A Basenji doesn't bark, per se, but it makes various chuckles, chortles, and yodeling sounds. And they are VERY active dogs. You need a lot of energy to keep up with them.
2006-10-04 19:18:43
answer #1
answered by Wolfeblayde 7
there arent any special kinds of dogs with teh above traits....all dogs are bound to bark but it depends on the nature of the dogs and the training u give them...dogs mainly bark for two reasons when they want ur attention ..which may be for anything ranging from thieves to having a natues call...and the other time is when they are pissed.....which may be if anything new comes in contact........ayh but there is one dog i can suggest go for a LABRADOR......its real active and may also be silent comparwed to other dogs
2006-10-05 10:52:43
answer #2
answered by abhishek b 1
A dog who is not left alone, who is not bored, and who is on good terms with the owner and the neighbours. By the way, in my building there is a golden retriever who never barks, and an irish setter who barks all the time.
2006-10-05 03:14:44
answer #3
answered by cpinatsi 7
Train your dogg. Mine is trained not to bark, but of course he has his times when he barks at guest who get too close to our house, and birds, sometimes, other dogs, mostly stuff dogs bark at. Dogs are only human.... I mean, dogs. lol
2006-10-05 02:24:29
answer #4
answered by Rayman 2
All dogs will make some noise!
BTW, the Basenji doesn't bark but does make this terrible loud wail
2006-10-05 10:55:47
answer #5
answered by whpptwmn 5
hi,it would be very active but not silent as "barking dogs seldom bite"and it does'nt bark so it would rather bite.
2006-10-05 02:29:06
answer #6
answered by shreya 2
Japanese Akita and it is a wonderful breed to have around children and is one of the most devoted dogs in the world.
2006-10-05 05:54:34
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
why don.t u get a cat for urself....???
hw can a dog be active but silent and not bark....???
its a dog not a stuff toy dude...!!!
2006-10-05 02:27:46
answer #8
answered by riya 2
There arent alot of dogs lke that. But if you train it it will be quiet and find something like a beagle or husky. They are very active
2006-10-05 02:22:16
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
great dane is the largest dog. he does'n bark much. he is very big and has the largest hieght than any other dog. he is very simple.
2006-10-05 07:36:31
answer #10
answered by abhi 1