink it. Make sure you put anything like this in a well sealed container (or out in the garage if you have one). Don't just move them to a shelf as your cat can easily jump up to it.
Cats are very easy to care for. They sleep up to 16 hours a day. The best food for them is a good quality dry food and a bit of canned food (they need the moisture content). All they drink is water. Do not give your cat cows milk - it upsets their stomach and often causes diarrhoea. You can buy special milk for cats. It comes in little juice boxes at most stores. If you can afford one, buy a water fountain that keeps the water flowing at all times. It keeps the water fresh and cold and your cat will drink more. Neutered male cats are very susceptible to urinary tract problems. After several vet bills - I finally bought a fountain.
Don't spend a lot of money on cat toys. They usually prefer common household items such as string or rope, a ball, a feather, a wad of paper etc. My cats favourite toy is a strip of elastic like you would use when sewing a waist band (about $1 at the dollar store) - I dangle it and they try to catch it. Sometimes I tie something on to the end of it, but they usually prefer just the elastic itself.
I find that the best cat litter is the silicone crystals. They keep the odour down, do not track as much as regular litter and with one cat, you only have to change the box once a month.
Unlike dogs, cats can be left alone for long periods of time. As long as they have food, water and a litter box. You don't have to hurry home to let the cat out. Your cat will quickly become very attached to you and will be happy to see you come home.
Hope this helps.
2006-10-05 14:40:24
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Congrats! you're transforming into a kitten! that's an exceedingly lengthy relationship - very like having little ones so be easily particular you're waiting. keep in mind cats can stay for round two decades or extra - so that's a lengthy time period. yet i'm particular you understand this and performance idea it throughly through. I truly have connected some web content that i imagine you'll truly take excitement in and provides you with much of information it quite is critical. the most important challenge your kitten will favor is love, as long as you've that, you're earlier than the game. Plus: Potty practise is difficulty-free for kittens. in simple terms you should actually keep them in a smaller room - no longer roaming the homestead. they're too small to have the full homestead and could ignore the position the "potty" is placed in a house. position them in a room (preferrably with a window) and position the cat littler in that room. teach the kitten some cases. The kitten will keep in mind and use all of it the time, as long as you do not flow it. Then, your kitten is educated. No complications. different issues to keep in mind: Your kitten will favor 3 instruments of photos once you first undertake her into your existence. you'll favor to visit the vet once you get him/her to get those photos. Plus, not in any respect ever feed a kitten or cat milk. that's in simple terms too harsh for a cat's abdomen and may want to kill the cat in the destiny. do not pay interest to all and sundry that tells you to finish that. With this in options, you're waiting for a kitten! Yay!
2016-12-04 07:53:41
answer #3
answered by ? 3
I think that you should get a book on cats at the pet store or ask a emploee about what you need to learn to take care of your kitten or cat!!!
2006-10-05 14:26:47
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
OK, three things: 1-Don't ever microwave Pumpkin for more than 10 seconds. I find that microwaving kittens for longer tends to leave them emotionally scarred. 2-Make sure you get hime neutered as cats breed like I do in my porno-ridden dreams. 3-Make sure to love him a lot!
2006-10-05 14:16:50
answer #5
answered by equipmentandstuff 2
first, you should make sure there is nothing down in the basement that can hurt you kitten. then get him some toys, and give him lots of love and he'll be fine.
2006-10-05 15:07:47
answer #6
answered by meow 2
your kitty is at an excellent age to be on his own w/ you. provide balls for him to chase. plants are a noo but aloe vera is ok,trust me my cats never got sick off of it. When you do go out,play the t.v. for him. they love the voices and picture. play w/ him alot and do get him altered. this will prevent spraying but not altogether. If he acts lonely get him a playmate. good luck!!
2006-10-05 14:13:45
answer #7
answered by Butterfly100 2
take the best care that you can give....cats can be a very sweet pets.
2006-10-05 14:18:44
answer #8
answered by james ian h 3