No, you need to have the cash available to use a debit card. A credit card is where you are loaned the money more or less. If you pay the money off before the payments are due then you will probably be offered more credit.
2006-10-04 23:41:32
answer #1
answered by Gavin T 7
If you pay it off each month, using the credit card can be cheaper than using a debit card, because many places charge a fee each time you use your debit card. It's usually around 1.50 a transaction, but that can add up quickly.
If you get a credit card that doesn't charge an annual fee, you can use the credit card for free.
Another nice thing about the credit card is that you'll get a detailed statement with your bill, so it's great for letting you see how you're spending your money, and it's also great if you have expenses you can deduct from your taxes--just save the statements and you have all the documentation you need.
Another answer said that you don't build up credit if you pay the bill each month, but if you have some other payments, like a car payment or house payment, you'll still have a history of owing money. Keep the credit card for a really long time, even if you don't use it every month, and it will help your credit.
2006-10-05 06:53:15
answer #2
answered by Yogini108 5
Be very careful with this.
Most credit card companies will start charging interest as soon as they get the info of it being used, and we all know that as soon as the card is swiped, the info is in the system.
You WILL pay interest, just read the fine print and find out how much and adjust from there.
It'll actually be helpful if you pay it off in two installments. Put $50 on it, then pay off $25 at a time. This will help convince them that you're capable of taking care of a debt.
This was one of many things I did to build my credit up again after my ex screwed it up. It took awhile, but I eventually got there. Another thing I did was to buy a car, a truck actually, with a co-signer, and I made sure I paid it off. No matter what else came my way, my truck payment was the first to be paid. This boosted my credit rating like a big dog!! I got one of the cheapest, best looking used ones on the lot, paid $5,000 for it.
2006-10-05 07:05:37
answer #3
answered by Lucianna 6
No, if you don't have cash available in your account when you use your debit card you get charged an overdraft fee.
A credit card bill is due once a month and you keep the money in your account until you pay the bill. If you pay the credit card bill on-line the payment is then similar to a debit card.
2006-10-05 06:45:20
answer #4
answered by waggy_33 6
if you apply for and get a credit card and you purchase items monthly and pay your bill in full you are still building "credit" i have done just that for the past 15 years and my credit rating is A1. Just be careful not to spend more than you an afford to pay at the end of the month or thats where the trouble begins.
2006-10-05 08:13:54
answer #5
answered by gypsy 5
To be completely sure you wont get stung for any fees then you should get a credit card with a 6 or 9 month interest free period & when that runs out switch to another card with the same offer. I am in the middle of doing this at the min.
The natwest are offeriing a good deal 3 types of card free holiday insurance & 9 months interest free.
2006-10-05 06:42:18
answer #6
answered by theprettypoolplayer 2
If you pay the bill on time,you won't get charged with interest on the credit card.The difference between a credit card and a debit card is:When you use your credit card to buy something,it goes on to what you owe already.Let's say you have a $10.00 credit card bill and you go out and buy something that cost $20.00-your credit card bill is $30.00.
When you use a debit card,it automatically takes the money out of your checking account.If you have $30.00 in your checking account and you get $20.00 worth of gas,your balance in your checking account wuld be $10.00.
2006-10-05 06:43:22
answer #7
answered by the_silver_tin_man 3
You get 0% APR for the first 6 months, I pay it off by then and get a different one every 6 months, that is that best way. Your credit will be established quick! If you do that thought, make sure you dont do it a day late!!!! Good Luck! also, dont but food and gas and stuff with your card i did that my first time and It was horrible!!!
2006-10-05 06:48:38
answer #8
answered by ~*Jo*~ 2
Yes but you are in a wrong assumption that doing so will build a good credit.
The golden rule of building or maintaining credit is
"always owe money"
So make sure you always owe some money to the banks else your credit will be stagnant for long.
2006-10-05 06:41:34
answer #9
answered by mapleleafydude 2
No.. they will charge you anyway..unless they have some sort of deal on... Dont worry about it anyway... Zapp that card and make your life a happy one by buying want you want now.. dont worry about the payments ..
2006-10-05 06:40:31
answer #10
answered by Anonymous