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6 answers

There are the Romanian WASR-10 and the Norinco MAK-90, both are exact copies of the real AK-47 and cost around $300-$500, they should be common at any gun store. If your state allows fully-automatic weapons (which many do), you can apply for a Class 3 weapon license, which is a tax allowing you to buy a full-auto weapon. Then you could have a real AK-47 if you can afford it.

Here is a list of all the states that allow class 3 weapons...

Oh, and "Jesse D" only 8 states do not allow automatic weapons, it really irratates me when people talk about guns and have no idea what they are talking about.

2006-10-07 15:14:27 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The SKS is essentially same weapon in semi auto form,it will also depend on where you live as to what you can own,ie clip capacity etc. The SKS sporter by the way uses standard AK-47 clips rather than the unwieldy clips the chinese saw fit to design for SKS. You can by the way contrary to popular myth own full auto firearms in some jurisdictions with proper backround checks and licensing,contact ATF for info if that interests you. But it's expensive and time consuming and unless you have some real interest in full auto totally useless,full auto is highly overrated, better to be accurate with a fast trigger finger.

2006-10-04 23:22:46 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

i think that i will start from the begining, the sks was first conceved in 1943 by a man named sergai siminov it was a semi automatic only wepon and the first to fire the 7.62X39 cartridge, the creator of the ak-47 was working under siminov on the design as his apperintace per say, keleshnicov the creator of the ak-47 more or less barrowed the basics desighn of the sks to concive the ak-47 introduced in 1947 but did not realy get fully issued untill 1949, the sks can be converted to full auto but i would not recomend is because a newer sks is conciderd to be made in 1975, and they are not realy desighned to be fired that way, it is legal to own a ak-47 but it has to have a certain number of american made parts in it to be legal, dont ask me why its a stupid goverment rule, you can own a semi auto ak but i saw on some of the answers some one was talking about a tax stamp to own a full auto, that is not true you cannot own a full auto ak in the usa its horrably illegal and you will get ten years in jail, if you check around on the internet you can find a good price on a ak or a sks check j&g sales in prescott az, or shotgun news good luck sorry about the spelling

2006-10-05 02:58:33 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

SKS legal version of the AK 47 both fire the same cartridge you as it stand today you can own a full auto AK47 without restriction to mag capacity if you apply for a tax stamp trhu the AT&F dept of treaury after finger printing backround check and an ok from the local authorities that its not in violation of local ordinaces you may have it transfered to you """" fun to shoot""" owned one

2006-10-05 01:01:07 · answer #4 · answered by aldo 6 · 0 0

I believe you can own an ak-47 in the US, as long as it is semi-automatic, and not fully automatic. However, many people find it is easily altered to become fully automatic.

2006-10-04 22:33:21 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

They are same type of weapon. If you take them apart they are identical.
The only difference is if they are semi automatic or fully automatic.
Only legal in US is semi auto.

2006-10-04 22:40:35 · answer #6 · answered by pj_gal 5 · 0 1

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