No. Find your own man who can give you all of the quality time and attention you will need. A married man can only give so much. He also won't be able to give you the comfort and hugs you need WHEN YOU NEED OR WANT THEM. He can't be as reliable or dependable because he has "other responsibilites" and baggage. Also, you won't be able to talk and bond as much.
Think about what you need and want and if he can give it to you. Is he gonna keep his wife and put you on the back burner for a while or what? Is he a player, a cheater, or really in love? And if he is in love, why hasn't he left and started his new relationship with you? Just don't waste your life chasing fantasies and living off of Hope.
And lastly, (of course you know I had to say this) don't you think it would be a good idea if you found your own guy instead of fooling around with someone elses? How would you feel if he should do this to you?
Oh, by the way, ask him what does he want and need from you? Love, comfort, someone that understands him? Why is he cheating with you in the first place? I don't think it's love.
Brother DzL (AsP)
"The Player's Lifestyle"
2006-10-04 20:11:19
answer #1
answered by mo2dajizzo 5
Well he is how in the first place do you know that he loves you? It sounds like you are stepping between him and his wife. No matter how much you care for this person he is off limits! HE IS MARRIED!!! Until he is seperated or divoriced you have NO business having any sort of personal relationship with him! Maybe you need to let him know that! And sit back and think of your own morals! Would you want to be with a man that could possibly cheat on his wife?
2006-10-04 20:14:42
answer #2
answered by Peachy 1
WOW maximum of those no's yet there are nevertheless adult males and women individuals available dishonest on their spouses. i believe that there are a variety of of ladies those who might want to have an intimate relationship with a married guy and there are a variety of of adult males who might want to have an intimate relationship with a married female. So if you're only attempting to be certain what your possibilities are intense then shame on you, if you're in search of out what maximum women individuals's values are then i'm no longer particular you're transforming into a correct account from right here.
2016-12-04 07:08:27
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Ok, so you love the man, you'll probably continue to love him for the rest of your life, but not all love relationships are meant to last a lifetime. He is a married man, and that means that he is currently involved in a lifetime relationship. Most married men never leave their marriage, because they are just experiencing problems in their marriage. Cheating is a symptom, showing that there are problems in a marriage. He needs to concentrate on the problems in his marriage, and you need to concentrate on leaving him alone so he can do just that. You need to move on, and find happiness elsewhere. You will never be happy or content as long as you are involved with this married man. Gather your self-respect and put this relationship to rest.
2006-10-04 20:03:07
answer #4
answered by Cynthia 5
You should never have an intimate relationship with any married man, whether he's your Professor, or not.
2006-10-04 19:59:16
answer #5
answered by LibraT 4
NO!! pretty simple.
Put yourself in his wifes position. If that was you and you found out your husband was having an affair how would you feel?
Married men rarely leave their wives for someone that is willing to 'give it up' to a married man. They have the best of both worlds. They have a wife that loves them and cooks and cleans and cares for their kids and he has a mistress that is there for the quick thrills he requires between work and home life.
If he wants you as much as you want him, dont do anything until you have solid proof her has left her..
2006-10-04 20:11:04
answer #6
answered by wickedly_funny66 5
if he is your ex professor than i quess that means he is old enough to know better and that you should too women who sleep w/ married men have to have no slef rescept their slf esteem must not be very high and well a man who would say he loves a nother women whom hes not married to is just A JERK! maybe the both of you need to have a talk with GOD so he can tell you all about thou shall not committe adultery!! well you are both old enought to know better and you both have a free will i pray you pray and see that this can go no where
2006-10-04 20:04:45
answer #7
answered by Msdeb gee 6
Affairs never end well. You need to put some distance between yourself and this guy. Imagine how you would feel if you were his wife, and he was lusting after someone else. Angry, devastated, heartbroken? No one deserves to be cheated on, so respect his wife and yourself and get away from this guy. This scenario will never work out in your benefit, and you will end up getting hurt if you pursue a sexual relationship with him. Get out now before you are in too deep.
2006-10-04 20:14:06
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Hey for your own good don't do it ! Remember he told exactly the same thing to his wife back then to marry her, what makes you think he won't do the same thing to you in the future! Once a cheater always a cheater! I care for you and you know it can tear your heart really bad ! find somebody that makes you feel good and that will be faith full
2006-10-04 19:59:55
answer #9
answered by Don1982 2
Don't do it for your own good. Not just a matter of moral, you are still young (sounds like), and you may want to have family with him in the future, will he divorce his wife and be with you?? or you just want to be his lover forever? He sounds like an old, lonely, no sex-life man, just want to have sex with you. If all you want is sex, then go right ahead, but not suggest with any emotional involved.
2006-10-04 20:10:34
answer #10
answered by Mochi 3